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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. 2 minutes ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    "Specters of the Rail – changes to the Origin System are coming, Tenno. What ghosts lurk the chambers of abandoned Junctions of a past era? This major update is coming this week and delivers a redesign of the Star Chart and a facelift for the Market. Here’s early information to help prepare you for your journey, Tenno. "




  2. 23 hours ago, owendawgx said:

    2. It doesn't make any sense. Since there is no part of a warframe that is alive AND, as our Operator reminds us, infested CANNOT combine with a warframe (it contradicts the lore that you set up, that should be enough reason in itself).

    You and I know different versions of the lore, then.


    I like the tentacles as they are, maybe apart from the fact that they still are attached to the wrong bones and clip through the head all the time.

  3. 5 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

    Well... the old woman said that the crew was gone. Kaileen said "Not exactly," and talked about finding the children alive. That might imply that the adults were gone, but could also be read to imply that the adults were "not exactly" gone.

    Yeah, kind of... Maybe. Nevertheless, there is more to the old woman. Like, why would they put children on a military ship. Maybe the children were the crew, but reverted back to their younger selves because of the void, or the Zariman was some kind of an experiment from the beginning.


    2 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

    Hold on a second. YEARS?

    Ember Prime's codex entry says DAYS.


    Where is everyone getting years from?

    The codex entry doesn't say for how long the ship was missing. It only says the case was reopened a few days later.

  4. I doubt warframes are the Tenno parents. For one, we are able to build multiple copies from blueprints. If we assume there is million Tenno in total, there were around 2 million. What will happen if I decide to build Excalibur over and over, until I build 3 million Excaliburs? Do I copy one parent 3 million times, or download 3 million souls to a warframe?

    The fact we can build warframes is also supported by the lore, so technically we can build as many warframes as we want and it will go along with the lore quite well.


    Since warframes are organic, maybe they can act on their own to an extent. Like the breaking of War can be comparable to a human trying to swim to the surface when drowning. So the pulling out of the sword might have been a survival instinct, rather than some higher effort.


    3 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:


    Yeah, I think it's definitely possible that the frames were built from the remains of the adults on the Z10-0. As I recall, it never said that the adults were missing. Just that the children were the only ones found alive.


    No, it actually says the crew was gone, apart from children hiding around the ship. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Ember/Prime


  5. 1 minute ago, Futurehero said:


    I can already buy the full set for a prime weapon, pay to rush-build it, pay for every mod to upgrade it, pay for the fusion cores to do it, and pay for a booster to let me level it in a short time. 

    Good for you. I can do all this stuff without paying, although it will take me longer. Oh, and I will have fun playing the game as well. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Futurehero said:

    The only people who against the ridiculous scaling are the veterans with tons of hours.

    Now that we have sorties and pretty much everyone can jump into high-level missions, scaling is a problem. On top of that warframe abilities are being toned down, so enemy scaling will have to be redesigned eventually.


    2 minutes ago, Futurehero said:

    So again, there's no real problem here except "BUUUT P2W MAAAAAN...."      

    P2W is a problem in competitive games, where getting beaten by someone on the fact that he has a richer wallet than you is a problem. 

    This is a co-op game. Some guy with cash only weapon can only help you, that's how the game is designed. 

    What's the problem ?

    It makes the game boring. And unfair to many people.


    Look at this exapmle:

    Wow, a new weapon, but for plat only. Sucks. I can trade for plat, but I don't have the time to farm for prime parts. I don't want to wait a couple of months to get this weapon. I also don't have any money to spend. In general it is a terrible game design, I better find a game when I can get stuff normally, by playing.


    See what I did there?

  7. 9 minutes ago, Futurehero said:

    So, what if DE decided to release Sentient guns that deal 5k damage per hit and are full auto, and can only be bought for 300 platinum ? Would that really be a problem ?

    -This game is Co-op. You're not going against someone who is paying for better gear, in fact, them being in your party is only a benefit. Yeah, to a point when they do all the stuff for you and you're left with standing around, like with the old Peacemaker. 

    -You can trade a lot of things for platinum, so at the end of the day, platinum just becomes another thing you can grind for. More grind. That's what we need.

    -In fact, a lot of veterans are probably sitting on buckets of the stuff, earned JUST by trading. What about non-veterans? For them putting a weapon behind a paywall will be discouraging. 

    -This would finally put an end to the enemy scaling problem. How? Because it deals lots of damage? Scaling will still be a problem.

    -Whoever thinks those weapons are too much, can simply not use them. This same thing is said about things like the Tonkor, or Ember. So why would this be different. 

    -Since not everyone can afford a 300 platinum gun, you probably won't see everyone in Pub plays with this. 

    -People finally have an option to easily finish raids. Are raids supposed to be easy anyway? It's the problem with scaling.

    -"Trivializing content" is not a thing . People have been trivializing content for years and it's still  being played just as well. It is a thing. That's why we got recent Mirage and Trinity nerfs.

    -Players would still have incentives to make other guns ,the same way people are still crafting things like the twin Basolk when Broken War is given to you for free. They craft it mostly for mastery, the meta remains more or less the same.


    Honestly, except the knee-jerk reaction that people have to the term "pay to win", is there any argument as to why this couldn't be a thing? It would certainly make DE a lot of money, and players can still technically get this weapon for free through trading. Even if you can gtrade for plat, someone else has to pay for it, so it's not like it's completely free. 


    So yeah, I don't agree with you. After @StallordD, putting things behind a paywall is avoiding the things that are wrong with the game. Also, the moment a plat-only weapon is released a lot of people will quit, simply because pay-2-win tactics are frowned upon.

  8. I found myself in a team of 4 today, against 2 players. I don't know what caused such a situation, maybe I joined at the same time some other person did. The team table showed a 3v2 situation, but I was clearly able to see other 3 sun players and 2 moon. It wasn't a visual bug either, there were 4 sun players and 2 moon - 6 players, while the table showed 5 in total.


    And another one:

    The timer got stuck at 2 seconds and started moving again only after a player scored.

  9. 3 hours ago, KJRenz said:

    What button should that be then? 

    You also have to keep in mind about the peeps who play on consoles. 

    Reload and alt fire are free in melee. Or you could usee a combination of buttons. Or equiping melee could simply overwrite basic roll, as the OP said.

    Anyway, the idea seems nice.

  10. My biggest issue now is the fact that appearance resets randomly. Me might get a full fix of the opearators with the War Within update. At least that's what I'm hoping for. It'd be a shame if we got all the customization, but it would be unusable due to bugs.

    But at least the resets could be handled sooner.

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