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Posts posted by (XBOX)G R A V O C

  1. Alright, so I want a little clarification -

    What IS and ISN'T tradeable?

    I see people selling the Gorgon Wraith (because I guess it's tradeable w/ no inventory spot or potatoe).

    So does that mean event weapons are tradeable as long as they do not have anything attached to them and zero exp?

    Is Prova Vandal tradeable since Baro had it?

    Strun Wraith tradeable?

  2. I would never even consider playing Destiny but I found my way here anyway a few years ago.

    Refreshing to see a happy new Tenno, Welcome.

    I would recommend renting Destiny from Redbox or Gamefly though. Destiny still is a phenomenal play for the little content that is there. The game is insanely fun for 20-30 hours, then you just run out of stuff to do. So it isn't worth dropping $60 (or $100 like me with the special edition), but it's worth a few bucks at redbox.

  3. Welcome fellow brother and Tenno.

    I had 800 hours into Destiny before I discovered Warframe. I have not gone back since!

    I believe your comment about the WF community being more mature and respectful is due to the complexity of the game. Unfortunately WF isn't nearly as new user friendly as Destiny, which is one of the few things holding back its growth. At the same time, it's this complexity, and this deep 'need to research, understand, learn, and grow' our Tenno that attracts not a more sophisticated player, but generally an older and more tailored type of player.

    Destiny definitely copied many ideas from the Warframe universe. Which is also a big reason why I refuse to go back to a company who uses its sheer size and power to basically abuse loopholes for blatant copyright infringements.

    So welcome to Warframe!

    You are welcome to hit me up if you need some people to play with. My GT is the same as my forum name (spaces between letters).

    Also, Lock N Loaded is always looking for new talent. We are the #1 console PVP clan, so if you decide to leave your clan as you progress, you are welcome here.

  4. Players go there to power level everything, you basically take 1 - 2 Mesa there with either Limbos or trinity to full them. Players get all their gear maxed in 4 waves. Makes MR look diluted since anyone can climb to high MR using this method in pretty much a few days.

    Keep in mind the real grind is trying to build all of the weapons yourself.

    I've been trying to build every weapon in the game for 2 months now. Mutagen Masses, Gallium, Nero Sensors, Oxium, Fieldtron Samples, Neurodes, and Deontite Injectors are all insanely grindy to aquire, and stuff like the Opticore requires 20 freaking Gallium.

  5. No -

    Prime access gives 90 day boosters.

    IF boosters turned off while you were not on, that would mean you would have 2,160 HOURS of boosters. Do you even have 2,160 hours of playtime?

    The only way that this would work is if they significantly reduced the amount of boost time to something like say 3-4 days for prime access.

    Then you would complain "I feel ripped off! 70 bucks for 3 days!"

    It's the way of the world. No business would see this is a practical business move, and it would also create just as many problems as it solves.

  6. I wonder what will happen to Snipetron Vandal..

    'All event weapons and items have a chance to recirculate'

    'Snipetron removed suddenly from market due to lore conflict with Corpus energy weapon lore'

    'Snipetron Vandal awarded for event shortly after Snipetron's sudden disappearance, as an apology for It's sudden removal from the market'

    Soooo.... Snipetron Vandal or nah?

  7. Dual Gorgons

    The way this started is I saw a post about 'we should be able to trade Wraiths, especially if there are two of them now'

    Which lead to a funny joke of someone saying "Dual wield Gorgons! We have dual Grataka so why not!"

    Which made me think....

    Dual Gorgons is unrealistic as a standard Tenno weapon...

    But what if...

    ARCHWING AND SHARKWING DUAL WEILD PRISMA GORGON AND DUAL WEILD WRAITH GORGON! Weightlessness of space and support of water makes dual wielding these bad boys much more realistic. You know you've always wanted to, but always talked yourself out of it because you know DE would never do it. Now, it is right in front of you and you can have it! :P


  8. I have to finish Ceres, Eris, Uranus, and Pluto. I've just lost the motivation because the rewards suck so badly AND I know Starchart 3.0 is on the way.

    What will happen when Starchart 2.0 transitions to 3.0? Will DE do anything (like a Sigil or something) for the players who put the time in to grind out the star map?

    As it stands - I have access to all of the missions and dark sectors that I need. Also, I rarely ever find alerts that are mission locked.

  9. I would complete my weapon and mod collection.

    Then I would work on forma'ing every single weapon in the game and leveling every mod in the game. My ideal dream account would be to have every weapon and to have every weapon modded for maximum use. Meaning that I could pick any gun and make it work in end game still.

    Then I would just buy every single cosmetic in the game.

    Then I would become a hoarder of Prisma/Wraith/Event items weapons and artificially skyrocket prices by me essentially removing the supply from the market.

    Then once prices reach unreasonable levels - I will start my own clan, and use giveaways as incentive to lure new players. Essentially, I will become a Warframe God.

  10. to clarify, the ball thrown upward and downward are at the same initial speed. ANY speed.

    assume we are hovering at a random height.

    as for cinnamon toast, i love it too so sorry im biased

    Also,, the codes are only for PS4 and XBOX, so PC users GET NOTHING.

    Okay based on that w/ same speed across the board, ball A will hit with the greatest speed, since it has the most time to accumate speed (air time)

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