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Posts posted by -Krux-

    • Fixed normal spacer not working on comma key
    • Changed hyphen for normal press after digit, and hyphen with addition space is on the Underscore key for use after a letter

    EDIT: filename is different so you'll have to actually delete the old one from your Fonts folder.


    EDIT2: fixed space getting nerfed, now spaces larger

  1. I agree!



    I could :D or I could ask for my thread to be merged with this and keep everything Tennobet related (although my thread covers up Corpus and Grineer writings as well) here, if Krux agrees! :)

    Yeah man, throw it in. The corpus and grineer stuff *will* be relavent. (Hint hint)

  2. could anyone write me words like weapon, wheel, war, wing broken into phonetic letters [english/tenno DE sheet] and exact keys to press to reproduce those words in word with this font? would really help me understand the use of w, since i'm not a native speaker.

    Vintovka explained the spelling using tennobet well. You also asked what characters from the font package you should use to produce those words.

    As explained in the first post, vowels with their long sound is used with a capital case. Short sounds used with lower case.


    So using your words:weapon, wheel, war, wing

    weapon = oepun (o = "oo" sound, used in place of english 'w'. Lowercase 'e' for the short "eh" sound, same for the 'u' with the "uh" sound.)

    wheel = oEl ('o' being used in the same fashion as with "weapon", but this time a capital 'E' for the long "ee" vowel sound)

    war = owr ('o' again, same reason. Lower case 'w' for the "aw" sound as opposed to capital 'W' for the "owe" sound.)

    wing = oiN ('o'... Lowercase 'i' for the short vowel sound as in "fit" and "lift". Capital 'N' being used for the "ng" sound often used in words ending in "ing", like "ending", but works in the case of "wing" as well. Lower case 'n' would simply produce an 'n' sound.)


    Edit: FYI these keyboard instructions WILL in fact produce the exact same results that Vintovka correctly expressed to you.

  3. I am truly amazed. I hope to be able to write with this alphabet, it definitely looks amazing. I must confess, I never thought it would actually be an alphabet, nor did I thought these decorations on the Warframes meant something at all!


    I would like to ask: some phrases and words are encased in a sort of wider decoration, like Hayden Tenno and Evolution - do those symbols follow a code as well, or are they just ornamental drawings for the words?

    the art around the characters is just that, art. It becomes a small challenge separating the art from the words but once you recognize, memorize, and can read the characters, than the art is very visible. I didn't mean to learn reading tennobet but it happened from working with the font for as long as I have.

    the pronunciation reminds me a large amount of welsh, hm.

    i like to compare this to japanese, I tell people that it's a "sound-based language"

    It's a phonetic language

  4. Thank you DE for the recognition - https://warframe.com/news/grineer-and-corpus-cipher-revealed


    We'll start with the font first and then how to use it and provide proper understanding of the tenno language compared to english.


    Also I want to thank BenzinNinJa for clearing up some things for me while I was learning the language in order to make this font.

    You can read his guide that helped me here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/337611-guide-how-to-read-tenno-scriptures/


    For reference, we'll use this: Tennobet1.jpg For starters.. the letter keybinding might take some practice but it's easy to understand and get the hang of, the trick is spelling things with a sense of "sound" instead of proper spelling.


    Let's look at the word "Weapon" at the bottom. It's a 5-character word, not 6. The rule of vowels is missing where one vowel changes the sound of another, each vowel has it's own unique sound without the help of one another making there be 11 vowels. "Weapon" would quite literally be spelled "wepun" ('w' is a vowel though which I explain later on, you really would be writing this as "ooepun", or while using this font, you would type "oepun")

    The reason I'm talking about this is because having the font is one thing, but using it properly is a whole other thing. Use that image to reference how words are spelled, like "The" - "th-u-h". One character provides the 'th' sound (which is really the symbol for the 'dh' sound), the next provides the 'uh' sound, and for some reason they put another 'h' at the end.


    As far as the font is concerned- all vowels ('w' counts as a vowel in this language as far as your keyboard is concerned) have 2 sounds. I tried separating short vowels and long vowels into the alphanumeric lower case form and upper case form. So "uh" sound is lowercase 'u' and the "oo" sound is uppercase 'U'. The "oo" sound is also the lowercase 'o', and the "oh" sound is the uppercase 'O'. By rule, the 'y' doesn't exist in tennobet and is to be replaced with the long "ee" sound. So the 'y' character produces the same character that a capital 'E' provides. Makes sense? Lowercase 'e' does the 'eh' character, obviously.


    Now I said 'w' is a vowel in tennobet because there is an "aw" sound and and "ow" sound, examples "Law" and "Now". Lowercase 'w' does the "aw" sound, uppercase 'W' does the "ow" sound character. Most consonants that only produce 1 sound create the same character for upper or lower case.

    The letter 'x' does not exist AND there is no replacement or substitute character for it. So my name "Krux" would be spelled as "Kruks".

    'X' on the keyboard doesn't produce anything other than a small space, not one large enough to separate characters though, the space (spacebar) itself was buffed to accommodate the characters stretching outside of their character box.

