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Posts posted by (XBOX)G R A V O C

  1. I'm all for a flight implementation on zephyr. Though it would need a downside like lowered defenses while flying.

    Eh I wouldn't say it needs a downside. Zephyr really has nothing going for her really. Except a Tonkor build.. She is bad enough that we don't have to consider a nerf for her buff.

  2. The quest for Limbo isn't part of archwing content, why is it required to be obtained by archwing?

    Care to explain?

    Guess you haven't done the Limbo Theorem. You have to gather proof fragments from fallen Dregs on Archwing intercept missions. Took me about 8 runs to gather all of the fragments. Word around the grapevine is they have increased drop rates. Cuz when I did it, I would average 300-400 kills a game and walk away with a few fragments.

  3. Baro once was changed to please ones that have lives-"we can't farm duckhats fast enough so we miss stuff" ans now baro is repeat same useless crap over and over. Ask you friend, you girl you cat to check him

    I have 4,700 Ducats bro. This is not a "I can't farm ducats fast enough" thread. This is a "I can't even connect to the freaking game with server downtime" thread.

  4. I couldn't get to Baro yesterday with all of the server issues.

    So I figured "I will visit Baro tomorrow when I get off of work!"

    Now, that I am off of a 12 hour work shift, what do you know? Can't get Baro to even load into the relay with all of the server issues going on right now.

    Don't even expect me to get onto Warframe at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow to try catching him before I go back into an early morning shift. I shouldn't be expected to jump through hoops to try working around a very tight 48 hour window, in which I can't even get on to buy from the guy!!

    I don't want my Ducats to keep collecting dust, especially since there is finally something worth while buying.

    - end rant.

    - extend Baro for those of us who have lives.

  5. It directly affects Warframe powers. It would become "mandatory" in the Exilus Slot for several frames I can think of. So no, I don't think it should be made an Exilus mod. And I don't think it will be, as long as it directly affects Warframe abilities.

    This most definitely will not be a mandatory Exilus mod slot.

    For all of the 'Meta' farmers, then yes, it will be mandatory for their playstyle. But people who actually play the game to play (and not to grind to aquire better stuff to grind even better), it will not be a mandatory mod. I would much rather have Handspring, Rush, Maglev, or Sure Footed, as they support me as a player who actually plays the game.

  6. Two sides of the story:

    No - You had two weeks to prepare, like every other Baro duration. Plus prices are pretty much the same across the board (usually) ducat wise.

    Yes - Some people may only be able to play during the server downtime. Meaning that because the servers were down during Baro's very limited 48 hour window, some players might miss him all together, EVEN IF they have ducats prepped. So keep in mind - an extension on Baro doesn't always mean rewarding the lazy. It also means rewarding players who have committed time to the game to aquire the ducats, but also have a life outside of the game.

    So take your pick. I don't see a big issue with a slight extension. It's not like the items he's selling won't ever be back again or anything like that. It's not an extension on something highly exclusive

  7. What I do is I look for Mesa's kill of limit, then I EV troops right before they enter it. If Mesa yells at me, I tell them to learn how to work w/ a Trinity because frankly I'm sick of explaining it to them. I still try to supply them w/ energy when they so leave Peacemaker, because that is still affecting my exp output and resource output. But then usually I block the player so I don't have to play with them ever again

  8. No - The issue is there is no real foundation in this game for an auction house.

    I have 45 Flow mods in my inventory. I sell one maybe every two weeks, and get them faster from the void than I can sell. Currently, I can get 10-30 plat for an Unranked flow mod.

    Now imagine if we had an auction house in which selling off my excess flows is much easier. Even with trade restrictions, I will be able to sell of my mods faster than I obtain. The issue with this is it is going to make mods absolutely plummet in price. Then stuff like Frost Prime, will sky rocket. Because players can control the market, even with trade limitations in place. Whenever there is an automated system like an auction house, players figure out how to exploit its mechanics.

    So all this will do is

    1.) Destroy any sort of value for current 'rare' mods. While this doesn't sound bad at first, you have to consider players can get top tier builds and essentially skip content, with small amounts of money. Then players who choose to play without paying are punished, because the drops they get aren't even worth selling anymore.

    2.) Exclusives will become even harder to obtain. While this does sound contradictory since it is 'exclusive', it's never healthy for players to be dropping 200+ dollars on content. It just doesn't support good game quality of life and yields very short term profits.

