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  1. We are obviously talking about her ult, Ulfrun's Descent. I can live with her not being able to deal with nullifier bubbles, nor arbitration drones (got to switching to operator to deal with that, if I don't wanna break my ult). But then, these two things mentioned in the title, just.... breaks the immersion immensely. Just putting it out there. H-U
  2. I concur so we basically grind for all this gear and archon shards, spent time putting in forma and tweaking builds...and for what exactly?? it's kind of silly if you think about it
  3. sounds pretty bad ngl why tease us and release OP stuff then remove it after a week? Don't they do testing before hand? They didn't thought people gonna abuse the hell out of such ability?
  4. yes, 144% requirement was before the last update where they tweaked how armor strip works, my bad
  5. Can Helios armor strip acolytes or demolysts? With 144% you can armor strip 4 enemies, with the augment 9 enemies (which is plenty). Before you start complaining about "oh but she needs an augment to do that", remember that many frames need a lot of ability strength mods to fully strip (~5 mods in the case of Hildryn, afaik), while Nyx needs literally 1 mod (umbral intensify). It's not perfect (it hits mobs randomly), but unlike many other armor stripping abilities (Terrify, Crush, etc) it is instant and doesn't lock you into an animation. Meaning, you can move around and actually shoot WHILE casting bolts. It's really fun with something like Proboscis Cernos and possibly other aoe weps. The end.
  6. fyi, I checked and molt does increase the speed significantly also, arcane agility/arcane consequence (as suggested) also helps
  7. well, other abilities most likely are not fed/need to run off the shields you get from pillage
  8. yeah, I like Limbo, but using him for most content, other than for occasional meme runs, would just be copium.
  9. Wait, Reave on Nyx is actually genius, good tip ^
  10. No, her appeal is a decent armor strip (not best, not worst), slight cc and most importantly, awesome skins.
  11. That's not true anymore. You can use Kullervo's Wrathful Advance helminth to teleport around the map and I would assume Saryn's Molt and Dispatch Overdrive (melee exilus mod) increase the walking speed, but I need to test that first. Both things DO work for Ivara's Prowl (her invis ability) though. You could also use some of the zariman incarnon melee's with the movement speed evolutions. For the energy economy/getting your energy sucked away, I'd suggest Equilibrium and a sentinel/Helstrum setup (which you can look up on yt) to get energy back rq.
  12. I don't understand both of these above 2 replies lol nor what plunder actually does, or how does it work all I know is if I cast 3: a lot of enemies in front of me: big damage number, big armor few enemies in front of me: smol number, smol armor if I cast again: big number is smol number
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