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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I think it's not the problem that crit weapons are overpowered, but rather everything else is lacking. Like we have red crits, but no over-100% status effects. The same goes for focus. There is shadow step, bot not similar effect for status.

    Adding mods like Blood Rush and Body Count was a right decision, but there is more to be done to close the gap between crit and noncrit weapons. Like maybe making Body Count innate for all the weapons, rather than a mod, so we don't waste mod slot for something that can be considered an obligatory mod now.

    In short, I would leave crit weapons as they are, but add more depth and power for status and pure damage weapons. Just for the sake of variety.

    And because Lacera is great.

  2. Stating that China is responsible for anything regarding Warframe (apart from the Chinese version) is just silly. You do realise that the partnership started in 2014, right? But when reading posts like this I feel like it happened last month.


    I also like the direction the game has taken. If you don't, just move on and stop blaming who-knows-what for it.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Klarbauter said:

    Imagine how boring it would be without nullies or if they would work differently. No challenge at all.

    As if nullifiers were a challenge in the first place.


    Honestly, I wouldn't mind all abilities being nerfed to the ground if that meant I could use them whenever I wanted without them being turned off by an annoying unit. 

  4. I like your ideas, they actually make nullifiers interesting. But I'd still prefer they were removed.


    12 minutes ago, SHAHEER9 said:

    Nice Points and Suggestions , But If These Are Put Into Game Then We Won't Have The Challenge. Like For Example ..... Losing Your EB when You Enter Nullifier's Bubble or Losing Iron Skin Is Actually A Challenge For You , And Without It The Nullifier Will Be No More Than A Corrupter Crewman.

    What you're saying would be true if we had to enter the bubble. But we don't. You can stand outside and hit it until it disappears, there is no challenge in that. OP's ideas actually make entering the bubble worthwhile, because you don't have to recast everything later.

  5. Nullifiers have no longer place in the game. With the recent changes to warframe abilities and planned changes to enemy scaling I hope nullifiers will go. Or at the very least the bubble mechanics should be changed to work more like the arctic eximus one. And it should be smaller and more transparent. Nullifying powers is one thing, but completely obstructing view is even more annoying, especially when you have more than one nullifier in close proximity.

  6. Tennogen seem better because there are more people doing it. A single art team will have fewer good ideas than hundreds Tennogen creators, who then content is chosen from. During one of the devstreams Mynki said that they outsource some stuff, like the Oberon skin, to external artists, because they have fresh ideas and aren't worried with their boss opinion and taste. The same thing goes fot Tennogen.

  7. I agree with the OP. That being said, I wouldn't have a problem with nullification if it was done right. What is right in my opinion? Isolator Bursas, who shoot their small nullifying projectiles. They are dodgeable and not immune to damage. I also don't have that big a problem wioth Combas because they don't spawn that often and you can shoot the helmet to remove their powers. 

    But nullifiers? They should go. Their mechanics is outdated, tedious and annoying. Rendering powers useless is one thing, but weapons shouldn't suffer from that. On top of that bubbles obstruct view, which makes nullies even more frustrating to play against.

    Also, spawning on top of you in a void fissure mission. No fun.

  8. The previous starchart was bad. New players didn't know where to go, most nodes were useless and empty, there was hardly any information about quests. Now we can see some sort of progression and the whole thing looks like a map. Sure, it's buggy and can be improved, but it is still much better than the previous one. 

  9. Just now, theclinton said:

    I didnt realize the game died

    It's passed on. This game is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late game. It's a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If you hadn't nailed it to the perch it would be pushing up the daisies. It's run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. THIS, IS AN EX-GAME!!

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