    If this game was like say, World of Warcraft, then yes, please keep their auction house. They have proper content and a proper player base to support one. TPS genres just don't have the depth (currently) to support such a system

  9. WF still has port problems and I'm broke......


    Muh temple rhino......

    Just sell some stuff bro.

    - Sell an hours worth of Triton cores.

    - Keep track of rare and valuable mods as you get them to drop. I have like 40 Flow's and I constantly sell one of every now and then when I see "WTB FLOW" on the trade chat.

  10. How Exactly is 95% ranged damage reduction Squishy ? You have Shatter Shield, use it !

    The issue he is saying here is that Peacemaker forces you to be stationary rather than mobile. Shattershield has absolutely zero affect on melee attacking enemies and leaves you completely vulnerable for say a butcher or a charger.

    The complaint here is not the 360 radius change. The complaint is that Mesa will have to toggle Peacemaker on/off constantly and reposition herself constantly to prevent being mauled to death from the back.

    Basically the afk'ers just don't even care. They hate this change all around.

    But the people who actually PLAY w/ Mesa now see even less purpose to peacemaker. When I do void runs with friends, I usually don't Peacemaker unless it's a room with like 30+ enemies. You know, a situation that actually calls for Peacemaker. Now in this same instance, I won't feel comfortable being completely sill against enemies that can literally one shot me even with Shattershield (melee) now that I only get to fire in front of me.

    Peacemaker needs some mechanic to make it more friendly for the purple who are actually trying to use her full kit and to actually run and gun. You know when she was made, she was made as a run and gun frame? Don't get me wrong, I can completely run and gun without her 4th. But I hate that she has a 4th that will be of literally no use to me, seeing as it doesn't consider the fact that Void melee is basically instant death at higher levels.

    How Exactly is 95% ranged damage reduction Squishy ? You have Shatter Shield, use it !

    The issue he is saying here is that Peacemaker forces you to be stationary rather than mobile. Shattershield has absolutely zero affect on melee attacking enemies and leaves you completely vulnerable for say a butcher or a charger.

    The complaint here is not the 360 radius change. The complaint is that Mesa will have to toggle Peacemaker on/off constantly and reposition herself constantly to prevent being mauled to death from the back.

    Basically the afk'ers just don't even care. They hate this change all around.

    But the people who actually PLAY w/ Mesa now see even less purpose to peacemaker. When I do void runs with friends, I usually don't Peacemaker unless it's a room with like 30+ enemies. You know, a situation that actually calls for Peacemaker. Now in this same instance, I won't feel comfortable being completely sill against enemies that can literally one shot me even with Shattershield (melee) now that I only get to fire in front of me.

    Peacemaker needs some mechanic to make it more friendly for the purple who are actually trying to use her full kit and to actually run and gun. You know when she was made, she was made as a run and gun frame? Don't get me wrong, I can completely run and gun without her 4th. But I hate that she has a 4th that will be of literally no use to me, seeing as it doesn't consider the fact that Void melee is basically instant death at higher levels.

  11. I don't see why we can't have Clem on our ship.. It's not like they will have to add additional dialogs for Ordis or anything..

    "Do not be taken by its adorable appearance! It means to leak and smear all over my pristine insides!"

    "Ordis will rerout power to air filtration systems."

    "Look. What an odd little nose it has! Well, I suppose there are worse things."

  12. Lotist so I can kneel before DE Rebecca.

    I'm sure there are those who follow the Stocker

    Which side for DE Megan? I would kneel before that red headed goddess any day.

    Real note - Clemist sounds juuuust about right when it comes to my Warframe playstyle. Me in a typical game.

    Me: Soma!

    *Spays a highly boisterous amount of rounds to overkill a lowly squad of enemies, while in my voluptuously plump Mesa*

    Enemy: .... *Leg twitch*

    Me: Soma... >:)

  13. Creepiest story I have:

    I needed credits, and fast. Like, Baro was 30 minutes from leaving and I needed 110k more credits. So I took my ol'trusty Mesa to dark sector defense on Pluto and sped run the crap out of it! On my 3rd and final run, I join this game halfway through. When I get in, it's a Vauban and banshee on wave 1 trapping all of the mobs. I started Peacemakering, and the Vauban player messages me "STOP F'ING UP OUR ART YOU MOTHER F'ER! F'ING MESA'S PISS ME OFF! GO DIE!". I shrugged the comment off because I didn't have the time to mess around. Baro was literally packing up his wares into his ship and about to fly off! So on the 5th and final wave - The guy sends me "I'm going to look up your information and send you a bomb in the mail". I ignored the user because I'm used to empty threats like that. I played a lot of COD.

