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Posts posted by (XBOX)G R A V O C

  1. Before I begin, I wanted to let you guys know a little bit about my PVP/FPS/TPS 'resume'. I have been playing PVP style games since 007 Goldeneye on Nitendo 64, and worked my way up from Timesplitters (oh the memories). Then when I got a little more serious about my play, I took on the following games: Call of Duty, Halo, Battlefield, Rainbow Six, and Destiny. So I would say I am well versed in the various styles of PVP.

    So time for what I believe is wrong with Conclave:

    Faulty Melee hit boxes - Similar to trying to melee a PVE target while on stairs for example, you just hit an invisible wall between the AI/player and the hotbox. This makes the use of melee way too much of a gamble. I will only ever melee players if they are cornered on a FLAT plane, or if I stun them.

    Invisible player walls gives Bows the advantage - What I mean by this is due to invisibile walls around AI and players (the reason you cannot walk through opponents), bow players will beat melee in CLOSE QUARTERS nearly every time. I find myself getting stuck on players while meleeing them, and then they sink me with an arrow or two and I am down. If you think about a real world situation, a bowman has the advantage at range. However, a swordsman has advantage in close quarters, especially at point blank range.

    Finisher damage is not high enough - I should not have to stun an enemy, finish them, and then proceed to fight them again after they get up.

    Lack of weapon balancing - MK1's being better than prime. Enough said.

    Lack of hit registration, even though the game shows a 'hit'. I wish I could find the link to the video - but I saw a video about a month ago that shows a player inflicting 350 damage onto an opponent, uninterrupted, and the opponent had only lost his shields. I've myself encountered this multiple times. As a long time PVP player, you start to learn to gauge how long it takes to kill an opponent. It becomes second nature to know when to stop shooting and to move on. However, in Warframe, I find myself constantly having to put way more bullets than are needed to down an opponent.

    4th ability 'ultimates' are not earned - All players have to do is dodge opponents and run around the map collecting energy spawns. A great example is most Ash players will avoid conflicts until their Bladestorm is ready. I am not saying that ultimates need to be removed or nerfed. What I am saying is that they need to be earned through performance, and not merely picked up off of the ground.

    Too many abilities - As if each Warframe having a super was not enough. The issue I see is that players will only use certain abilities, and completely avoid ever using the others. This is a problem when you have frames who can be effective with all 4 of their abilities, and then you have frames who can only be effective with their 4th, and also most expensive ability. With the number of frames and number of abilities, it just becomes impossibly hard to balance, especially when you incorporate the fact that all of the abilities cost a different amount of energy.

    Lack of Game modes - 3 game modes is not enough to entertain a wide variety audience

    1, 2, and 3 abilities being more effective than 4 - A great example is Excalibur and Slash Dash. Slash Dash significantly damages AND stuns an enemy, and can be quickly finished off with 2-3 melee swings before the stun even ends. This also only costs 25 energy per cast. Excalibur Exalted Blade is significantly more expensive to use, and can hardly grant a kill when used. Energy prices need to scale to a skills usability and effectiveness.

  2. It depends on what activities you play the most -

    I see Chroma all the time when credit farming on Pluto.

    I see Mesa/Limbo/Trinity/Frost all the damn time on Draco

    I see Excalibur pretty much everywhere

    I see Hydroid a lot on Jupiter and Mars dark sector.

    I see a lot of oddball frames on Pluto dark sector and Earth Excavation, since players use these to level up stuff.

    I never see Mag anymore

    I never see Ember

    Never ever ever see Vauban, even in Infested missions.

    I see Rhino, Mirage, Loki, Ash, and Nova all the time in the Void.

    Never see Banshee, Nekros, Nyx, Oberon, Volt, Saryn, Zephyr, it Valkyr though.

  3. As title says, I'm looking for a complete list of PVP mods.

    Please do not direct me to the Wikia. The Wikia only has the Syndicate Conclave mods and the mods that only drop at the end of Conclave matches. It does not provide a list of dual use mods like Maglev, which can be used both in and out of Conclave.

    Thank you!

