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  1. As part of the ''doesn't use negation swarm'' group, ya I do not like being forced into using negation swarm. I also don't appreciate the aesthetic changes to the passive. I think the sarcophagus looks cooler. What baffles me more though - Why are they splitting up his 4 into two separate abilities? Just why? I don't understand the need for that.
  2. Well it's not a joke to me but... Wait you think it hasn't gotten out of hand yet?
  3. Given how more warframes are coming out with their own, signature weapons, which basically get a free pass when Prime Access rolls around (unless you are Akzani). Could there be a consideration for more, older weapons, to get a midas touch outside of Prime Access? Like how you can get Lex Prime whenever, or AkLex Prime from Baro. Could muh boi Javlok get some shoe polish or something? It's the first and still only speargun that is meant to have damage on it's throw, instead of some other effect; and especially with Styanax existing now, I wish throwing my spear was better then using it like just another gun.
  4. Funny thing about the snipers, ''back in my day!'', you could toggle the zoom without being scoped in...I still miss having that and it annoys me yet, whenever I remember it. Not sure which update made the change, likely around when what they called a ''sniper rework'' dropped.
  5. Silva & Aegis, so I can use mine in late game without having to look at that imposter of a prime.
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