    But the part that freaked me the hell out is this - 30 or so odd minutes after this strange encounter, a random user PM's me. He lists my IP address, my name, my current place of employment, MY HOME ADDRESS, AND MY FACEBOOK PROFILE PAGE LINK! I immediately screenshotted everything and reported it to Microsoft. The representative told me they would look into it and notify the police if they found anything.. Never heard back from either Microsoft or the police on if anything happened or not..

    To this day, I still can't believe he found all of that info out about me without any assistance from me. I am a solo player mostly. I don't have Xbox friends. The few friends I do have on Xbox know literally nothing about me. I do not have Facebook or YouTube or anything installed or signed in on my console. So it was definitely a hollowing experience for me and has made me a little weary of random encounters.

  14. Stalker is either a patriotic Orokin citizen, a Tenno whom for unknown reasons chose the Orokin against his brothers, or this last one is a long shot - a brain washed Tenno. Option A is the most likely, seeing as he refers to Tenno as "The Tenno", rather than just Tenno, which indicates he differentiates himself. Also, he was a low Temple Guardian who had absolutely no idea what was going on until seconds before the Tenno slaughtered the Orokin Hierarchy. Keep in mind, nearly, if not all Tenno had to be in on the scheme to overthrow the Orokin, since they had the complexity of the Lotus's ability to plan, and Tenno across the entire solar system simotaniously killed off the Orokin on the 9th drum.

    So now that we are done with that part. The Tenno have no memories of their past because it either was erased by the Lotus, or because it faded away from 100+ years of Cryosleep. The Stalker, on the other hand still has his memories. He watched in horror as the Tenno massacred the cold and golden ones (Orokin leaders). He never went in Cryosleep, and spent his years building up his Hate, Dread, and Dispair (probably both metaphorically and actuality) towards the Tenno. Training relentlessly and honing his craft. Then one day, the Tenno start awakening and leaving their void protected Orokin Derilect's. Thus, the stalkers begins to exact revenge.

    The Stalker from a lore stand point must have been successful - he contains abilities from multiple Tenno, and even one ability that is of unknown origin to us, the Dispel. It is likely that the Stalker has found a way to dismantle Warframe suits and put the abilities onto his own suit. OR he may even be absorbing the Oro of the Tenno, and in a sense, gains their abilities for himself. Or the third option is that the Orokin purposely prevented the Tenno from having too many powers per suit in order to keep them from being too powerful. Thus granting Orokin, such as a low temple guardian, a suit which contains the limitless power of multiple Tenno. Each theory is unique in its own way, but each provides an example of how the Stalker is able to do what he does.

    Keep in mind that there are thousand(s) of Tenno. Most of them died from the effects of the Void while they were children, but hundreds survived. The Orokin killed off some of the remaining Tenno through experimentation, and also just eliminating some whose abilities were deemed not beneficial to the Orokin. Then some Tenno were killed by the Sentient (Mirage). Other Tenno have fallen to the infested. Some Tenno are forever lost to their own doing (Limbo). Some Tenno have been harvested by the Corpus (Excalibur). The Grineer slaughter Tenno in their Cryopod's (all except Vor). Then the G3, which were made by Doctor Tengis, hunt down awakened Tenno, using their specially designed suits which only purpose serves to best the Tenno, even against 4 Tenno at a time. So it's safe to assume that the surviving ORIGINAL Tenno are in the numbers of anywhere of 100-500. So each Tenno that the Stalker kills is a significant blow to the Lotus. While you may see him as a sub-par mini boss, you have to remember a lot of players on Warframe aren't geared to fight opponents who are level 50+. Step into any public match on the planets, and you will see players who die to level 15 to 20 enemies regularly. So the Stalker is made to be challenging to the average player, rather than impossible to the average player. I've died a handful of times to the Stalker as well.

