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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. Imparing players by removing their powers is not something that should be used casually. Not to mention that nullies spawn frequently, their bubbles go through walls, and we have very few means to break the bubble. I'm not against a design similar to nullifier, like a corpus shield crewan, but what we have now is just a niusance. Combas do a much better job at removing powers because there is a good way to counter them. There is hardly a good way to counter nullies. And now with the void tears they also spawn on top of you, giving you virtually no time to react.

    If nullifiers are here to stay they should be much, much less frequent and maybe even become sort of a mini-boss, with some new abilities besides their bubbles; right now they just diminish gameplay.

  2. I know, but the introduction of a new stance is a good opportunity to adress the problem.


    I wouldn't mind being locked in place if:

    - the stance constantly moved you forward and closed gaps effectively

    - we were able to cancel combos


    The first option would require to redo most the combos, the second one is more achievable.

  3. I really want to like the new stance, but in its current state it is very annoying to use. This is because the combos lock you in one place, without the option to move forward. So basically you are stuck in one place hitting air while being shot at. It's nice this stance doesn't break attack animation for once, but it is nearly unusable.

    This lack of mobility is only detrimental to melee gameplay. Of course a change should be implemented where we will be able to move around while attacking, like in the rapier stance for example, but that's not everything there is to it.

    If this trend is going to continue we need to be able to forcefully finish combos before their animation ends. By pressing alt fire, reload, roll, anything. Melee should be about mobility, so we should be able to quickly switch from attacking to running, without waiting for a combo to finish. 

  4. I will add my thoughts:

    - warframe in the background feels unnecessary

    - nodes that are not completed yet should be red, not blue, and there should be another indication of it, like 'incomplete' in brackets.

    - zooming in and out is too abrupt, I tend to either zoom in or out too much; it should be more smooth

    - I'd like mission start confirmation button to be back, in case of choosing a wrong node

  5. 9 minutes ago, davanian said:

    After this overhaul I couldn't find the blueprints. I knew they should be there, but found them only after a previous posts in this thread pointed out that new players might not find them from the tabs. Thus the new store actually magnified the issue, which the old one was accused of.

    If anything, the stuff for credits should be shown by default, not for plat. Plat icon should be where the current credits icon is.

  6. The market needs to be divided into plat and credits items. Right now it is confusing and not very convinient. In the previous iteration there was a nice distinction, one should be here as well. And it might make people think the stuff there is for platinum only.

    1 hour ago, Foefaller said:

    In trying to make blueprints easier to find, you somehow managed to go the opposite way.

    I have to agree with this.

  7. 20 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:

    Okina now match polarity of Spinning Needle stance.

    That's not the case. The stance polatiry is the same as before, but the first slot polartiy was changed from madurai to vazarin. I know because I put Pressure Point there and now it doesn't fit anymore.

  8. Is it about this thread?


    Because, you know, you haven't been the most polite person there and got yourself dragged into an argument. 


    42 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

    As someone who understand game development on a level you could not possibly comprehend... they CAN slow down...They NEED to do fixes.... they CAN put off content (hell, they did that for kavats and the solar map revamp for 6 months and still haven't brought back solar rail conflicts). 

    Looking down on people like that is not too polite.


    37 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

    And lastly... Dont try to be right.... The forums is based around opinions... the moment you try to say your opinion is better or more important is the moment you become worse than LoL players.

    You talk about being respectful but you yourself seem desperate to prove your opinion better than the others. Or you are just mad that someone disagrees with you. By making threads like that you only add to the toxicity.



  9. 9 minutes ago, Pratigious said:

    So you address only that but not the other things i mention in my post?


    I'm just saying that older systems are getting improved over time. You can't have everything at once. I think it's better to wait longer to receive better, more interesting improvements, rather than having older stuff updated just for the sake of it.

  10. 6 hours ago, Pratigious said:


    So many new systems and features have been left behind and they have yet to get some kind of change to them.Please slow down with the content and focus on what we currently have.


    Such as archwing and starmap? The systems that we currently have and are getting an update? Besides, what would you do without new content?


    I say...

  11. 9 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

    As a mainly PvE player... I do think PvP is worth the effort if it is done well. I think Lunaro is done well, and thus I play it often. Regular Conclave, on the other hand, I don't think is done well at all. At first, with the initial U17 update, I loved it. As time went on, I liked it less and less. Not everyone will agree with me, but I think it's horribly unbalanced. A lot of those problems, I feel come from a mixture of trying to make PvE-oriented content work in PvP and an overabundance of content that can muck up the very fickle PvP balance. That's just me though.

    I can completely agree with that. In my opinion, given the game's mobility, pvp should focus more on competetive modes like Lunaro, rather than standard deathmatches. No mods, no warframe abilities. I would like to see Lunaro expanded and a main focus of the future pvp content. Unless the standard Conclave is rebalanced, but I don't have any relevant ideas for that.

  12. 36 minutes ago, -Voltage- said:

    Not because the people that enjoy it don't


    20 minutes ago, -Voltage- said:

    I can't say no one likes it because a few do but really, no one likes it

    You don't really make any sense here.


    If you don't like Lunaro, ignore it, it's a completely optional game mode, separate from pve. 


    And don't speak for everyone.

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