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Posts posted by Xyhon

  1. Waited until midnight, downloaded PoE, and...

    Really, DE. Just putting those reps  for farming is not enough? Now I have to propell my Archwing using Fish Oil?? What are we, back in Moby $&*^ era? 

    I get it that putting stuff to actually force people to play something is sometimes required. But not locking normal player behind :"charges" which are artificial, and even non related to lore/etc. Make me mine/fish to obtain something else, even weapon parts (which actually would be more understandable). But locking our "mount" behind charges/etc - it is plainly gameplay model, that makes me wonder, do you actually listen to your player base?

    To others: please, don't bother defending this. This is only one of many complains to come with expansion. Don't turn into S#&$ty F2P grind model. The current that was till now, even with it's flaws, was enough.


  2. I use Oberon P in high content, all the time. Nearly immortal himself, with Rage/QT/Vitality combo, around 80+ hps/400+ armor bonus depending on GP in team, 18 secs for his 2nd, and stripping armor in 2-3 4th casts. You don't need to be spamming anything with Oberon. That is, if you know HOW to build and play him. Higher str builds are inefficient for me, since they strip duration/efficiency more.

    Does much better job in CC and team support + deals damage, than most frames.

  3. 7 hours ago, Serenna187 said:

    I got an absolutely reasonable idea to makle tentacle swarm more usefull: allow the tentacles to submerge if they got no enemy in their grasp/just killed it and re-emerge to attack another one.this would solve ai just walking by like nothing is there

    on a side note: tempest barrage effect radius isn't affected by range mods,,or is the arsenal bugged

    Appears it is not, which is literally annoying. TBH, I only build him now for his 1st and 2nd skills, since puddle is obsolete for me, and Kraken is not good at his job anyway. (Yes, the random flailing and not grabbing of enemies, or tentacles appearing in weird places are still here)

  4. 11 minutes ago, Wolfiusz said:

    Yeah, but what if it doesn't have that 1 HP left? It simply dies. And I don't agree on the nuke part. Vay Hek was concentrating on my pet 1-shotting it every time, because pets are pulling alot more aggro than Sentinels. That's why my Carrier Prime survived identical boss fight without issues. (it was compleetely ignored). So unless enemies do AoE damage Sentinels have alot better survivability imho.

    Pets survivability on high level missions is a myth, because of thse 1-shot-kill enemies.

    Pets don't die instantly, and you can mod them for bleedout anyway. Also, when paired with right frame, they get S#&$load of stats from that frame.

  5. I use Smeeta all the time. Of course, AI could be better, but since I am mainly melee player, my pet never dies. Considering perks that it brings to my table (double drops, crits, stuns, stripping armor) it has its uses to me. Also, comparing gun damage - well, sentinels fall short in higher missions, except for providing some status chance/small CC. And, I don't rely on Carrier for a reason: it's only useful precept has been made available to all.

  6. Volt used to be speed frame. You used him to run around enemies, and make party go zoom. Now his builds are mediocre, they can't be really diverse, and also, you can't build negative power Volt for max range and CC, because it affects his movement speed and his CC capability with dmg cap on skill.

  7. 3 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    What was wrong?:( im trying to picture this. The only thing i see people complaining about is undertow, but they talk as if the whole kit was messed up. No examples that really make sense are given.

    And people being upset about hydroids undertow doesnt make sense to me either, unless they were also upset about Saryn keeping toxic lash as an ability after her "rework". And i dont remember anyone making half as much of a fuss.

    Im trying to put things in perspective. Toxic lash is a gimmick. Its less useful than some augment mods are other frames have for their actual abilities. 

    As far as hydroid goes, he was reworked without any limitations added (that i know of). Thats a first for DE. A first. Well, oberon wasnt bad either...

    Undertow is better and more useful than cloud walker (pretty much the same ability). Its still the campiest ability ever made, but its there. Somehow loki gets away with having duration based invisibility as an ability instead of something closer to the archwing variant of him, and people will tell you he is fine as is, but people are losing their minds over undertow...???

    And Volt? Thats makes this super easy by comparison. This is how you know DE didnt mess up hydroid. 

    There are lots of horrible abilities and terrible frames, but this one horrible frame with terrible abilities is not as horrible or terrible anymore. I dont get what was messed up. But its probably because i wasnt a hydroid main.


