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Posts posted by (XBOX)G R A V O C

  1. So....if I have a lvl 30 everything then its pointless to complete the tasks that are presented at the beginning of missions because they actually have 0 meaning and don't give me anything extra???

    Affinity also correlates to your mission score (if your into leaderboards), and also correlates with faction reputation.

    You should always try to bring some Non-level 30 gear to every mission. There are well over 200 weapons in this game, so it's worth your time to work towards achieving max rank.

  2. When started playing I was sitting for a month on Mercury with mk1- Braton, lato and skana and was about to quit because I thought all other was for plat only...

    But later I found a Market with BPs for credits \o/

    And Void with prime parts.

    I made this mistake! I thought EVERYTHING was P2W (most newbies jump into the weapons section and not BP's).

    I made it all the way up to Ceres and Eris with Volt and MK-1 gear, then someone in region told me to just buy a BP with credits.. Changed my entire world

    Literally - I haven't discovered any content harder in my entire Warframe life, than soloing the entire star chart with unforma'd and non-potatoe'd beginner gear, with half ranked mods.

  3. Dude what? 90% of this post is random gibberish

    As for not viewing progress - That is most likely a feature down the line.

    Take a look at the QoL updates for Conclave in the past - Each one adds much needed features that were absolutely needed, such as switching classes between deaths.

    Give it time. They don't have a full on dev crew dedicated to just PVP. Remember, this game is PVE based and a majority of the player base is PVE. Therefore, PVP is lower on the priority totem, and slower updates.

  4. Never ever ever come back in Baro.

    However, I would love to see them integrate a 3rd Prime Access pack that appears every other prime access. This 3rd pack would be the same price as PA#2, and will offer the previous Prime Access Accessories.

    It would be on a rotation, starting from oldest to newest. Once it cycles through all the PA, the cycle restarts (skipping perhaps the most recent 1 or 2 packs, as not to flood the game since those just came out).

    1.) This would mean that accessories would be on about a year or so rotation for the temporary period of the PA.

    2.) The cosmetics would still cost the original amount to acquire

    3.) DE still makes bank, which means more funding to better the game

    4.) PA Cosmetics won't loose their lust

  5. I've ran countless trials, both with my clan whose incredibly Meta in the raid, and also countless pubs with seemingly random &#! configurations.

    Yes the Meta is theoretically better, but it's boring. I've ran all Nekros raids, and all Speed volt raids just to name a few. AND we won. So I'm against this idea. This game is already meta enough and you are presenting an idea that punishes unique build users. I don't care that it is a toggle ability to allow others to see it. That will be quickly countered with "Turn on your stats or leave the group".

    As a host, it's near impossible to get a perfect combination of builds, skill, and the ability to listen. Alienating unique builds will not solve that whatsoever. The only way to solve that is to stop playing with pubs. Because if we know one thing that is for sure is that pubs will ALWAYS be pubs.

  6. The QoL is 'gradually' getting better. So I think it will keep increasing as the game is progressively becoming more fluent gameplay.

    However, I'm disturbed with the road DE is going down when it comes to RNG. Obviously RNG is needed for a F2P to stimulate purchases. But you don't want to overly milk your player base, because you never know when they are going to stop producing.

    While it's cool that they are releasing frames and weapons at lightning pace, the sheer amount of change is overwhelming to casual and new players. DE needs balance between satisfying their vets and not alienating new players into feeling like the game is just too big to tackle. I joined shortly after solar rails was disabled, and even that felt like a mountain of work to catch up on, compared to the vets.

  7. Honestly, I think it is supposed to be as bad as it is, to try and get players to purchase the What Stalker pack. It's a price you gotta pay when playing F2P. There are hidden grind walls that are pretending to be equal chance RNG everywhere. Most notably when Prime's are first released, and it's next to impossible to get the parts to drop.

    As if standard RNG isn't bad enough... :p

    Hey scrubs! >;D

    I have 2000 hours from scanning for Simaris alone! >;D

    And guess what I got all the parts as well! >;D



    And Dread! >;D

    Perhaps you too should scan for Simaris! >;D

    Stalker and the other hunters and death squads seem to spawn incredibly frequently for me while I am scanning! >;D

    Jesus Christ man. It was one thing to spam the forums monthly with your stupid Simularis scan recruiting threads, but invading another persons thread?

    Get the hell out dude. You're so annoying

  8. So another prime accessories pack alongside the other one?

    Why not.

