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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I get where you're coming from. Sortie rewards should be changed, considering the amount of negative feedback they have been receiving lately. 

    I agree that lenses should be craftable or purchasable. Nitain doesn't really make sense as a sortie reward, it can be obtained fairly easy.

    People have been asking for a token system and I hope it will be implemented eventually.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Yamato98 said:

    i think too much people, including me, wants to join to a random mission as a "Stalker" and kill the players same as stalker, but, it is that possible ? 

    No, it is not. There have been many threads like that and answer has always been no. Warframe is mainly a pve game, and Dark Souls-like invasions would not work, nor would they be welcome. 

  3. We've been told that Umbra will be featured in a cinematic quest after The War Within, not as a part of it or The Second Dream. There has been no other confirmation besides 'eventually'. So there is no point in waiting for it unless there is's been oficially announced. Being mad about Umbra not being released yet is just silly, there is nothing to wait for yet.

    With your little rant you only proved that you have little idea about game development and on top of that are pretty rude. Some of the stuff is being released later because the devs do listen to the community and change things based on the community's feedback.

    And please don't try speaking for all of us; you not liking something doesn't mean nobody likes it.

  4. There's some nice ideas, especially the one with scaling, but I would organize rewards differently.

    I agree that token system should be implemented, but we should be able to buy with it things that currently should not be present in the drop tables. So lenses, potatoes, endo, forma, etc. should be purchasable for tokens. This way you would be able to get some stuff even if you play only one sortie mission per day. And after some time you would have enough tokens to buy something. Your idea with bounties is good and would be a great way to get extra tokens.

    Apart from tokens, more valuable rewards should stay in the drop tables as they are now and have a chance to drop after you complete all 3 missions. So rivens, legendary cores, maybe even arcanes, etc. would fit into this category. Of course there should be less valuable stuff in there as well, to balance the drops.

    In some aspects I believe sorties should work a little bit like syndicates. 

  5. I like the idea with marking enemies, but it is still press, mark, and watch, in the place of press and watch. True, the skill requires more interaction, but it is still little interaction.

    It is also too easy to mark enemies I don't want marked (like if I don't want to waste energy on trash mobs). It would be better if we had to press 4 to mark/unmark an enemy, and then hold 4 to execute Bladestorm. I think it would give slightly more control over the skill.

  6. 1 hour ago, EmptyDevil said:

    Shuriken's description says it impales enemies to walls, but it doesn't do that. I've been trying to push that idea to DE quite a bit because it would be some pretty nice CC.

    This would be nice. I like when abilities do things besides dealing damage, and Shuriken could get such a treatment.

  7. Instead of redundant concepts you propose redundant rehashes. Besides, we will get Umbra warframes eventually, which might or might nof follow your concept in one way or another.

    The second idea sounds somewhat interesting, but it might get overpowered. There are a few useless abilities, so you would sacrifice virtually nothing for additional slots with certain frames.

  8. Sorties need a token system and more unique rewards now that weapon blueprints and Nezha no longer drop from them. Get tokens to purchase stuff like lenses, forma, or reactors, and the more valuable rewards drop after finishing all 3 missions. Apart from rivens and maybe lenses there is hardly any incentive to do sorties. The rewards, at least in my opinion, are not worth it to play through them.

  9. Or maybe it doesn't break the lore, but we don't know about it. Wait for the teaser.


    1 minute ago, Damuranashi said:

    Alad V was trying to make the Gesemi Valkyr look like the Prime version when he experimented on her. There. I cannot believe you people are going insane over this.

    Thank you. Now people's headcanons are safe again.

  10. 24 minutes ago, (XB1)LAZYNOOB2015 said:

    I don't know. If they were dropped elsewhere then the plat prices would drop. Perhaps if they made a raid based on the tenno featuring the Stalker as the boss and took the lenses from the sorties and put them in the raid.

    Are lenses that expensive anyway?

    I was thinking of introducing lenses as purchasables from syndicates or Simaris.

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