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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I'd change the aura for something else, Corrosive Projection or Energy Siphon. With Regenerative Molt you don't really need Rejuvenation. Same goes for Steel Fiber and Constitution; add Flow, Saryn requires quite a lot of energy, and some additional power strength. Narrow Minded can also go, it doesn't really do her any good. Primed Continuity is more than enough for duration. Take Stretch for additional range.


    When it comes to melee I think Dual Ichor/Mios would be better than Lesion. Crit weapons generally outperform status weapons. I would recommend the Mios, since it has more build variety and a better stance. And even with the Lesion I'd put Body Count on it for additional damage, and even swap Life Strike for Body Count. With Regenerative Molt you don't really need Life Strike. As for elemental mods I prefer going with one stronger elemental combo rather than two weaker, although it depends on a faction. But Corrosive damage has only one penalty, so it would be my go-to choice.

  2. If you think melee combos are difficult you should try that machete stance.


    Melee combos are easy enough, unless you're using mods like Berserker. But even with it there are good combos that require only to hold block. I guess it's a matter of preference, but I use melee most of the time and have almost no problems with performing combos. I would say they should be left as they are, but you will see many people who would like to completely redesign the system.

    What melee needs in my opinion is the ability to break combo chains as some of them lock you in animation. Right now melee is a bit broken anyway, after the reintroduction of charge attacks; for example, I would like to do a charge in the middle of a combo but I can't because the combo is finished first.

  3. I like your idea. To answer some questions:

    30 minutes ago, FoxFX said:
    • Should gaining Proficiency be obtained ONLY in end-game missions?

    No, but experience gained in lower level missions should be lower.

    • Should there be a more diverse Proficiency Category (Example: Assault Rifle Proficiency, Dual Sword Proficiency, Bow Proficiency, etc.)

    I'd keep it simple - melee, primary, secondary - to avoid too much grind.

    • How long a grind should the Proficiency System be?

    It can be long if it is rewarding enough. Players should feel the progression, but it should also take time. You don't want players to rush through content too quickly.

    • Capacity to how much Proficiency a player can obtain?

    It should be possible to max everything. Maybe with some drawbacks, similar to the focus trees. I also think there should be a level cap on enemies.

    • Should upgrading Proficiency require an additive method or a method similar to the Arcane Enhancement?

    No. Once you reach 30 you should be able to develop further.

    • Could this concept be a part of THE FOCUS SYSTEM?

    I don't think it should. You unlock focus after you reach a specific mastery and you also need to do a few quests. You can reach high-level content long before that. 

    I like this concept, but scaling in general should be looked at to prevent too big power spikes. Look what happened in WoW, when differences between lvl 70 and lvl 80 players were huge.

  4. 12 minutes ago, cxll said:

    Instead of reworking Oberon's passive, add more wildlife! On all nodes!

    Alien creatures! Alien wildlife! A bit more immersion is never a bad thing :D

    It would only partially solve the issue. More wildlife won't make the passive more useful. It would be nice if Oberon had a chance to proc radiation on each attack.


    7 minutes ago, shyguyk said:


    Volt's needs to not wear off with every attack


    Personally I think it would be better if Volt's passive worked only on his powers, so normal attacks wouldn't consume the charge.

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