    Correct. Pattern would go as follows:

    Prime Access One: Frame, and weapon(s)

    Prime Access Two: BRAND NEW accessories

    Prime Access Three: Recirculated Prime accessories. Price and number of accessories and type entirely up to DE.

    This method caters to both new and old members.

    New players can still obtain previous items

    Old players will not be forced to purchase something they already have, as it is an entirely different pack

    Third Accessory pack could offer zero plat (again so vets don't feel forced to buy), but the packs could be cheaper to compensate

  9. Just curious, how would you, the community feel if they incorporated a 3rd prime access pack that's sole purpose would be to recirculate prime accessories for players who could not aquire them?

    1.) Players would still have to pay full price

    2.) It would still be time limited, as they would have to complete a full rotation of a Prime Accesses (Probably a year) before any repeat

    3.) It's still entirely optional and merely cosmetic

    4.) Provides DE with even extra additional income to bolster their dev team.

    5.) Since we would be looking at year long rotations, and standard full prices still, these items would still be rare and very lusted for.

    So IF it were to be released with the following ^^^^ in mind, how would you, the player feel about it?

  10. Why is this a pvp only mod? I really don´t get it, why pvp gets some the more interesting mods while pve gets none.

    1.) Because it's augmented for Conclave balance. Massive HP regen, and a significant shield regen penalty. Would be unbalanced for PVE.

    2.) Y'all already got Arcanes for passive HP regen

  11. Well, look at it this way. Players have been asking for a challenge for awhile now.

    What challenge is bigger, than lvl80 AW content, even if it is just making bullet sponges. The lack of variety helps remove "cheese" tactics, and players will have to find a way to survive nearly one hit kill enemies who eat bullets like its their job. For once, in my entire life. I'm excited for numerical difficulty.

  12. 1.) Players should be able to obtain standing without sigil's

    2.) Sigil's should only bolster the rate at which Tenno aquire Conclave standing

    3.) Tenno should be able to wear them outside of Conclave, in unison with other Syndicate sigil's, but aquire no Conclave rep outside the Conclave.

  13. The only way I'm ever going to scan is if they put some real incentive in to scan. Tomatoes, vague lore that doesn't answer any questions and only creates more questions, and aweapon everyone already has is truly not incentive.

    I want REAL lore

    I want shoulder sigil's, DE ran scanning contests, Simularis Warframe skins, a major update to Simulacrum to bring it out of the Stone Age, cosmetics, and of course, an update to scanning itself.

    There is potential for a large Simularis culture, as you say, to actually thrive. But their gonna have to dangle more than just endless breadcrumbs to get me to scan.

  14. nice going .. and this lot wants pvp exclusive cosmetics they can show off in pve. no effing way

    Yes effing way. PVP progression and balancing has been very linear, with a few minor setbacks (Trinity Prime). A majority of every PVP patch and update significantly improves the experience. We are close to having something competitive. Players should be able to showcase their PVP prowless in a cosmetic way, especially since we are ever-approaching an age in which skills DO matter, and gear is gradually becoming less 'Meta' in the Conclave.

    Besides, why do you care about Conclave cosmetics? If you don't play the game mode, then why would you care about wearing or seeing others wearing something that is entirely a reflection of the Conclave? That's like saying you hate Football, yet you want to wear a football jersey, just because you want it. The logic don't make sense there

  15. Here is the thing i use to determine skill, Gameplay.

    Guardians Movement: Sprint and double/triple jumping depending on class

    Tenno Movement: Parkour, double jump, bullet jump, air glide, dodge roll, flipping, etc

    Guardian Basic Arsenal: Primary, special, grenades, and Heavy weaoons

    Tenno Basic Arsenal: Primary, secondary, gear(restores etc), and Melee

    Guardian Support: Ghost

    Tenno Support: Lotus and Sentinal/Kubrow

    Guardian Combat: Highly trained gun combat

    Tenno Combat: High Gun and Melee combat

    Guardian Abilities: Hunter, Titan, and warlock classes with 3 differing types each l. 9 total.

    Tenno Abilities: 30+ differing warframes

    Guardian Upgrades: Armor and light system

    Tenno Upgrades: Modding and Forma system

    Guardian Extra: Fireteams of 3, High Vehicle combat, and ability to summon sparrow

    Tenno Extra: Squads of 4, Archwings, and dropship support(Mantis and liset)

    I am going to giving each winning side a +1 point and a small description why till a winner is decided

    Movement-Tenno +1: This was the easiest category to choose a winner. Since tenno just have waaaaaay more mobility than a guadian. A tenno has the upper hand in movement.

