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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. Can we have valence transfer for Empyrean? Let's say I have a Lavan MK3 reactor and I found another one, but the stats are better, or the bonus is more interesting. It would be nice to be able to transfer stats rather than collect resources again and wait 12 hours for a better item to finish. It could only work between items of the same type, house, and tier. It might help with relieving the grind slightly, even if the transfer had a small resource fee.

  2. 3 minutes ago, 32768 said:

    What they probably should have done is a label "Preview" everywhere on railjack UI, if they don't like words like "Beta" or "Alpha" or whatever.

    That's not a bad idea. They had such a disclaimer for the original focus tree, so it could be done again.

  3. So there is this weird thing happening. When fighting enemies in your archwing you can teleport back with the omni tool back to the ship, right? And if railjack is far enough enemies won't aggro on it. But they won't become idle after a while. They will pursue the archwing. Except when doing this, they don't go towards the railjack but somewhere down the map until they disappear. After a while enemy ships will appear inside the railjack and get immediately destroyed. They will even drop loot inside, kill count will also go up.

    What I think is happening is that enemy ships go towards the railjack interior that is hidden outside the skybox. Because they are aggroed to the Tenno, not the ship, and will pursue the Tenno even if they teleport away with the omni tool.

    Maybe things should be changed so when we use the omni tool to return, enemies should drop aggro after a while and return to unalerted state instead of pursuing us outside the map.

  4. 7 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    It looks like DE listened, and created a pair systems that would go hand in glove, taking several months to complete. The first being intrinsics, the second being collecting the rare drops. Together they combine to give a player very powerful tools in order to do the Railjack content. You would have managed to get the "best gear" and would be at "completion". Seems like they expected this to take a couple of months? 

    It's not healthy if the game has randomised drops and then gives them a poor drop rate. It turns from looking for the best gear into wasting time – you spend time looking for a specific part only for it to be worse than what you can craft in dojo.

    If you want loot with random stats players should be flooded with it. Look at Borderlands or even Diablo 3 post loot changes. Players get stuff all the time. Not always useful stuff, but you don't have a feeling you're wasting time, because there is a chance of getting something interesting at all times. Warframe has it all backwards – you spend hours to get rubbish or nothing at all.

    On top of that you have horrendous resource costs and repair drones that are pretty scummy.

    DE seem to think that people will spend months collecting best gear, when in reality they will get tired of grinding with no results. 

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  5. I would like the UI to show what avionics I have installed when viewing all avionics. If there is a way to tell, it's not good enough.

    I already sold avionics I had equipped by accident and I would like to avoid this in the future. Going back and forth between avionics window and grid window won't cut it.

    In general avionics UI is pretty bad. Information shouldn't be hidden behind fancy icons and boxes. At least allow us to sort these mods by installed (when viewing all the mods).

  6. 1 minute ago, schilds said:


    That sounds to me like they're playing because the gameplay loop is fun, rather than for the gear. Coilecting the loot is just part of the fun, and a way of creating some variation in how players progress through the game each season (similar to roguelikes).


    Some of warframe's grind misses the point, when it feels more like a chore you have to get through to get to the fun bit.

    For me seasonal content like Diablo of PoE doesn't work. I don't like when games want me to start from the beginning over and over. I prefer what Warframe does, even if sometimes grind and rng are too much. To each their own, I guess.

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