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Posts posted by (XBOX)G R A V O C

  1. Have fun with your pack.

    Reason why PS4 players aren't happy is because we got the obsidian skin on an archwing which no one uses while you got it on an archwing which everyone uses.Our energy color cannot be changed but yours can.Last but not least,your anniversary gifts were 100x better than ours.

    I'm so tempted to put an Xbox master race statement in here, but I am going to refrain myself from doing so.

    On a serious note - Xbox probably has some arrangement (money possibly included) that restricts what DE can release on PS4. Xbox has done that before, purposely jipping PS4 players with less luster content, all in the name of profit.

    Nef Anyo is secretly Bill Gates. Illuminati confirmed!

    Edit: You guys got Boar last Anniversary... That costs 545 plat now. Besides, this is our first anniversary...

  2. i don't get why people push for long games. Does it give better rewards past aabc?

    1.) People like challenge. Longer missions = tougher enemies

    2.) AABC is the same, no matter how long you go into a mission

    3.) Supposedly mods and rare resources drop rate is also associated with enemy toughness. So a level 80 Heavy Gunner is much more likely to drop an Orokin Cell, for example, than a level 8 Heavy Gunner.

    4.) Very hard to prove the above statement, and also the drop rate could be voided out entirely by increased kill times inbetween enemies due to increased health and armor.

  3. This is why I don't trust Warframe beyond 35-40 minutes and immediately extract.

    Hell, Draco breaks on me at least twice a week on 4 round runs.

    Eris Dark Sector Survival constantly breaks on me before round 10 and forces me to quit.

    T4 surf has a tendency to randomly poop out and eject all players from the game.

    On that last one I said. I have this theory that the Neuro Sentry has finally wised up and found a way to eject Tenno from the Derilect's. But that's just my opinion :0.

  4. So before we begin - I understand that Dark Sectors (the 2008 game) is solely the spiritual successor of Warframe, which does not indicate any direct relation to any Lore within the Warframe universe.

    Now that is over - IF we lived in a universe in which Warframe is the very far away prologue of Dark Sector, what would your theories be on how we went from Hayden Tenno, to Warframe as we know it right now?

    If the lore directly linked, then we know the Tenno are human (well at least Hayden anyways).

    - It is much more likely to state that the Orokin is the advancement of humanity, transcending from countries and states to one sole empire that is conquering (and destroying) the solar system.

    - give us insight to the Corpus and Grineer lives pre-Orokin collapse.

    - Ect..

    So again - tell me your biggest and most creative theories on how you believe that Hayden Tenno went from that, to what we have in front of us today?

    Side question: How much time do you think passed between Hayden's days and now?

    Again, another disclaimer. I know this is all entirely fiction. I do not need to be reminded 1,000 times that Dark Sector does not tie to Warframe. This is a place of 'what if' and a place where we can let our imaginations run wild. If you cannot respect that, then obviously you have no soul and no creativity.

  5. So the Snipetron was removed for Lore reasons. Let's fix that!

    Solution: Darvo in an attempt to make even more profit has began modifying Corpus technology to better fit the Tenno's light and agile approach to their weapons. So the Snipetron 'could' be a fusion between standard ballistic Tenno weapons, and the energy power and punch of Corpus energy weapons. Snipetron would only be available periodically(and randomly) from Darvos deals.

    Anyone objectify to this?

    Edit: we already have hybrid weapons. Look at any infested weapon!

    I think an even better example is Vor's prized Seer. A fusion between the power of the Orokin, and Grineer.

  6. Cephalon are basically super computers with ONE set purpose.

    - Ordis = Assist the Operator

    Cephalon Simaris = Aquire all knowledge for the Sanctuary

    Moon and Sun Cephalon = Prepare Tenno for battle

    Corpus ship cephalon = protect the ship at all costs

    Cephalon only take physical (geometrical) form to appear to be more sentient to the Tenno. They have no emotion, they have no soul, they have no free will. It is all an illusion to make interaction more fluent. There are severa cephalons in the game that have no form, because they don't need to have a form. Like the Corpus ship cephalon, for example.

  7. It is happening when I am solo as well.

    Maybe someone on your squad had loot detecting aura?

    It happens when I am solo as well.

    Animal instinct now lights up mods (wasn't like that before U17).

    Maybe that's the cause?

    Ah! That must be it! I have Animal Instinct equipped on my sentinel

  8. Hey guys, I've been exploring U17, and the massive list of fixes and changes that came along with it.

    So far, I've found everything I was looking for in the patch notes - however - I cannot find anything about mod highlighting.

    Since U17 came out, I notice mods now glow brightly when I approach them, and can even see the glow through walls. I do not have that mod equipped that highlights mods. I cannot find anything in patch notes about this.

    So can anyone help a brotha out and hook me up with some Intel as to what is going on here?

  9. How the hell does one make a Prime kubrow? How the hell does one FARM a Prime kubrow? Prime Kubrow armor I can get but... Eh, I have a headache now...

    Kubrows are companions of the Orokin before and during the old war. They had multiple tiers and purposes, ranging from pets to combat companions.

    It can be assumed that a Prime Kubrow is the top tier Kubrow (either by survival of the fittest through selection), or a modified Kubrow through the use of Orokin technology, or both.

    Primed Kubrows were probably part of the temple guardians, and probably were used by the temple guardian rhinos.

    This is of course my speculation based on the finite amount of info we have on the subject(s). So take it with a grain of salt.

  10. Power creep?

    You haven't seen power creep.

    Step into any MMO - every major update pretty much voids out the previous top tier gear. Might as well throw it to the noobies to fight over.

    DE is enticing an audience by gradually releasing more and more appealing stuff. The issue is if DE releases everything at once, the community will demand more anyways. Or if they release 'equal' gear that doesn't outclass existing gear, then people will get bored with it and demand it.

    We still have top tier weapons that have yet to be outclassed. Boltor was so top tier that they HAD to make a weapon to compare to it, and it is STILL top tier.

    Until we get to the point in which old gear becomes grossly obsolete in a short period of time, then we don't have a power creep issue.

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