    Basic Arsenal-Guardians +1: This was the hardest one in deciding since they are really different loadouts. But the fact that gurdians keep 3 different guns on their person with an infinite supply of grenades yeah they get this one.

    Support-Tenno +1: The fact that the lotus can do what ghosts can do but faster wins it for tenno and also ghosts dont fight, tenno got sentinals/Kubrow for aiding in combat

    Combat- Tenno +1: this shows that a good arsenal doesnt make a compitent warrior. The fact that the best a gurdian can do in melee combat is swing a melee weapon from side to side or butting someone with there gun is outshined by the tennos melee prowess in technique and mobility.

    Abilities-Tenno +1: the sheer diversity of all warframes hands it to the tenno in this one

    Upgrades-Tie no points: each system has its ups has its owns but no clear better version can be determined.

    Extra-Tenno +1: this was a close call cause the guardians vehicle combating ability was able to match archwing and the ability to summon a sparrow at all times is impressive but simple math is what decides it here. Fireteam 3 is less than a squad of 4. And 1 extra person on the battlefield can make a difference.

    So th score is


    The sheer diversity a tenno brings to combat is what wins it for them. I do believe a guardian can indeed kill a tenno. But a single tenoo can kill 2 guadians.


    Did you just finish taking a college course logic class? This, is probably some of the most sound logic I've ever heard before in my life, at least in the context of game vs. game debates.

  16. I save my T-bags for only the most well deserved enemies.

    If all you do is run Trinity Prime, while spamming Link, and running from fights when you're not linked, you're gonna get t-bagged.

    If you use Ash only to run around the map and gather energy so you can get all of your kills through Bladestorming, you're gonna get t-bagged.

    If all you do is hide in a bubble all day with Frost, you're gonna get t-bagged.

    If you use Iron Skin before every single combat encounter, you're gonna get t-bagged.

    If you come into a match unprepared AND previously smack talked me, you're gonna get t-bagged.

    If you frequently use the Daiku, or Opticore AND can't land a shot to save your life, you're gonna get t-bagged.

    If you use four Slash Dashes on me in a row, you're gonna get T-bagged.

    If you use Silva & Aegis, Ark and Brunt, or Tempo Royale Galantine, you're gonna get t-bagged.

    If you use Nyx Absorb on EVERY encounter, you're gonna get t-bagged.

    If all you do is ground slam with the Jat Kittag, you're gonna get t-bagged.

    If you like to stand on still on the top of maps and attempt to snipe others. You're going to get ground slammed AND t-bagged.

    If you t-bag me after I just killed you 5 times in a row, I'm going to exclusively kill and t-bag you as many times as I can.

    ^^^^ If you don't fall under any of these categories, then I would say it's safe to assume I won't t-bag you. No promises though.

    Don't let t-bagging get to you. That's probably my most valuable advice from all my years of Halo. Just have fun with it. It's not going away, and it's just a game. Don't stress yourself over Deez Virtual Nutz.

  17. Well it will be a little biased, as you are asking on the Warframe forums.

    I have 780 hours here, and 600 on Destiny. So I hope I'm not biased, but I would say Tenno would win, easily.

    Guardians can be extremely lethal *Fondly thinks back to my Peacemaker, one hitting and exploding everything in VoG*. But they also are very squishy. They are essentially superhuman undead who use the power of the "light" to revive via their ghosts. Tenno have their Oro instilled into them, and can only be annihilated by another Oro-bearing user. Meaning, Guardians cannot kill Tenno (unless the light is a different forum of Oro-void energy), while all the Tenno have to do is destroy the ghosts.

    Ghjallarhorn just got nerfed too, because of year two gear. Soooo.. While they fire little rockets at me, I'll be swinging my sword-version of the Ghjally, also known as Galantine.

  18. She IS balanced

    - Her attacks do not scale with enemy armor scaling

    - she is forced to use melee, where God classes like Trinity have much more versatility.

    - You still have to know what your doing to effectively use her.

    Now please, don't make anymore threads like this. Last thing we need is our balanced kitty to be nerfed, because of unaware players constantly asking if she "needs nerfed".

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