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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. 15 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    No, you’re arguing that the Bus Thing is what changed things for other countries cuz it’s the starting point for Rosa Parks. And I’m arguing that it’s the speeches that the bus thing lead into her doing are what actually lead to change.

    But that's exactly my point! That one event can eventually blow up into something big. Just as pride marches might eventually cause a significant change in those countries that violate human the most. It's not that difficult to understand.


    4 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    Rosa Parks a bit overrated when you really really think about it IMO. - Some guy. 

    That was just an example that came to mind, that I'm regretting to have used. Should have used Marx instead...

    • Like 3
  2. 1 minute ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    No, we’re just arguing semantics.

    You're just missing the point, I'm not sure if on purpose or not. I'll let you sit on it until tomorrow. Take a look at those links I posted before.

    There is also one video I like that might expand your horizons.




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  3. 1 minute ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    You’d have a point if she only did the bus thing and literally nothing else.

    You know how one thing can lead to another, and then another thing, and then to a bigger thing. Like Rosa Parks "bus thing" can lead to speeches, and those speeches can inspire other people to do similar things in other countries. I don't think I can simplify it more.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    Didn't Rosa Parks go around and give speeches after the bus thing? If so then it wasn’t just the bus thing that influenced Civil Rights movements in other countries. It was her actions following it.

    You're almost there. Now, guess what caused her to go around and give speeches.

    1 minute ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    But you could also be deliberately misrepresenting information.

    A person who has been misrepresenting information for the past hour isn't going to school me.

    • Like 5
  5. 16 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    Except all those women protested IN AMERICA!

    Except they didn't. Women's suffrage I was referring to was a worldwide movement, with its most prominent part having its origins in the UK.

    16 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    Rosa Parks didn’t wanna move IN AMERICA! 

    And yet she influenced civil right movements in other countries.

    16 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    But my your logic. Misgendering is hate speech. So it does punish misgendering.

    My logic doesn't get to decide what is considered hate speech under Canadian law.

    • Like 3
  6. 14 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    It’s not really someone’s existence that bothers me. More the “I exist and you need to refer to me how I want to be referred to regardless of what the reality is”.

    Referring to someone the way they want is basic decency.

    • Like 3
  7. 3 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    Oh yes I’m sure a bunch of naked dudes (and yes there is nudity and pride parades. I’ve seen it) dancing in the street is going to suddenly win over the hearts and minds of every person in the Middle East. No. It does nothing to directly challenge those people’s beliefs.

    I'm sure a bunch of crazy women screaming in the streets is going to suddenly give women the right to vote. I'm sure a black woman refusing to move her seat in a bus is going to suddenly start a civil rights movement in the US. Every movement ever started small.

    11 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    XD. Dude I’m talking about C-16 from years ago. Not recent stuff.

    Then you're wrong again. C-16 is an amendment to the Canadian Human Rights Act that puts gender identity under its protection against discrimination. It doesn't penalise misgendering, it penalises hate speech. Moreover, Canada wasn't "seriously considering" it. They passed the bill in 2017.

    • Like 3
  8. 19 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    Ok, and how does parading around in places you’re already accepted help further your interests in those other countries?

    Don't you think that pride marches also serve to raise awareness that LGBT+ community faces huge obstacles in those countries? Don't you think that maybe, eventually, things in those countries will also start to change, after enough people become more tolerant and less scared? 

    Of course, after they've been already accepted in the west. You seem to think so, but numerous laws in the USA and Europe prove otherwise.


    14 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    Remember when Canada seriously considered a bill that would make misgendering a federal crime?

    That's not true, either. The bill you're referring to doesn't penalise misgendering, it aims to penalise hate crimes against LGBT+. 


    • Like 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    I don’t think you can really cry discrimination anymore when Corporations, Media, and Governments support you.

    That's just so not true, it's laughable. LGBT+ people suffer from discrimination at school, work, are demonised in the media, many countries don't allow same-sex marriages, make transitioning extremely difficult, if not impossible, and that's without those countries where being gay is punished by death. But sure, western companies celebrate pride month, so it doesn't count.


    I'll assume you're just uninformed, rather than malicious, and leave some sources. Do with them what you will.


    • Like 6
  10. 6 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Way to scew what was said while ignoring the sentence following right after the one you quoted. But I guess if you had included the part where I say I enjoyed another show that brought up homosexuality in a good way your narrative wouldnt really have worked. Your whole post is quite simply you trying to uhm I dont know what to call it... Rainbowsplain, gaysplain, queersplain to a straight person. A straight person that has already stated quite clearly they have no problem with gay characters, but a problem with how it was dealt with in 7of9's case and other similar ones. And this goes for all other bad writing aswell, no matter the subject.

    I focused on the first part because you clearly made a distinction between good and bad portrayal of homosexuality. You say you don't have a problem with one, but the other is bad for whatever reason. Why? Because Seven of Nine had relationships with men, and then with a woman? Would you have this problem if her latest partner was a man? You do realise some people are bisexual, or discover they're not straight later in life, right? If there is another reason, do tell. 

    13 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    It isnt cherry picking. It is the most common thing you see when watching news photage of the parades and have been so for a few years. And we arent talking some conservative news channels here, we are talking non-colored public service news that push no opinions whatsoever, they just report from the events and film the parades. Where you see the oversexualized part mixed with the normal, in the middle among children that are there with their families to watch or march.

    A simple google search shows it's not true. And don't start with the children, we both know that's a poor excuse. Pride marches have been happening for decades now, the kids who attend the seem to be fine.

  11. Just now, Letter13 said:

    You really still believe and are trying to peddle this hogwash?

    DE doesn't manage the CN server (that's WeGame). Nor are they owned by the Chinese government (DE's parent company being Leyou/Tencent). While you can certainly argue that Leyou & Tencent have ties to the Chinese government (and they probably do, I won't refute that), they've also been hands-off with the development and direction of the international build of Warframe.

    But this is an entirely different discussion that should be held elsewhere.

    I'll just add to this, that given China's practice of censorship, any LGBT-related announcement would be promptly removed.

    • Like 1
  12. 59 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    While 7of9 being gay or not really wouldnt matter to me, the action of making it a thing that added zero to the show mattered to me, since well, it added absolutely nothing and turned out to be utterly pointless.

    If homosexuality bothers you unless it's relevant to the plot then I don't know what to tell you. Some characters are just going to be gay, just as some people in the real world are gay. We live in a more and more tolerant society and you will see more and more queer characters in fiction. That's just reality.


    1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Not to mention what the parades have turned into during pride celebrations. It has gone from something normal to something that looks more like some porno add due to oversexualization. And it is also how it turns out in most media when they add LGBTQ+ characters, it is all about the sex and little else. Most seem like horney teenagers no matter the age of the character.

    That's cherry picking. There are plenty of pride parades without oversexualisation. People you're describing don't represent everyone, making blanket statements is unfair and harmful.

    • Like 5
  13. The current system only seems complex, however, in reality you will use a setup that can deal well with armour and it will work as well against pretty much anything else. Keeping complexity just for the sake of it is not always the right thing to do, especially when players don't really interact with it and build only for a fraction of available damage types.

    What the rework will hopefully achieve is open possibilities for more varied builds by creating a more level playing field between all the elements, which is infinitely better than what we have now. And you will still be able to carry weapons with different damage types. Recommended doesn't have to mean obligatory.

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