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Posts posted by (XBOX)G R A V O C

  1. As a serious suggestion: No.

    As a joke suggestion: Meh.

    I guess you haven't Conclaved much. There is seriously no effective way to handle a Frost in his bubble, without putting yourself in serious jeopardy of death. If you can think of a better way, than be my guest. But don't throw this method out til you try it. It's highly effective against Frosts, seeing as it takes a whole 10 seconds to strategically place 5 bullet jumps on the Frost.
  2. TL:DR included at the bottom

    So if you have stepped foot into the Conclave. You probably know how annoying Frost players are. They constantly pop their bubbles and hide, waiting for you to enter their arena of death..

    There are a few effective measure, none of which give you good odds of winning.

    Currently - you can creep into the globe and hope to gun down the Frost before he gets you.

    You can use a power weapon like Galantine or Jat Kittag to ground slam him. If you miss - You're dead.

    You can spray bullets at the shield until it drops. Highly ineffective since you are vulnerable and wasting ammo. Plus a lot of Frosts will just plop down another bubble.

    Or you could just wait it out.. And let the Frost come to you.

    Of all of these tactics, none of them is particularly affective OR fun.

    Ladies and Gentlmen.. I introduce to you.. The Frost popper 3000!

    The secret is.. Bullet jump! Bullet jump you say? Let me explain myself. In the Conclave, Bullet jump takes 52-65 shield and/or health when you activate it next to a player. Meaning, bullet jump is actually quite affective at close quarters! So here's what you do:

    When you encounter a Frost, it will take 4 bullet jumps to take a bubble down. 5 bullet jumps to kill a frost. The glorious part about this is that Frost's are confined to their bubbles! It's literally like shooting fish in a barrel! What you do is you rapidly slide in and out of the Frost's bubble, initiating the bullet jump each time you go in. Doing this both hits the Frost, AND the globe. Just make sure to dodge like hell while doing all of this. Most Frosts will freak out and run when they realize their health and shields are being depleted very rapidly, INSIDE THEIR BUBBLES. On the 4th bullet jump, quickly swing your crosshairs around and start spraying! The bubble pops on the 4th bullet jump and most Frost's aren't expecting it to be down. If the Frost pops another bubble, just quickly bullet jump again, and the 5th bullet jump kills the Frost.

    Keep in mind - this method only works if you relentlessly barrage the Frost. You can't let him recharge his shields. You also don't want to waste a minute or more on a single encounter. So the goal is to become efficient at this. I have killed Frost's in 10 seconds using this method. I bullet jump, quickly swing around, lunge forward, slide, bullet jump again, repeat. All while the Frost is playing an epic game of duck hunt and wasting his ammo.

    I wish I could post video of this method. It's beyond entertaining, and it's the only full-proof method I've found when it comes to handling Frost.

    Now a smart Frost will do his 4th ability to freeze you when he figures out what he is doing.. But keep in mind, this is Frost we are talking about. The odds of a Frost player thinking of this in the moment is very little. Even if they do think if it, will they have the energy to pull it off.

    TL:DR - Rapidly bullet jump in and out of their bubble while they try to shoot you. Bullet jump damages both Frost, AND their bubble. 4 bullet jumps pops the bubble. 5 bullet jumps kills the Frost. The whole process takes 10 seconds when you master it, and also significantly increases your odds of winning against Frost. If you want more details and more in-depth on the process, read the post.

  3. • Proper relays.


    •Synergize player dojos to relays to promote clan interaction with the community.

    • Return of Solar Rail Wars AND have them be worth doing.

    • A proper trade section, rather than a broken trade chat and invite to dojo mechanic.

    • Interlacing the lore into the game, rather than just one U18 cinematic mega quest..

    • A reworked Mastery system that incorporates more elements to determine a players "skill"

    • Incentive to do every activity. I want to feel rewarded for playing the game.

    • Promoting veteran and nooby interaction. This is how you breath new life into a game

    • find a way to rerun previous tactical alerts. So far a good chunk of the actual in game lore has been in the form of a ONE TIME tactical alert of game event. This does not promote good game dedication down the line. You have a smug and elite few who where there to witness it, while the rest of the new players do not feel invested to it.

