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Posts posted by Xyhon

  1. 3 hours ago, Draigool said:

    For warframe yeah sure, but it's not like everyone that has a mastery rank from 10 above formaed you know, there are people below that formaing to get to end game content, it's not like they have enough mastery rank to put every necessary mod into an unranked weapon

    You don't seem to get it do You? Exp gain is too low now, making the choir to level up the desired stuff even more horrid, and making it USEFUL in i.e: RAID, a pain in the ... Working yourself through 10 missions just to progress 10 levels of a weapon is a new low for this game. Never before I could get into 40+ maps and be out with almost no affi gain on anything. Even focus gain is slow as a snail. That makes grind game even more grindy, not the opposite. Of course, they can say it was intended to drop players off farming endless missions - but, why the frack would it count, if I do Ceres Inter/Surv, Stealth/Exterminate, or just run T4 void for an hour for MY version of fun with it? I have 1250 hrs in game, I really got to know how I like to play by now...

  2. Well, since they nerfed actual affinity gain from almost all sources on def/intercept/survi missions, GL with forming weapons few times. Today we did full clear of new Void sectors (just to be through with them), my weapons leveled somewhat about 8 levels. Great going with this, DE. Really good for morale. Also, current system does not let you play with ppl things we consider "end game", and come without proper gear set-up. So "Draco-like" places, were the only thing that made leveling not a choir, but fastest possible method. Still, point me in direction that let's you earn affi in bigger numbers, on current star chart. No, Sedna is waaaay off. Counting things like: lowering take-over for points to 300, 600 for domination, much lower affi gain from mobs, etc. Grindfest is never fun, considering you have to do it almost endlesly now to build a proper weapon/frame.

  3. Affinity gain is bad, you intentionally lowered everything in game, from normal mission to nightmare, etc. - so please, make it WORTH our time. Imagine, there are people in this game that actually forma their stuf... DE, what's with that new approach to players?

  4. So, new design is going for a cash grab from your side? Really, DE, after all these years, new design that PROMOTES plat buyers? I invested a lot of time and some money in this game. This just makes it worse. If you are going for TAB system, make a PLAT tab and CREDITS tab. That is really that simple, and won't drive players away from you.

  5. 1. Bring back "confirm to enter" style of clicking on star chart - current is garbage - you can zoom out, click to drag a map and GET into the countdown, even if nodes are invisible due to zoom. 

    2. Multi choice on junctions - please, why do we need to do alert to be able to do normal node?

    3. Indications for specific missions - searching for something, till you "memorize" new layout in star chart is utter pain. You have to point at node to be able to actually read that tiny description. Give us better tooltips, or just place ICONS near the node which will have the symbol of a mission type. Right now, I have issues finding.. nightmare zones.

    4. Stuck on exiting relay - cross sections - dojo. You have to either exit the game, or just use the menu - which does not solve one more problem with that - you get your invitation and choice of multiplayer options removed, also, can't accept or issue invites - even through chat system.

    5. More high tier levels to actually do. I thought You wanted to make VOID 2.0 a challenge, not just remodel the stuff. The only challenging thing now are Sorties and endless runs - which get a bit boring to get to, since you just need to sit for X rounds first to actually get something high level at you. Rathum is more like PVP bot fight than normal run, so that does not count ;)

    6. Affinity gain - expected to nerf Draco, not remove it completely, not expected to ruin only Grineer planet that was actually fun to play
    Also: Why affi gain is so low? Why do I have to remain in a missions for HOURS until I can level up a single weapon? Ever thought that through? Forming weapons will be REAL pain, not to mention the process is dumbed down to just grind million times - except this time, we won't do it on one map, but ANY map. This is not going to make ppl want to play, just the opposite.

    PS. WTH is wrong with my warframes - their heads are possesed by some ancients when they look on star chart?

  6. 10 minutes ago, shirokoi said:

    Guys, it'd be nice you actually experiment with the new setup and give some productive feedback. Just screaming "NERRRFFFF" at DE isn't going to help them make any positive changes. qwq/

    Spent 6 hrs on different setups/locations today. Not in sim, just REAL game. Mag is a no-go for higher missions. 70-80+ and you just feel as you are throwing paper clips at everything with skills. Sure, magnetise is great - only if you don't kill other melee frame or yourself by it. And also, bugs like hell - dissapears with bodies, "stays" and does not work, explosion does 0 damage, etc.

    BTW: To the guy who screams she is lovely after change-of-heart. Draco? Really? You call Interception with Grineer a challenge? This are the "training" grounds now... Even 0 lvl frames manage to go there and win few waves... I know she can manage 30-40 lvls just fine, but that is not the point in reworks, to make Mag even more mediocre, and not excel at anything like she used to. Peace.

  7. Really, DE, You should be proud. Instead of giving us rework with some attractive skill set, you decided to ruin one thing Mag was good at, and not deliver anything at all in return. This toon scales so BAD now, that taking her to sortie is like masochistic dream come true. When you buff the Ash (Bladestorm + bleed dmg dur), you take Polarize, and make it utter bsh. Let me give You some advice:

    Pull is fine, AoE, CC tool, doesn't need to do much in terms of damage (unless you want to use it to spawn globes, then - boohoo, bad for you - 100lvl Grin/Corp/whatever, they don't care).

    Magnetise - well now, how about you make it into CC AoE skill, instead of "root one guy and pray the rest doesnt kill you" skill? Also, ability to kill yourself - kinda lame, considering we are the Magneto of this game. Or even, deploy as a ground trap - still better than current state.

    Polarize - here is the REAL deal. Flat damage that doesn't scale with ANYTHING makes this skill, well, I don't know - useless? 100 lvl Corpus don't sweat it. Grin' and Infests - they don't care. Make it useful, by adding % damage back, and armor reduction which is not a flat number (even stack-able for recasts). Also, you can always opt for CC in it. Else, you can't use it for sorties, raids, anything higher tier.

    Crush - well there, this is really the weakest ult in this game. Not even Volts slow mo is going to top it on it's way for a crown. Volt's Ult is at least ultimate CC tool giving it's recent change... First things first: if you are going to do slow, limited range, animation stuck, casted spell, then give something in return: damage, that SCALES, or, magnetic shield making it IMPOSSIBLE to shoot Mag down? Anything else than this hideous, slow casting, low damage skill, with high risk of dying by lone bullet that skips the grip animation because of it's low range.

    BTW: how is buffing Ash and nerfing other frames considered "good job" by your terms?



  8. 15 hours ago, Vitalis_Inamorta said:


    Ever played Dark Souls?  Roll through the pain, people.


    You missed the point completely. In DS, you CAN learn and DO fights with any class/combo - some are harder, but not stupid hard. Here, you just get an enemy who one shots you, because, that's why. After 1100 hrs in this game, I think I manage, BTW. I just don't like grinders with little to no challenge except don't touch me cause you die - this ain't mechanics, this is just lazy coding.

    PS. after the nerf, fully loaded Inaros goes down in 3 sec - nice. Progress, baby.

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