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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I don't think it's related to the new war. 

    12 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

    Oh wow, hype is maximal

    Was already hyped by Steve's teasing but still, impressive. 😛



    When they showed this image during a devstream they said it was related to the new-game experience. The trailer looks like a follow-up to this.

    From the same thread:


  2. 14 minutes ago, zaker132 said:

    unlike other snipers the Snipetron/Vandal does not gain a boost to its base critical damage upon counter gain with hitting the main body of the various enemies in-game, and that It only boosts head-shot damage

    The head shot damage bonus is not on counter gain, but on zoom. Combo counter only affects damage multiplier and is activated after a certain amount of shots. Snipetron Vandal gets first damage boost (1.5x multiplier) after 3 shots, I guess maybe that's why it feels like it gains no bonuses.

    Try Rubico or Rubico Prime, I think they have the fastest damage ramp up and gain critical boost on zoom.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, topsicles said:

    Is 'Arrrggghhh!' an appropriate response?

    So I get monomaniacal about games. Just came out of 2 years of ESO and this seemed so cool, I unsubed from ESO.

    So the theme of the posts I've read is just 'suck it up'.

    Which I guess I will do because the rest of the game is so fun.

    But do any of you 'love'  archwing? Or do you just tolerate it?


    Archwing is getting reworked this year, so it might get better. And there are no submersible levels anywhere else than Uranus, you'll be fine. Currently archwing missions are one-and-done type of deal.

    There is no meaningful content to love archwing at the moment, but it might change soon.

  4. It would be nice to summarize the article if you link it, especially when it is in a language most of us don't speak.

    From what Steve said railjack is supposed to be a system tying the game together, it won't be several nodes that we unlock on the star chart. If it is going to be as integrated as they want it to be, it is going to be one of the basics.

    Instead asking to put it deep in the game, ask what it has to offer deep in the game.

    • Like 1
  5. I'll just add that besides all those issues, they spawn far too often. I wouldn't have that much problem if they didn't spawn all the time. I was doing ESO the other day and level 2 was corrupted in this small sea lab map, full of nullifiers and ancient healers. Orb Vallis has a similar problem with combas, where they spawn one after another. Come on, I can get wanting to restrict players abilities, but spamming is not a good way to do it, especially of a unit that effectively removes gameplay.

    I think nullifiers would be better if they cleansed other units from statuses and crowd control and provided protection, but didn't outright cancel everything they touch. I don't think handicapping the player is a good way to build difficulty, we get all these abilities only to have them removed but a relatively common unit.

  6. 1 minute ago, WhiteMarker said:

    I see where you are coming from. There is only one way to "fix" stuff. It would be a way to toggle things in the options.

    That would be ideal, but then again it would make a long option list.

    I wouldn't be so salty about it if at least energy drain paused, it's silly to have abilities that are only sort of active. 

  7. 28 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    No thank you. I like the current system. I don't want to be forced to deactivate and reactivate the ability just to shoot my gun for a bit.

    Casting speed could be increased to compensate. You don't want to be forced to deactivate them and I don't want to be forced out of them.

    Problems with the current system outweigh benefits from being able to shoot for a while. How often do you swap between exalted weapons and guns? If you do it consistently, then sure, I see you point. But if it is situational, then I don't think it is worth to keep it and the problems I listed.

  8. Instant weapon switching is a good system, but it kind of ruins the usage of exalted weapons.

    If I press 4 to use Exalted Blade or Hysteria, I do it because I want to use those abilities consistently, without switching to guns while performing other actions. Not to mention that currently the aim combo forces weapon swap. It's uncomfortable and interrupts the flow of combat.

    The problem is especially visible with Hysteria, where weapon swap turns off invincibility. Again, aim combo (or pressing RMB during any melee attack for that matter) forces weapon swap, so there is a potential to turn the ability off unintentionally.

    Finally, inactive exalted abilities still drain energy. Please just return them to the state from before melee 2.5.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Arcira said:

    It´s quite difficult to communicate this to the player. In ESO there is a light version of this one and it´s not very intuitive eventhough some frames do nothing but pushing a button every 10 seconds sometimes you loose track. If you ask me a simple cooldown on certain abilities would do pretty much the same thing and is easier to track. Why DE choose to make enemies immune instead so you can´t use them at all is beyond me.

    That's true. I guess you could make each ability track itself, but that would just clutter the interface a lot.

  10. 1 hour ago, ShortCat said:

    Solution is actually as obvious as it is unpopular - reduce ability spam.

    There can be a solution. Here's an idea.

    Make abilities cost more energy after casting them repeatedly. For example, you cast Smite, it costs 25 energy, but a 10-second timer starts. If you cast it again the timer resets and gets 1 stack of "spam stacks". If you get 2 stacks, ability cost rises to 30 for 30 seconds. If you cast Smite again in those 30 seconds, the cost will rise again and again until player waits 30 seconds. After waiting the cost will return to normal. And the 30-second timer will reset after each cast within the window. 

    Players would get a couple of normal casts before being punished for spamming, so it would reduce effectiveness of some cheese abilities and hopefully make players think about what to cast. Numbers also shouldn't be too steep immediately but build up over time, so it suddenly doesn't make a 1st ability drain whole pool.

    Such an approach will work against all factions and maybe make nullifying unnecessary.

    Anyway, what do you think and how would you react if something similar to this idea was implemented?

    • Like 1
  11. I have very few complaints.

    I think that the Wuclone should have better pathing to actually follow the player rather than teleport around all the time. It's kind of redundant for Cloudwalker to teleport the clone to the player if it does it all the time anyway.

    Primal Fury suffers from melee 2.5 issues. Weapon swap should be disabled on it (and all exalted weapons for that matter), or at least energy drain should stop when swapping to gun. Because again, why would the ability drain energy when it's inactive? Also, RMB combo (or pressing RMB anywhere during the melee combo) switches back to gun after the combo is done. It is a wider issue, but I didn't like how the clone stopped attacking every time the weapon was swapped for me. It's just not great and pretty annoying.

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