  4. Sigils, etc, already exist don't they?

    Imo the Conclave Sigils look hella badass, but if yur gonna be talking bout bonus Rep gain for the Sigil, let's be honest : Tenshin doesn't give much to offer from it.

    Other Syndicates have Syandanas, Conclave will eventually have one, question is : will it even be worth the farm?

    Currently the badass sigil's cannot be used outside of the Conclave. This is because players whined enough that they didn't want to feel forced into Conclaving to earn the sigil's. "I want to wear a Conclave only sigil' that showcases the Conclave, but I don't want to Conclave!". That's the logic there :/

  5. No - no issue at all. This is coming from both a hardcore PVP and PVE'er.

    I've always been super frustrated at this community and their stance to PVP... Everyone is always so against it, which is why it gets such little love from DE. I'm also sick of the whiny mentality and self-entitlement people always have, such as "Conclave should be Conclave only, because I don't want to feel forced to Conclave for something that I want!".

    First off - IF Conclave actually had cosmetics that could be used outside of PVP. Why would a PVE player even want to aquire it? Yeah it may look cool or unique, but it is a symbol of an accomplished Conclaver. If you don't want to earn your stripes in the Conclave, than why on earth would you want to wear something that specifies Conclave affinity? I'm talking in a general sense of course, not referring to anyone in particular.

    So with that said - I really hope DE gives PVP a little love, and adds rewards that allows us to showcase our passion for slaying other Tenno. I hope they toughen up on a community that is so used to being pampered by the devs. It's because of this "I don't want to feel forced to play content" mentality, that rewards in this game are so lack luster. A lot of major games out there in fact do offer unique rewards, both cosmetic and interactable, for various activities in the game. It's a way to showcase your achievements, and shows everyone else where you've put your time into the game. Then if anyone ever goes on the forums and whines about feeling "forced", hardened communities will shut them down immediately.

    Give us rewards that make activities worth playing!

    That's my major complaint about the TPS community as a whole.. A bunch of filthy casuals for the most part! Talking about you too, Destiny! These sort of conversations don't occur on real MMO forums, because those players understand that not all content is made for them. They understand that if they want something, they actually have to do something to earn it. A player saying they want to wear a Conclave Cape, but doesn't want to Conclave to earn it, is like a player saying to DE that they want Prime items, but they don't want to play the void to earn them. Or it's like saying that I want to get Arcanes and I also want to get the Raid sigil, but I don't want to feel "forced" into playing the raid. So I'm going to whine about how all of his raid stuff should be available outside of the raid.

    - End rant.. Sorry, I get a little heated about this community from time to time.

  6. Hayden Tenno acquired his powers from the infested


    Some several hundred or thousands of years later...


    Orokin(most likely the advancement and evolution of humans) in their desperation to beat the Sentient revert back to the Technocyte virus, which was probably locked away in historic data vaults of the old world, release the Technocyte virus.

    When the virus fails - The Void, which was first introduced after the Orokin attempted to leave the solar system, using their pre-constructed solar highway (solar rails), throw what is now known as the Tenno into the void. The void twists us with its energy. When the children (Tenno) return, they have abilities.

    So where my disconnect is at is that there isn't any evidence that the infested caused us, other than Hayden Tenno, which itself is not sufficient evidence. DE has taken more of a "we can neither confirm nor deny" sort of stance, meaning any speculation on the matter is either true, or false. But we won't know until they give us more info.