    - Also, keep in mind that we never actually kill the Stalker. All we can manage to do is to best him, and he flees.

  15. It's not classified as a support. It's classified as assault

    However, it can be used as support with burst fire down a narrow hallway. You can essentially create a 30+ second duration breathing space for your team with continuous burst before needing to reload. The proc chances are alright, but usually aren't needed. Normally the enemy dies before needing to stun it. But I do notice that usually on tougher enemies like Bombard, I do get a few status procs to help slow them down

  16. that statue is ridiculously delicate. Mag standing on her toes makes the statue's structural integrity much lower than it would be otherwise.

    Uhhh... The point of a statue is to stand there.. And do nothing... All day.. Every single day... While you look at it, and don't touch it.

    Do you plan on making this Mag your personal companion? Are you going to show her the world? Do you plan on taking her on her first roller coaster? Or show her how to surf? Are you going to cuddle her to sleep every night?

    Seriously man, your post is pathetic. People complain about anything. Your SERIOUSLY complaining about the structural integrity of a light and plastic statue? Good god I think I've heard it all now.

  17. Seriously, it's just MR fodder unless it's semi-comparable to the pick up power of Carrier.

    My suggestion is to let it hold one extra item per retrieve rank.

    I don't want it to be AS GOOD as Carrier. Because Chesa is obviously an alternate way to play, but when the only thing Chesa has going for it when compared to other Kubrows is loot pickup... I would like an ability that is even worth my time to use. Any other Kubrow is better utility wise than Chesa

  18. okay with the natah quest out right stating that the lotus/natah is a sentient so a few things


    will the lotus look partially sentient when we meet her?


    this has some backing behind it in the naming of in-game places, will the introduction of the sentients allow for other star systems?

    So there is not a lot of solid lore surrounding the Sentient, so there is a good chunk of this that is nothing more than educated guesses and theories.

    What we know about the Sentient that is 100% backed up by lore, in game mechanics, and devs:

    - Sentient are Orokin creations

    - Their purpose is to safeguard and expand the Orokin empire

    - Somewhere along the line, they turned on the Orokin, causing the Great War era

    - They are a unified mind. When one dies, the others learn from that death.

    - Sentient, much like their name, are capable of mind, thought, and even feeling.

    - There are 5 types of Sentient that we have seen so far.

    • Natah and the non-identified parental figure. They have a humanoid type appearance, but are still highly intelligent AI that appear to have a mind of their own

    • Sentient ships. Which could be just ships, or actually a Sentient AI themselves tasked with upkeep and transportation of other Sentient AI.

    • Three Sentient drones or AI's. More simple constructs from the Orokin. Potentially controlled in mass by the first type of Sentient, such as Natah. The first drone is the Oculyst scout drone. The next two are unidentified drones from the Tomb of the Sentient trailer. There are two distinct AI in the video. There are ones with tiny heads, but broader shoulders. These clearly appear to be more battle designed AI. Then there are the ones with the enlarged heads that almost look like wings. These clearly are more supportive type AI, or potentially ranged or caster AI.

    So now that we have that out of the way - back to your original question regarding Lotus.

    Lotus takes a humanoid figure, and she will have the Sentient headgear (which most likely controls Sentient drones and allows her communication with ALL Tenno).


    This is where speculation comes into play. Keep in mind, everything I am saying from this point is pure educated guess from what we know right now. Take it with a grain of salt The Orokin developed the Sentient, which are obviously more advanced than the Neuro Sentry and the Cephalons. The Cephalons are highly intelligent, but they lack free will and soul to make their own choices. Every choice and action they make serves their original purpose. Example, Ordis only does and acts on what benefits the Operator. Cephalon Simularis only does what benefits his designed purpose of acquiring all knowledge for Sanctuary. Even though Cephalon Simularis is clearly one of the most intelligent beings in the universe, with his nearly infinity compilation of data, he still cannot escape the bindings of his designated purpose. This is how Cephalons and Sentient differentiate. Sentient are the next step in the evolution. Sentient contain all of the intellectual power of the Cephalons, but now they contain their own free will, minds, and thought. Essentially they are considered conscious, where as Cephalon Ordis may or may not be conscious. Ordis may only be responding to command, rather than aware of his own existence. Example, when Ordis says "Ordis is the Cephalon, Ordis is the ship", this creates the illusion that Ordis actually understands that he is an artificial construct of advanced technology. Ordis simply could be citing that from his own data logs, which would mean even though Ordis is talking about himself, Ordis doesn't actually understand that Ordis is Ordis. The big point that I'm getting at and how this is relevant to the appearance of Lotus is that Lotus looks humanoid. The Orokin either gave a humanoid appearance to the Sentient to resemble themselves, or the Sentient purposely morphed to that appearance, as a proof that they have their own mind and soul. This is supported by Natah's parential figure. His (not indicating he is officially male) figure is similar to Natah's, but the features appear to be regenerating. This information shows that the figure, an independent mind, is regenerating to take on a humanoid appearance. The fact that even the part that should be flesh has this broken down and regenerating appearance indicates that their flesh is fake. It's simply a suit created around a Sentient mind.



