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Posts posted by (PSN)WINDMILEYNO

  1. I think melee in this game needs evolve beyond simply button mashing. Thats one buff to his 4 i would hope for, but really for all melee. And stances are still just button mashing. Id like to see a mechanic to choose what kind of damage you would deal, like the upcoming cat frame. Itd be nice if it also worked like metal bats ability from one punch man, but i dont expect anyone to know what that means.

    Secondly, his 1 is really just his 4, so they should have the same length...well, iron jab is just terrible anyways so it probably wouldnt help...


  2. Itd be cool to do it the way infamous does it, or specifically for warframe, to just have it be something on the map you can search for, like the rubedo crystals...theres a part on the scanner where the grineer guy is saying theres warframe energy residue everywhere...so...lots of ideas...at the very least rework energy orbs and how they drop.

  3. Volt

    So heres some captura i did yesterday, and i was thinking when i saw this post that volt kind of alread does these things with his animations, his abilities just dont work that way...DE puts alot of work into art no one will ever really be able to appreciate...

    Discharge should be a really quick think that electrically charges the surrounding environment...in a way, itll be the physical embodiment of speeds description. Speed when cast can also charge smaller areas. This boosts static energy generation, causes sheilds to drain surrounding static energy and hit any nearby targets, and boosts volts shock ability...idk. Sounds cool as something like accelerant, but as the ult, i think it just needs to give more or be less restrictive, thus i never understood the need to deny aircasting...



  4. 6 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

    Please tell me another frame that without mods has a base range of 20 meters and a duration of 12 seconds of hard CC where the enemy is left helpless and unable to do anything.  All while ignorring LoS and dealing stupid high amounts of damage to grouped up enemies.

    Most frames have some combination of below factors to balance out their abilities:
    -Lower base range
    -Lower duration
    -Not "hard" cc (such as Nyx not utterly preventing enemies from doing anything under the influence of Chaos)
    -Can't ignore LoS (such as Radial Blind or Prism)
    -Can't deal damage ontop of all of the other effects
    -Not infintely recastable without any delay what-so-ever

    Discharge had literally zero balancing factors in what it would have been.

    Build doesn't matter at all.

    With the current volt without mods all it takes it 5 enemies near enough to each other to be affected by each others tesla effect and over 12 seconds would deal 42K damage if the damage wasn't capped.
    That is a base level 30 volt without any mods what-so-ever.
    The more enemies are close enough to each other the higher the damage.
    And one of the upcomming changes was supposed to up this damage!  this makes the damage utterly stupid.

    When it comes to Volt and the damage of his 4 it doesn't matter what build he has, just how many enemies there are.

    Just removing the damage cap is one of the ways to gaurantee a stupidly broken frame.

    So there is a reason that DE decided to back off of the volt change.
    A hard CC effect with a base range of 20 meters and a base duration of 12 seconds that ignores LoS and can deal stupidly high damage over the entire duration that has no limits on recasting?  that's just a stupid level of broken.

    I'm glad DE decided not to release that.


    Oh, i guess its not technically hard cc...

    Other than that, i really have nothing else to say...your right, but when people were asking for the damage cap to be removed, i think (i hope) they also meant for the damage to be reduced to reasonable levels. Most seem to only want the stun, and see volt as a cc frame. Well, the only frames that are deemed worth playing seem to be cc frames... In most posts asking for damage cap removal, the common theme is "to hell with the damage". So for DE to increase damage or leave it untouched is entirely on their end. Of course its been said they dont want volt to be a cc frame, and neither do I, but damage frames are seen as pure evil, so what is he supposed to be?

  5. 58 minutes ago, Vilpan said:

    Actually i've got three Volt prime with different specs, two with neutral auras slots. It cost me 3 reactors, 3 exilus and 16 formas.

    I loved the explosion's area didn't pass thrue the shield, but since POE and new mobs, i take explosions in my face with my shield and i feel my Volt duration (6 formas) spec useless.

    Please, don't nerf my spec  cc / range with discharge and capacitance too (7 formas).



    Pure curiosity...are you saying you built 3 different volts? Thats dedication. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Ventura_Highway said:

    There is a change to Volt. Not changes.