    I personally believe that Hayden Tenno is still not as powerful as a Warframe Tenno. I believe that the Technocyte virus gave him limiting abilities that fits more with the theme of infested. Warframes seem much more powerful than him. So while I do think it is possible that the infected has some influence on some Warframes, I don't believe it is the answer to all of us. I think DE introduced the void and used it as the source of our creation, because 1.) it gives DE a lot more versatility in the creation of Warframes, and makes a lot more ideas become more "realistic and fitting" into the Wardrame universe. And 2.) Limiting us to the Technocyte virus doesn't leave much room for growth and expansion of the game. With the void - we could potentially explore this energy further, and discover super frames (and super enemies). We could travel ALL the way through the void, and reach the destination that the Orokin were attempting to reach. We could face the whoever created OR turned the Sentient on us. Think about that - Once the Sentient get old and boring. DE can introduce the one enemy that the Sentient, the toughest enemy we will face, could not beat. It's like the boss of bosses. The grand master above all other masters. With the infested, all that there is really room for is mutation or the virus.

  7. 1.) yes that is intended. There are only a handful of mods (maybe 10 in total across the board) that transfer over from PVE to Conclave. The rest of the mods are Conclave-exclusive.

    2.) I would say yes and no...

    Yes - Warframe PVP is very unique from other games. It has its own set of complex rules of engagement, meaning players are gonna be using tactics that you've probably never seen before. It's literally like taking Mortal Combat, and having it mate with Call of Duty AND Halo. So do prepare yourself to have a learning curve when encountering veteran Conclaver's.

    No - Mods aren't too big of a deal in the Conclave. There are exceptions, obviously. But these are going to be nichè builds that you will need to understand how and why they work, in order to be affective with them. But overal for a majority of the weapons, they are balanced enough to bring them in and slay.

    - Bonus note - I see LOTS of boonies in the Conclave on Xbox. This is actually a great sign, as new players are trying it out, and also new players are coming into the game. So yes, do prepare yourself to encounter some of the games finest Conclaver's, as it is a relatively small part of the community. But also expect to encounter people who are in the same boat as you.

    3.) Oh hell yes! Here are some to name a few...

    Ash Prime with Dragon Nikanna

    Valkyr with Galantine

    Chroma with ANY heavy axe, sword, or hammer

    Frost with Burston/Braton/Karak

    I could keep going on.. But you will figure those out yourself from experience. Do keep in mind that Frames themselves are highly dangerous with their abilities alone.

    Excalibur will be one of the squishy Warframes, meaning it's easy to take him down. But don't let this fool you. Excalibur is often considered the Master Conclave Warframe. A lot of the top tier pro's run him. Exalted Blade is potentially one of the best ultimate abilities in the Conclave, if you know how to use it that is.. He also is really fast, Slash Dash can give you the upper hand at a moments notice, and he also looks cool as hell.

    I won't call Frost a defensive Frame.. But rather that he forces players to play on his terms.. Whatever you do - Do not give kills to a Frost in a snowglobe.

    Valkyr's Hysteria makes her near-immortal, and also is a one hit kill melee.

    Trinity Prime is probably gonna get rebalanced for Conclave. Right now - Her link ability makes it impossible to kill her in a 1v1. Literally, any damage you do to her reflects back onto yourself, and she takes a very small fraction of that. Meaning if you were to do a power attack with a channeled melee weapon, it would one hit kill yourself.

    Chroma... Two words - Melee God

    Ash - Nichè build. Hard to use in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to properly use him. Absolute slayer in experience hands

    The good thing about Conclave is that there are quite a lot of effective builds, and not too many ineffective builds.

    4.) Cheese Tactics -

    Bladestorm Ashes

    Tempo Royale users

    Bubble Frost

    Hysteria Valkyr's

    Absorb Nyx's

    Immortal Chroma's

    Anyone who only hammer smashes with Jat Kittag

    Sleep Equinoxes

    Energy Wall Volts

    There's more, but I'm trying to not feed you a wall of text.

    Overall - I wouldn't call any of these Cheese tactics simply on their own. The part that I would say would becoming cheese tactics is the excessive usage of these tactics. For example - If you have an Ash who just runs from you the whole game and gathers energy orbs just to Bladestorm you, then I would fall that a cheese tactic. An Ash who uses multiple tactics, and strategically places a Bladestorm wouldn't be cheesing. But there are certain Ash users that all they do is play cat and mouse until they are ready to use their 4th ability in order to kill you. That's some annoying stuff!