    So going back to the 5 types of Sentient - It appears the Orokin crafted these superior minds and tasked them with the purpose of controlling the rest of the sentient. Essentially, the Oculyst and the other drones are JUST drones. They aren't actually conscious or sentient. These drones are being controlled BY the Sentients who were created with the purpose of controlling them. So this will play a massive roll in the appearance of Lotus if this is true. Because Lotus is one of the superior sentient AI, who is in charge of the lesser AI such as the Oculyst. So Lotus will look like Lotus, rather than a floating drone.

    Here are some additional concepts to help get an idea:





    Regarding your second question, this is entirely up to DE whether or not we will leave our Origin solar system. They have set the lore up in such a way that they can take it either way. "The shattered Outer Terminus of the Solar Rail Network is located here. The Corpus work to rebuild it." Basically, the Orokin exhausted this solar system, and they worked towards expanding to other systems. Plus this system is still clearly affected by the infested, hence why Dark Sectors are previously unreachable by the Orokin solar highway (Solar Rails), and why these areas are both so rich in resources AND infested. So they wanted to leave in order to start a new and prosperous life in an untouched system that is free from over-exploitation and the T-virus. This is why the Sentient were sent in the first place. Their job was to ensure it was safe for the Orokin to go over, since the Orokin have no idea what's on the other side and it's a one way trip. When the Sentient came back, they were battled hardened and began to attack the Orokin. This tells us that there is something on the other side, that either turned the Sentient, or even BEAT the Sentient. This makes a great next step in the game. The sentient is the hardest opponent we have faced. But what happens when the Sentient become old and the community gets bored of the Sentient? Well, why not fight what the Sentient could NOT beat?

    So at this point - It really depends on two factors. What does DE have in store, regarding the lore and progression of Warframe. Also, will Warframe ever become big enough for the team to be able to craft an entirely different system that is UNIQUE enough to be played, and also sprouts another unknown faction to us at this point.

    Edit: There is also a chance that maybe these superior minds were not crafted by the Orokin. Maybe the drones were just drones, and the Sentient we see and know as Natah(Lotus) is actually what came out from the other side. So who knows, Ordis might lift the Veil and show us the door to the other world where we might encounter these beings that currently appear to be Super AI. The lore options are limitless. But it's safe to assume Lotus will look like Lotus. It is also safe to assume that Warframe, as an expanding game, will eventually unlock what is beyond the outer terminus

  19. tenshin is ororkin

    He is from the Orokin Era. It does not state that he is actually Orokin. While it's assumed from his appearance and the lack of any other options that he is Orokin, we cannot say with 100% certainty that he is Orokin. All we know for certain is that he is not Tenno.

  20. Here is my theory on the stalker and why he hates the Tenno -

    So we know the Tenno are children who are/where experimented on and recruited by means yet unknown to us to fight a war that is not our war. We know the Orokin has done multiple bad acts, such as enslaving the Grineer, creating the Sentient, creating OR tinkering with the T-virus, and testing on children. We also know execution is a huge deal to both the Corpus and Orokin.

    So with all of that being said - During the Great War, the Tenno must have found a way to organize and strategize in secret. They simotaniously executed all of the Orokin higher ups across the entire solar system, all on 'the 9th drum'. So this means that the Orokin did something worthy enough of their complete overthrow by the Tenno. Because as of right now, it seems the Tenno are either good in their core, or just pure survivalists. What the lore does not state though is whether or not the Tenno killed CIVILIANS. According to Stalker's lore, some walked while the rest slumbered. This means some Orokin must have survived. They are not completely extinct, just merely that their reign and governmental system had been crippled beyond repair.

