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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. Grind for relics should be reduced. Standard kuva missions should have 100% requiem relic drop rate, kuva floods should provide a relic and have a chance to drop a bonus relic. Also, liches shouldn't be able to steal requiem relics, it's counterproductive. More kuva fissures would be nice as well. So far I saw only rescue with occasional survival.

    When it comes to lich territory, I feel it spreads too quickly. I don't know if it is tied to lich's level, but it should be so that the more powerful a lich gets, the more territory they are able to get. At this moment they seem very powerful from the start; I think there should be more buildup to their growth.

    At the moment lich territory missions don't seem very special. At least new dialogue would be nice, add more context to these missions, for example in exterminate missions npcs could talk about how we're trying to take the area back from under lich's control.

    Finally, lich transmissions should be toned down a little.

  2. 2 minutes ago, CodeVauban said:

    So you're saying its ok when they make us waste our time then?

    Don't put words in my mouth, will you?

    1 minute ago, Gabbynaru said:

    Tell that to Shadow of Mordor, that's exactly how they did it. You could kill them by normal means, but you needed powers to have them join you. I genuinely wouldn't mind that, especially if the Liches could spawn in normal missions too, they'd be a nice distraction like the Stalker or G3, but more of a pain in the a** (especially mine with it's hitscan Tonkor that nails me before I even see it).

    Eh, I prefer the current system, I think the requiem thing is really cool. An I don't want liches to become disposable mini-bosses like the rest. DE should focus on reducing the grind – increase relic drop rates, reduce amount of murmurs required to discover a phrase, stuff like that, but the core should stay as it is.

  3. 3 minutes ago, rockscl said:

    i was thinking about several of those concepts, but cant we expect it all to become a modding optionality?

    I have no problem with modding them for speed and area covered, but as long as we can get interrupted while doing them they are not worth using. Knockdown resistance at least should be a baseline for all charge attacks.

  4. They should make it so we are immune to knockdowns and staggers when doing charge attacks. It would make them much more reliable. Other than that, they should cover a wider area around us and maybe even not consume combo counter when we don't hit anything with them.

    • Like 1
  5. After playing some more I have more comments.

    1. Melee is currently a knockdown town. Please consider adding resistance to knockdowns when attacking, at the moment it saps the fun out of melee al lot.

    2. Charge attacks seem useless. They don't have that much range, are easy to miss due to charge times and enemies moving, and are not really worth spending time charging. Being staggered and knocked down when trying to use them doesn't help either. It would be better if they covered a wider area around the character so we can clear enemies around us and don't waste combo counter on hitting empty space.

    3. Many gap-closing combos don't cover that much distance, some move your character hardly at all. In some cases it is easier to stop attacking, approach the enemy, and start attacking. Examples are Crimson Dervish and Sovereign Outcast. Some gap closers, like in Astral Twilight, used to cover larger distance before the rework. Maybe it is bugged, but you should take a second look at those combos, because not being able to close gaps defeats the purpose of having gap closers.

    4. Some combos should have been merged together. For polearms, Bleeding Willow and Shimmering Blight perform the exact same attack on 3 out of 4 combos. The only difference between them is the forward block combo. Same for scythes, staves, sparring weapons. If a stance doesn't have enough animations to cover all 4 combos, it should have been merged with another one.

    • Like 1
  6. A lot of gap-closing combos don't move the character far enough, which kind of defeats their purpose. I don't know if it is because of the already existing animations being short or not, but it would be nice if you reviewed the travelled distance.

    Also in some cases gap closers seem to be in a wrong order. For example in Defiled Snapdragon you have a whip attack followed by a lunge; I feel a lunge should be first to move closer to a target, and then have a follow-up far-reaching attack. It was a problem with Wukong's staff and it seems it persists in a few stances.

    I also think melee momentum should return so we don't get knocked down while attacking.

    • Like 2
  7. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Who said Gauss would be useless? I know there were concerns over his 3rd ability being useless (which were right until DE buffed it). But other than that I didn’t really see any other valid concerns.

    That's why I wrote "similar things" instead of "also useless". My point was that people tend to judge warframes before release rather than waiting to actually test them.

  8. 5 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

    Yea and Gauss had his every skill buffed the next patch to make him actually playable.

    Wisp is still just a passive buff with rest of her skills being pretty useless.

    And I honestly doubt Grendel will do much better.

    His abilities were buffed, but none of them were changed substantially. And he was good even without the buffs.

    I wouldn't call Wisp's abilities useless, either. Her 2 is good for movement and gives you short invincibility, and her 3 is a nice damage buff and some CC. Maybe she doesn't fit the way you play, but useless is an exaggeration.

    10 minutes ago, --RV--Earth said:

    dont come here and just dump your first thought, this is feedback. do some research before u come here

    But you did exactly that. You formed your opinion without playing and you call watching youtube videos research.

    • Like 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Ok, so for a very basic bit of clarification: Heavy Attacks consume combo meter. Does a Heavy Attack, by default, without these Focus mechanics, consume all of your combo meter or just some percentage of it?

    Dev workshop says heavy attacks consume all counter, but it is affected by mods. So I assume with Zenurik and mods it will only consume a percentage of the counter. I guess.


    12 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    So yeah, I fully expect DE to just straight up give Naramon’s cool bennies to Zenurik as well.

    They already talked about changes on Prime Time.

    Zenurik - Inner Might - Has been changed to provide 60% Combo Efficiency, instead of Channeling Efficiency

    There was no mention of Power Spike, so I assume it stays the same. Unless there is more changes they didn't cover.

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