    Good luck Tenno! Report back to us your experience please!

  8. The game engine uses a P2P (Peer to peer).

    That greatly limits the options. Of course, it is much cheaper for [DE] because it saves thousands of dollars on central servers. But keeping the P2P system can not be:

    1. Persistent Worlds.

    2. True multiplayer (8 players is the highest so far and many problems).

    3. New game modes. Currently, only game modes "closed" are allowed (Start - Length (N) - End).

    Warframe can never have the interaction mechanisms offered by other games (Destiny) simply because the base engine does not.

    All of this I understand.

    What I was referring to is A populated game is a much more immersive game.

    I used the Destiny Beta comparison for what my hopes are of what significantly shrinking the star chart will do.

    - Less nodes means higher volume of players per node

    - Destruction of the void as we know it will have new players interact with veteran players (similar to how vet players on Destiny still see newbies because they are farming pub events)

    - Overall it will be a better experience, in my opinion. Even w/ Peer to Peer.

  9. I joined this game after Starchart 2.0. It was quite the lonely experience as a beginner. I literally played by myself all the way up to Neptune. Obviously I have joined a clan, and also learned how to work the recruitment tab by using 'hot nodes' to play. But I got to thinking.... How would my overall experience and perception of Warframe be different, had I felt like I wasn't the only Tenno in the known universe? Would it be like one of the few positive experiences I had on Destiny? I fondly think back onto the open Beta for Destiny, in which 6 million players flooded the starter area. I absolutely loved it! Every instance I went into was packed full of players. You ALWAYS had backup during public events, or when fighting Randal the Vandal. it was also a great way to learn how to play the game. I can't tell you how many times I was just mindlessly exploring the cosmodrome, when I would stumble upon a group who would pick me up, and take me on an epic adventure. I literally made more friends in the Destiny Beta in one week than I have in my 250 hours played here.

    So with all of that said - I am absolutely excited for Starchart 3.0 to roll out. I feel like it will breathe some much needed life into the game, and put players into contact with eachother more frequently. I also envy the new players who will get to experience this game for the first time, NOT feeling like the only Tenno in the universe.

    So who else is with me? U18 hype!

  10. "Worth it" depends on several factors.

    1. Your financial situation

    2. Your patience for farming

    3. Your need for instant platinum.

    4. Your use for 90 day credit and affinity boosters.

    As far as raw value goes the answer is yes, but it is better to assess from an individual standpoint.

    This. So much this. Literally, freaking this.

    If this doesn't answer your question, nothing will.

  11. Why do people think it's okay to offer 100 platinum for my, my, MY Buzzkill? Same reason you think it's not okay to offer YOUR platinum to obtain the mod.

    It's a rare mod. If you don't want to cough up 1000 plat, then move along.

    Baro officially sells event mods now. Pay for it now. Or spend potentially up to a year waiting for Baro to cycle through stance and event mods... 2 weeks at a time

  12. So far theres no balance to how I do in pvp. Over the last few weeks now that I have discovered builds I like its either I ! raped or I get ! raped. There is no inbetween. I also never win when a vectis user is present :v. Also where is the I got Butt raped by phase with out lube option in the poll ?

    Vectis is a one hit kill headshot sniper. Anything below the chest requires two bullets. Vectis only has one round per mag. So if your going against a Vectis user, don't just get into a strait on gun fight. Use Parkour 2.0 and dodge around a bit. Play cat and mouse until you see an opportunity to gain the upper hand. Staggering abilities and stunning melee weapons will also become your best friend against high damage weapons like snipers, seer, or Bows

  13. Weird, because I never got hit in mid air with Zephyr in PvP. You were probably jumping in place.

    I personally don't use Zephyr in Conclave. That's from my own personal experience when playing against other Zephyrs. They always glide at me and I always just pick them off. I don't consider them a threat like a Braton Prime Frost in a Snow Globe, or an immortal Jat Kittag Chroma, or Valkyr rushing at you with a channeled Tempo Royale Galantine.