  4. Honestly - I think they purposely reduce the drop rate on new prime items because they know everyone will go mad farming them. How else can you explain everyone getting Bo ornaments all day long, but only a handful of players actually getting the new parts that they need?

    Please keep this thread in mind and test it once Ash, Vectis, Carrier, ect all become "yesterday's hot commodity". I guarantee you DE will buff up their drop rates, and people will be getting parts for them all day long, while no one is getting the parts they need for future prime items.

  5. This is coming from a Mesa that people don't hate -

    I run two builds for my Mesa -

    Build 1: Long duration on both shooting gallery and Shatter Shield, plus Max effeciency and very high power strength for Peacemaker.

    Build 2: Long duration for same reasons above, max effeciency, BUT no power stength. Instead, I use range mods to increase shooting gallery affectiveness.

    • Also might be good to note that both builds incorporate Stagger Shield Augment mod. This Augment might as well take the place of Shooting Gallery, but I have a build for even more additional stunning ability.

    The key here is either build is affective without the use of Peacemaker. Build 1 does a good job at stunning with Stagger Augment, and shooting gallery as is has enough range for close combat situations. Build 2 is full force stun ability, but it lacks the ballistic battery power that Build 1 has.

    Players don't mind Peacemaker'ing in moderation. They just don't like press 4 to win Mesa's. I WILL use Peacemaker if things get crazy. I WONT stay in Peacemaker for more than 10-15 seconds though.

    Forgot to mention that these hybrid builds require 5 forma (build 1 being the most expensive for mod points).

    This is a little off topic from what I was talking about above, but I wanted to address it. Mesa's who go down will go down for two reasons:

    Mesa 1: A zero or one forma Mesa who does not know/appreciate the value of Mesa's other 3 abilities. These are your press 4 to win Mesa's. These are also the type of players who will yell at other players for not shrouding them in a perma bubble of protection, or the type of players who get mad that no one is providing them energy.

    Mesa 2: These are players like me who have put the time (and forma) in to be able to utilize Mesa's other abilities. If you ever see one of us down, please revive us. This means that we forgot to check out Staggering Shattershields duration, and basically got one shot. Mesa can be immortal if you maintain a strict dicipline of checking your Shattershield. I, however am not the best at maintaining a perma-staggershield, and usually don't notice it is down until I am almost dead.

  6. I had this issue for awhile actually - It eventually fixed itself (I even tried equipping nothing but striker as well).

    • Note that invisibility prevents Carrier from firing

    • Sweeper is a short ranged weapon. Maybe you aren't close enough to trigger it

    • Sweeper also fires really slow and has a really long reload process without fire rate mods

    • You can equip other sentinels weapons, but I've noticed they usually glitch out and don't work well

    • Laggy lobbies pretty much breaks a lot of sentinel mods

    • Never have Vaccum before Striker.

    Keep playing around and see what happens. If it doesn't fix itself after a day or so, contact support.

  7. While that is bad trade ethic, you also have to consider the counter side. Depending on the item, you could get 10+ PM's. It is hard to basically tell everyone off when your chat gets flooded with messages. Often or not, I take the first deal I can get. But there are a lot of times where I agree to a price, then get a bunch of messages after. Don't forget about horrible dojo load times and trade issues...

  8. I can't believe I'm about to say this - but this is one area where Destiny actually excels. Destiny's raids are strait amazing, and you can bring a mixture of any 3 classes and still finish. I can't tell you the number of raids I completed, or the number of 'fun raids' I did. There were so many times that I had already completed the raid.m, but was talked into helping people go through for the first time. It was absolutely an amazing experience to be the person who granted a player an experience like the Vault of Glass. (You know you've trolled your friends and pushed them off the jump puzzle before xD).

    Alright, pointless rambling aside - DE could learn something from Destiny raids. This player mentality is a symptom of the raid being boring and monotonous, and overly complex. Rather than doing task after task, it should be more of an adventure. You should feel like you are descending into the abyss, not just taking Bomb from point A to point B while dropping shield restores constantly. Players would be more welcoming to other frames, IF THE RAID WAS MORE WELCOMING TO OTHER FRAMES

  9. Life support is to remove camping, some people say. Funny, considering the most effective way to play void survival is to camp.