    As far as console is concerned, that i can notice, we havnt gotten the second round of changes, only the first one that removed 5 energy per second and such...with that, you have aircast, per meter drain halved (supposed), and a vague sentence about shock having more interactions with discharge...so that aside...how does he handle now?

  7. At least they are starting to listen...i feel like they will eventually get it right if they just keep listening (reading), and by eventually, im hoping its not more than a few months...i am starting to feel bad for mag fans, and zephyr fans...there was trouble with discharge when it first came out with how it spread, so the x and y thing might be the same...as far as the rest, we will see? I think its been a good year and half or so of quality rage posts, we really showed DE (hint of sarcasm) but now that they are doing something, maybe its time for some of those cringy mushy posts that seem to want to thank (suck up to) DE for their hard work? ....iv realized with all the salt iv been bathing in since the original rework, my posts dont even sound the same now, 200% more cynical, scarred for life.

  8. This post is wrong...so wrong...what game have you been playing and what shifty mods have you been stuck with? Weapons far outdamage abilities 9/10, and most powers only serve to boost their damage or cc enemies so they cant move or fight back, more easy weapon kills. Very few warframe powers scale in damage, or do any meaningful damage to begin with.

  9. If they havnt changed aircast discharge to work on a y axis, its either going to happen, negligience or spite. It already shocks things below. Or already did. If changing it screwed things up, i guess ill find out when i load up warframe today. But for arguments sake, if you were on a staircase, enemies at the bottom of the staircase were affected by discharge. I guess it cant path the same way, but the simplest solution isnusing the lightning bolt from volt primes shock using that to touch the ground as if volt was there...i dont know anything about coding but id guess itd be something like that, and then you can even penalize us on the distance it travels along the ground versus how far in the air it had to travel....i just dont understand what is so difficult about any of this, but im not a game developer...

  10. 5 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    yet (as I've said before) the changes to zenurik actually helped frames like ember wof (which for many is one of the most broken abilities due to it's lack of downsides) where they can pop out in their operator and then they get their quick buff to energy and off they go on their merry way with more energy than they had before the focus changes... but at the same time it's hurt frames that need to multi cast abilities due to the synergy of their abilities etc because they don't have that constant refill of energy they need. 


    To the OP, the idea of full energy at the start is one thing that should not happen because it would just allow frames to spam their abilities without any sort of delay, it's bad enough now that frames that have always on damage abilities, combined with low energy usage, can already (and could before the change to focus) press 4 at the very start and before they even run out they'll have come across enough energy to likely fill them fully up and never have to turn 4 off again. 

    Personally my quality of life change would be bringing back the old constant tick of zenurik so that frames that don't have always on abilities can top up between their casts without the extra unnecessary 'forced' step of operator void dashing

    How many abilities work like that? I understand the complaint about ember, but it seems like everyone generally is forced to run dry, not disagreeimg or agreeing with you, but im wondering who else is out there with drain over time ultimates besides Ember because im blanking...

  11. 23 hours ago, Callback said:

    DE has been killing camping for years.  The channel efficiency changes, Greedy Pull being nerfed into the ground, Mesa nerfs, "AFK" penalty that applies even while you're actively playing just for not moving far enough around, Viver destroyed, E Gate destroyed, Draco destroyed, Anything that makes camping in one spot (including in survival missions, wtf?) remotely viable gets immediately trashed by DE.

    DE doesnt mind camping as long as you are actively playing their game (moving your cursor around) and grinding the grind. Cc abilities have only become more common and gotten more ridiculous. They added in nullifiers, changed mags greed pull, even nerfed the amount of loot you get from desecrate, making it really just a healing ability, and changed the spawn points, but never touched banshee. You can sit and do the same thing, anywhere, just not for loot. They never change the power of the frame that enables the gameplay, aside from the one and only exception, mirage.

  12. Everything is done it seems to mitigate the possibility of exploitative powers....so they try and make you run as dry as possible on energy while leaving broken abilities untouched.

  13. Just now, (PS4)Cyotis said:

    Please remove the damage cap. Allow us to mod for CC buy boosting Duration and Range. What ever it takes. Weapons are for damage, abilities do what weapons can't and that is CC. What about diminishing returns on the damage per shock so it is not over powered? As long as the enemy stays locked down for the whole duration, I don't care.

    Cc can go too far sometimes...whats the difference between this and old prism? Thats my measurement. Whats yours? 

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