  14. Showcase your finest and baddest Kubrow(s) here!

    Here is mine. I call him Robo Kub (heheh...)


    Also - For those who are confused about the Kubrow Prime Access, here is everything you get from it -

    Prime Kubrow Colar - Non-Exlcusive to PA. Turn any Kubrow into Prime

    Prime Gene Masking kit - Exclusive to PA. Decorative Orokin Kubrow colors

    Prime Kubrow Armor - Exclusive to PA. Guilded Kubrow armor.

    Prime Kubrow Fur Pattern - Exclusive to PA. Decorative lines on fur

  15. 1.) Not a fan of extreme exclusivity that DE likes to do.

    2.) Umbra is coming. So why withhold photo excal cuz you know ain't know one gonna use it once Umbra is out!

    3.) A lot of players are either new to the game or missed it during the last launch.

    So by that logic. Please do release it for Halloween

  16. dont plan on trying it... the first thing that caught my eye on warframe was NO PVP although im really happy that it has no benefits.. though the day they add mandatory pvp ( some special mod / weapon ) is the day i quit warframe :) just my thoughts about pvp

    You should consider giving it a go. PVP now is light years different than what PVP used to be. No power creep. Mostly balanced, with the exceptions up next for rebalancing. More competitive with Parkour 2.0. The old parkour just had Tenno randomly flailing everywhere. Parkour 2.0 allows for Tenno to be much more surgical in their parkour combat. There is actually a pretty big PVP scene developing, especially with Solar Rail Wars returning. But with that said, just note that there are players out there who absolutely wreck 99% of all the other players out there. Most of which have their own unique builds, which says something about the balancing at the moment.

  17. 30 examples that describes my extensive PVP experience.

    1.) Run around Opticoring everyone

    2.) Switch to Valkyr and slay everyone (600 armor)

    3.) Jat Kittag everyone even after the PVP nerf (make everyone angry)

    4.) Switch to Karak And Tempo-Galantine when try Harding

    5.) Need 5 Oro in 10 seconds? Exalted Blade slide attack everyone

    6.) One hit kill everyone w/ Daiku... If I could aim

    7.) Scindo Prime to counter Galantine and Kittag users

    8.) Mag to become invincible (purple shields)

    9.) play with pubs... 25-0...

    10.) Play with slayers - Most intense PVP of my life

    11.) there are no cheap tactics. Only tactics that are better than yours.

    12.) see a fellow Daiku or Opticor - Parkour away like hell

    13.) Laugh at people using "Wraith"

    14.) MK1-Braton master race

    15.) t-bag to ensure rage

    16.) Fall off the map more times than you die

    17.) playing by myself around 3-4am GMT.

    18.) Face European PVP'ers around 5-6am GMT

    19.) Attempt to recruit skilled players for the return of Rail Wars

    20.) fall into energy field and die

    21.) Use Simulor to loose BUT piss everyone off in the match

    22.) hammer stomp Frosts inside of their bubble. I like to consider them to be bubble wrap. Pow!

    23.) Try to kill players on killing streak, but too good to allow other players to gain a killing streak

    24.) slash dash - the secret to killing cephalon holders

    25.) Need a way to counter Frost and Ember ults? Overcharge detectors mod will change your life

    26.) facing an opponent that is entirely dependent on stagger and stun locking? Immunity mods will shut them down

    27.) Use Zephyr to become target practice (slow glide)

    28.) Use Nyx Absorb to waste all of your energy. Or kill 4 people. One of the two will occur.

    29.) dance in front of AFK players.. And have them return to shoot you in the face while your stuck in an emote..

    30.) See Chroma, run for my life (Chroma is currently a PVP melee God)

    Need a heavily PVP centered clan and on Xbox? Look no further than LockNLoad (#1 PVP clan on console)

  18. As title says - What is the best mission in regards to a good balance between quick and reliable drops and a good ducat sell rate?

    I just spent 3 hours playing various void missions, and only ended w/ 260 ducats. I need like 1,000 for this trader go-around. So advice on which mission I should be running is greatly appreciated.

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