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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. 5 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

    I do wonder, though - are you trying to use all of the combos for the sake of visual variety, or in an attempt to use all of the game's systems?

    Just for variety, differences in utility between combos are minimal. But if they group them by function and it works well, then I suppose I will utilise the combos as a game mechanic rather than cosmetic thing.

    5 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

    Imagine a theoretical four-hit combo, where every hit has three separate animations. Every time you go through the combo, a random animation is selected for every attack such that the combo is almost never the same over its entire chain. Would something like that be a good substitute for having a larger number of manually-triggered combos?

    That sounds too random, I prefer to have control over what combos I execute.

    5 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

    Or alternately, take the above-mentioned combo with random animations, and let players manually pick the animation they want. We can already customise our Warframe's idle animation. If a player doesn't like randomness but really likes a particular chain of animations, could we maybe let that player pick-and-choose the attacks their Warframe goes through? I'm envisioning this being purely cosmetic, of course, with all attacks in a given "slot" having roughly the same speed and resulting in basically the same combo, but just looking different. Mostly saying this so as to not force people into randomness they might not enjoy.

    Sounds better, maybe in the future they might implement custom stances, who knows?

    5 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

    We do have better control over Wukong's Iron Staff combos, this is true. Dropping wait combos and hold combos is a step in the right direction. I even like the ADS combos, to be perfectly honest. The problem is that right now, Wukong makes extensive use of non-melee controls in melee combos, causing players to pull out their guns temporarily. Sure, if you do it fast enough the transition is almost imperceptible, but you're still having to hold "aim with gun, sheath melee" in order to pull off a melee combo. Maybe that's not going to be the case come Melee 3.0, we obviously don't know. I'm not entirely sure what they COULD use, however, short of creating more buttons. Holding a direction does "sort of" work, but it creates weird situations such as having to deliberately stop moving in order to trigger a combo, else you end up triggering another one because you held down Forward.

    I agree on the inputs. RMB is not ideal currently. But I don't think there is a perfect solution for this, they could squish the bug that swaps to gun after RMB combo or return manual blocking as a totally new key bind. Or do something else entirely.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

    Do you actually use all of the combos available to a weapon, though?

    Yeah, pretty much, unless it's uncomfortable to use, like one of the Craving Mantis combos, where you have to press left, Sundering Weave is also a bad stance. But if I like the stance I generally try using all the combos.

    17 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

    And I say "needless" because having too many combos starts causing input issues. You end up having to trigger combos off of gun aim, or holding a particular direction which doesn't always correspond to how the combo moves, or pauses or holding buttons and so on.

    This is the thing I like about the melee 3.0 stances rework, that it cuts down the number of inputs and makes them the same across all the stances. I agree that now some of them are annoying to use now, like hold combos, but this should be alleviated eventually. And based on Wukong it seems we will have much more control over combos, since you don't have to wait until the end of the combo or stop attacking to perform a different one.

    The problem I have is that we have no idea what DE are going to do with the rest of the system – blocking, charge attacks, etc. But what they're doing with stances seems fine to me.

  3. On 2019-07-18 at 3:27 PM, Steel_Rook said:

    Realistically speaking, what even IS the point of having multiple combos per weapon?

    Even if combos aren't practical I appreciate variety. For me personally, it would be boring to have only one/two combos per weapon. And now they're attempting to make combos have specific functions, so it's even better.

    What they did with Wukong's staff is pretty good, so I'm mostly optimistic, at least regarding the combos.

    Now if they only updated us on next steps...

  4. Are we going to get a dev workshop on anything related to melee? You told us during the last melee update that you didn't want to go silent on it again, and yet here we are knowing little to nothing but "we're working on it". This is the quote by @[DE]Rebecca from Phase 1 thread:

    We don't want to repeat 2018's Melee discussion where we show, go dark, and the year passes. We'll live through this evolution in phases together and adjust the sails along the way. We are confident the change is needed, and we've started charting the course.

    Not even players' concerns about removal of block have been commented on.

    I have a list of things I think many players would want to know:
    1. Is auto block going to stay, or are you going to bring manual blocking back somehow?
    2. Are you going to change how the combo counter works?
    3. Is charge attacks preswing going to be removed?
    4. What are the channeling changes?
    5. In general, what is your plan after a couple of months of feedback from the players?

    I don't think reworking Wukong with the new melee is enough of a preview. Maybe it's just me, but I don't really like being kept in the dark.

    I also realize that Tennocon took a lot of your time, but still.

  5. 1 hour ago, Steel_Rook said:

    I suspect this may be a result of developing Parkour 2.0 (or whatever that's called) after designing those tilesets

    You're basically right.

    Ideally they could go over every tileset and adjust places where ledge grabbing doesn't work correctly, there are quite a few where it shouldn't be possible.

  6. 3 minutes ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

    If you look at human history, someone with looks of young Megan Fox was always the very attractive one, and not someone with the looks of Sarah Jessica Parker, for example.

    That's not true, beauty standards changed over time and varied across cultures.

    • Like 18
  7. 40 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    at the end of the combo (if i don't keep pressing O, the melee button on XB1) it auto-changes to my primary/secondary

    That's one of the reasons.

    Most of the Numerous complaints are about auto block. Apart from reducing the interactivity it makes some mods not as useful (guardian derision), interrupts actions, doesn't work well with some exalted abilities, blocking in air results in unwanted gliding.

    40 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    But you guys complaning, have to be aware that most of those complaints are from PC players, and there's Xbox/PS4 players satisfied with the current changes.

    That doesn't make the complaints any less valid.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Dhrekr said:

    Ok, I'll make a list of the information you don't know.

    1. You don't know where the Quill are. It's not like they move. They're hidden behind a door in Cetus.

    2. You don't know you can gild a Zaw.

    3. You don't know you can gild a pet MOA.

    4. You don't know you can gild a Kitgun.


    Behaving like being clueless regarding the Quill stops you from doing this Nightwave task just shows you don't understand that you have many options.

    So, there you are. Go and gild a Zaw. Or a Kitgun.


    (Who am I kidding, I half expect you to respond something like "I have gone to many missions and I have never been able to keep a MOA, how do you pet a MOA, this game is so very confusing").

    I don't think you understood the OP's point. What they're asking for is to remove nightwave pop-ups from the pause menu. For example, when you're doing a fissure mission you would see "Gild a weapon" pop-up (and other incomplete acts). It is kind of redundant because you can access the Nightwave UI at all times.

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