    Well, umm, at least you can PUT that shield in place to protect something. IE, yourself casting ;) Also, I know 4th is damage capped, but, it still is more reliable than Hydroids barrage + tentacles in terms of some CC considering it ignores terrain. DE tends to forget, that minority which actually likes rework, is playing on such low levels, that any frame with no mods would do... And sure, we can take any frame to Sortie level. But then, it becomes tedious job to do, not actually enjoyable playstyle.

    For me, Volt lacks the trademark it was given. Speed. It is nowhere near the speed he had back then, and reducing his capability to be flash in this game with shield picked up by even more nerfs to movement, is just wrong. Also, dependencies which require you to build him all around, cripple him even more.

  8. Problem with Hydroid as it is right now, is not that he lacks CC and control, but that this control can be neglected by terrain (Tempest Barrage), RNG (1st and 4th both), and ofc, the one and only, range - because puddle works great, if you don't have team that is getting hit at with ranged fire, that is drawing mobs away. Since you need to grab enemies manually now, which is awkward considering you need to run closer anyway (you can't grab enemies over terrain, tentacle can sometimes even not deliver said enemy to the puddle if it "hits" a bump). Overall, Hydroid is a cast spammer which requires lots of energy to be useful in high content (else, you are dead from not-cced enemies), or just "play dead" puddle, which is laughable, because enemies running from different sides won't be bothered with you anyway. You don't get to build much dmg stacks being stationary as it is required, since you need to move in this game, unless you play in a well coordinated team, or just play solo. And, don't tell me you promote this kind of gameplay, because it plainly sucks as stated before. For me, 3rd should be more like "ohf..." button to save yourself, not mandatory dmg skill if you want to kill stuff at 60+. 1st and 4th were always capable of doing good job with disabling enemies, when they actually worked in terms of terrain/spawn points. They need scaling, not your mediocre puddle.

  9. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)darkeshrine said:

    This is going to be a bit different, solely cause I'm not going to ask the generic "What's the best melee weapon for Valkyr?" question. What I want to know is whether the Jaw Sword or Dual Cleavers can be better than most weapons for Valkyr's 4 (Hysteria) seeing as they both have "+100% Melee Damage" mods from Syndicates? 

    Syndicate mods don't work on Exalted Weapons. So, no benefit in her Hysteria. This is mods you take into account mostly, not weapon itself tbh.

  10. 1 hour ago, Cebian said:

    Dude nullies slap all frames upside the head. my question is that have you tried him on grineer or infested and if you did, did he work as well as it looks on paper or is it really lacking?

    Dude, frames usually are allowed to keep the distance and move. Not lay in a puddle hoping they can escape before oneshot. Puddle camera is too low to be useful in many environments.  And yes, I meant chore. Simulacrum results are non relevant, because they do not show you actual positioning and movement of units that is happening on any tileset. So what you can now drown them, when you actually do need to be stationary and have some luck not engaging anything like nulls/ancients/eximus. This counters his whole "active frame" design, where you are obliged to lay down, grab foes, throw corrosive barrage, do it again and again.

  11. 50 minutes ago, Raxekem said:

    I never talked about doing solo endless missions. Now that your teammates can shoot the puddle it's alot more effective and could be way better (actually viable if the range got the increase it needs). Again I'm thinking about a 4 man squad. And If you talk about hydroid being a support/cc frame isn't that what undertow is now?It litterally prevents enemies from doing anything while they drown. And with a squad comp that compliments undertow you can make high rounds/time.

    In 4 man squad, you are useless as a puddle against higher tier of enemies that are incoming onto your position. DE seems to forget, that people play "endgame" content more, not only 20ish planets that they show as PrimeTime and other presentations...

    Team needs to be able to benefit from real synergy, not only run around a "puddle" hoping that Hydroid is lying in a place which is optimal route for enemies. Also, Mot/anything higher in lvls/will always spawn eximus/nullifier units, which auto disable whole idea of Hydroids "killer" pool. If you want to organize a killzone, take Octavia. Not only she will make everyone able to be invi, have melee damage and multishot buff, but also has over 40m range on her mallet which attracts and gives back dmg. Also, scales alot better since it is not some "2% of impact dmg", but classic stacking dmg that enemies do upon it. And tbh, her 4th makes everyone hit like trucks even with MK1 weapons. This is synergy, Undertow in it's bandaid form ain't.

    And to tell the truth. Who the hell invented this range gain on Undertow? Every ability I use every day, scales normally, giving rounder globe, bigger circle, wider cone, etc. And now we have puddle, which at base 4m + 45% range is whopping 4.88m. GG.

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