    So going back to the children (Tenno). The lore states that the ship is hidden. Well, it's stated that it hasn't returned, and the narrators ignorance of the ship and its contents is just more proof that the Orokin are hiding this ship for its unethical cargo. What this likely means is that the Orokin hierarchy is containing secrets from the general Orokin population. Much like say the CIA and all of America. A very small percent of people know very deep secrets that none of us will probably ever know. So it is fair to say that the average Orokin citizen, who is not affiliated with the War, or politics, or anything of that nature, could be completely ignorant of what the Tenno truly are, and what the Orokin had done to them. Basically, the civilians do not see Tenno who slay the Orokin as a means of self defense and survival. They see Tenno cold and heartlessly murdering the Orokin as a means of greed, selfishness, and personal gain.

    Going back to the Stalker - The stalker is likely Orokin (save that discussion for another topic). The Stalker states that he is a low temple guardian. The stalker at the time was probably a young and opportunistic Orokin civilian that enlisted in service and began working his way up the ranks. Considering the sheer size of Derilect's, and their most likely permanent stay on the ships, it is likely that Derilect's were populated with civilians and various figures. This means that the Orokin probably had very good control of their civilians, using propaganda, and the Orokin's greatness alone as a means of sprouting Orokin patriotism and elitism. The Stalker probably fell into this, and saw everything 'as a sacrifice for the glory of the empire'. So to the stalker, either as a patriotic Orokin civilian, or a brainwashed service member, watched as the Tenno slayed everything he, and the Orokin people stood for. The fact that the Stalker refers to them as "The Tenno" rather than "Tenno" shows that he considers himself On a different scale than the Tenno. So basically, he's sitting there watching this whole slaughter go down, and he's thinking "how dare they do this! This is not their birthright to do! They are not US!"

    So going back to the Tenno a little bit. Rhino Prime is a high temple guardian, which shows even the Tenno can aspire high up such as the Orokin. Also, the statues of Excalibur in the Derilect vaults shows that the Orokin general population see the Tenno as war heroes, saviors, even gods! Think of a gladiator, where the slave masters treat the gladiator like crap, the emperor and his politicians want him dead, but they cannot execute the gladiator, simply because the crowd loves him! The crowd would riot and revolt if the emperor were to go against their word. Now think if that Gladiator were to assassinate the emperor(assuming he was a loved emperor). Wouldn't the general public turn against the gladiator, and vilify him? So the point that I am attempting to get at is that the Orokin majority have the Tenno on a high platform, as the war heroes who are saving them from the infested and Sentient. The Orokin majority also don't know about the Tenno's upbringing and treatment. Only the hierarchies know about this, and when the Tenno revolt, it horrifies the general public, and rips the Tenno down from their thrones as war heroes, to betrayers.

    Bouncing back to Stalker - While the Tenno slept in their Cryopod's for a very long time, the stalker stayed awake. He festered with hate, despair, and dread. He refused to forget and forgive the Tenno. He never saw beyond his limited box of knowledge that was available on the Orokin Derilect and their propaganda. After all that time, the Tenno awaken, and he can finally exact revenge. So in a sense, yes the Stalker is right, but only from his perspective. He sees murderers. While we see Tenno who freed themselves from captivity, and toppled a very corrupt empire. The Stalker will never stop his hunt, because there is no one to tell him.

    Lotus is Sentient and has her own adgenda's, so it is unlikely that she would be the one to inform the Stalker of the 'true' story.

    The Tenno have lost their memories. All they remember is how to use gun and blade. They have no knowledge of their past, and what they did. As outlined by the Stalker codex with the whole "you may have forgotten, but I have never forgotten" part. So the Tenno do not know why the Stalker hunts them, they just know he is a threat that needs to be addressed.

    So final thoughts: I believe the Stalker is right about the Tenno, if you look at it from the perspective of a patriotic Orokin who most likely is brainwashed. But is the Stalker actually right? I don't think so. I think the Tenno are either good, or just survivalists. I don't think their intention was to murder in cold blood. I think they have a just reason for each murder they commit. Torture, slavery, and death of their people is a just enough reason to revolt.

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