    This is why DE is reducing the amount of LS drops

    But Lifesupport is boring.... That is why I suggested something that could reward both active play and punish passive and AFK play.

  10. You say that super units is to prevent camping, but provide incentive to spawn in super units by giving them exclusive equipment.


    Camping for short periods of time itself is not bad. LS punishes both short term and long term campers. The real issue is the passive and AFK play campers. The ones that exploit mechanics and group combinations to essentially sit and do nothing for 40 minutes. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with players who want to anchor down in a room for a small period of time and play actively. There is a good reason to do this actually. A lot of players will move room to room, killing enemies and searching for loot lockers, containers, and secret rooms in the void.

    We need to be real as well. Players will take breaks. They won't endlessly run around for a full survival (some will, most won't). So going back to my original statement that short term camping is not bad - Players can choose to anchor down and hold a room for 5 minutes to trigger the spawn and be rewarded for it. However, AFK and passive play players who will constantly be triggering these super units will find themselves constantly having to change rooms, or having to actually play to face a unit whose purposes is to undo exploits and group mechanisms.

    The fact they they would compound in strength means bad news bears for AFK and passive players. Camping would essentially mean their death.

  11. LS is in place to prevent campers

    But LS is also the thing that makes survival so boring.

    Solution: Anti-camp spray!

    - What I mean by "anti-camp spray" is a gaming mechanism that basically flushes players out if they get too comfortable in one place for too long.

    - If a player stays in a room (or location) for too long (say 5 minutes), the games response is to spawn SUPER units. (Energy Leach Bombard Manic Nullifier Eximus for example). These units have one goal: wreck the Tenno at all costs.

    - Tenno have the choice to stay and fight or flee. Gaining enough distance between the player(s) and the super units will cause the super units to despawn. Staying and fighting will put the Tenno at a higher risk of death, but grants a fun challenge for players who want a little more challenge from the game.

    - These super units could have heightened, or even exclusive drops.

    - Super units replaces life support entirely.

    - Super units get compoundingly tougher and tougher, each time the Tenno triggers them. Provides a very high risk vs. reward scenario, where attempted camping could mean instant death by a very powerful foe.

  12. LS is in place to prevent campers

    But LS is also the thing that makes survival so boring.

    Solution: Anti-camp spray!

    - What I mean by "anti-camp spray" is a gaming mechanism that basically flushes players out if they get too comfortable in one place for too long.

    - If a player stays in a room (or location) for too long (say 5 minutes), the games response is to spawn SUPER units. (Energy Leach Bombard Manic Nullifier Eximus for example). These units have one goal: wreck the Tenno at all costs.

    - Tenno have the choice to stay and fight or flee. Gaining enough distance between the player(s) and the super units will cause the super units to despawn. Staying and fighting will put the Tenno at a higher risk of death, but grants a fun challenge for players who want a little more challenge from the game.

    - These super units could have heightened, or even exclusive drops.

    - Super units replaces life support entirely.

    - Super units get compoundingly tougher and tougher, each time the Tenno triggers them. Provides a very high risk vs. reward scenario, where attempted camping could mean instant death by a very powerful foe.

  13. Games like this are in constant need of change and tweaks.

    The simplest way of saying that to a community that is mostly ignorant on the development process is to state it as Beta.

    Basically this game will be in Beta until it is officially done. There will still be updates after that, but there will not be any addition of major major updates. They will only add onto current existing content

    So in a sense - think of Destiny. Since they are out of the 'beta' phase. All they can and really do add to the game is additional maps, missions, bosses. Items, and balancing tweaks.

    Warframe still has the ability to essentially do whatever they want with the game since players have not purchased a final product (like in Destiny). So if the devs decide they hate arch wing, they could completely scrap it if they truly wanted to. Or if they decide that Archwing needs to be a bigger part of the game, they can lace it into pretty much every mission. Kinda like how they are starting to integrate it with Sharkwing.

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