    ..Now, getting more into the language.. if you look at this please-



    If you look at the characters downwards instead of across, you'll see 'p' and 'f' have a similar design, the "ef" sound is considered a variation or 'accent' to 'p'. This is consistent along "most" characters. 'v' is an accent of 'b', 'th' is a variation of 't', so on and so forth. Now I say "most" because there is an accent on 'L' which would make it seem like it's a variation of 'H' even though they sound nothing alike.

    Note though, there is a huge pronunciation difference between 'g' and 'j'. To write "gesture" or "danger" would not be spelled with a 'g', but with a 'j'. "dAnjir" is how you would type "danger" in this font. Capital 'A' to produce the long 'a' vowel as opposed to short 'a' as in "apple".

    The spacers and emphasis markers are keyed to the period button and comma. There are 2 forms of hyphens, one produces a smaller space than the other. Press the hyphen key after a number character for normal spacing, but after a sound character, press Shift+hyphen (Underscore) for better spacing after a letter. That is all, hope you enjoy.. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6G9j8llG170YWxkdHp2MUN6YjA/view?usp=sharing

    [Update: 10/8/21] - Please see this post: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1283030-my-google-account-has-been-getting-dinged-with-requests-for-this-tennobet



    [Update: 10/8/21] - Please see this post: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1283030-my-google-account-has-been-getting-dinged-with-requests-for-this-tennobet

    [updated] Official Corpus Font... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6G9j8llG170SGJRVGtWX2VfYms/view?usp=sharing

    Rules of Corpus Font:

    These rules are also like Grineer and Tenno where there is no Q and no X.

    There 'C' character is actually "ch" but there are examples of this character being used as a normal 'C'.

    There are examples also using the 'K' in place of the 'C' to produce the proper sound but unlike the tennobet,

    this is not a phonetic language. Words are still spelled character-for-character.

    This font has both the skinny corpus font and bold corpus font. Using lowercase characters will give you the skinny lettering, and capitals will give you the bigger characters.

    The corpus only have 2 numbers, '0' and '1', presumably for binary. The bold versions of these numbers are simply Shift+ 0 or 1 (characters ')' and '!')


    Corpus Font... unofficial obviously since there's no DE official translation, a couple characters needed to be hand-created, there's no "rules", this is just a letter for letter translation. I would have used the characters that replace other characters accordingly to their language but - their writing is written in plain english using their characters so I opted away from doing that.


    [Update: 10/8/21] - Please see this post: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1283030-my-google-account-has-been-getting-dinged-with-requests-for-this-tennobet

    [updated] Official Grineer Font... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6G9j8llG170MUl4MmR1V0NNYzg/view?usp=sharing

    Rules of Grineer Font:

    There is no letter 'Q', this sound is created by the letters 'K' and 'W' (KW).

    The 'C' character is not a true 'C' and cannot be used for words like "Cat". 'C' is actually the "ch" sound and the 'K' character would be used for "Cat"; spelled "Kat".

    The 'X' character also does not exist and this sound is created with the letter combination: 'KS'

    All numbers are included, the '@' and '#' are included along with the '?'

    To type the Grineer logo as a single character, use the '!' Exclamation point.


    Grineer Font...This, like the Corpus font, is unofficial since there's no DE official translation. This is community translated. This font actually does have at least 1 rule to it that can compare to the tennobet. They are missing the letter 'Q' and it seems to be missing from their language in general, not "undiscovered".

    The best example is in the word "queens" which is spelled "kwueens" in the grineer language.

    This font has additional characters for question mark (?), period (.), and comma (,) and all numbers are included.

    • Like 2
  5. his 3rd ability should always be on for himself and allies whenever they're in the rift state. It shouldn't be an ability to do more damage in that state, the 3rd ability should be replaced entirely with a new skill.


    perhaps an invisibility skill with increased movement speed while in rift state. that would be useful.

  6. There is no set release date for the whole thing. Limbo and the U15 weapons, few textures in the liset and maybe the Archwing are the only things with PBR at the moment.


    According to DE, its coming with bits at a time, not all at once.

    yea limbo looked different, wasn't sure if that was the pbr. I get you tho, makes sense

  7. Would you participate more if any of the following suggestions were implemented?


    I would like the ability to go into a solar rail conflict solo, friends only, or invite only (applies only for MY TEAM) so I don't get matched with randoms who botch it up all the time.


    I've managed to get into a solar rail conflict by myself once literally because I was lucky enough that nobody joined my team by chance. And against 4 players on the other team, I won by a LONG SHOT because I had no randoms to botch up the whole thing. I'm glad I was able to see and prove to myself that other players can hold people back if they don't know what they're doing, that sheer number doesn't matter.


    ..because of this, I would like the option to go in solo or invite only. Something that obviously only effects my own team, not the enemy.

  8. Wish this company nothing but the best success, but I won't be buying or playing this game anymore.



    but not until after i top up some more platinum and see you guys tomorrow, lawl

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