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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst



    -Keep melee air attacks/melee coptering but lessen distance covered or make it a fixed distance covered they are fun mechanics that players love to use and make us feel ninja like.

    No please.

    And how its supposed to "feel ninja" flying with your melee weapon?


    I would be okay if they make a really BIG limit on distance, fixing the unnecesary speed and distance with that...

    But not how is it now... Overshadow the parkour system, and overshadow people who use parkour, and choose different melee weapons.

  2. I would just like to remind people that stamina is going away. So just equip Rush and maybe get the new mod (Yay +45% sprint speed!) and sprint for days without worry.


    The Parkour doesn't look that much faster so people should be more than capable of keeping up this way and opt out of the jumping around.

    I hope they remove rush, and instead of put a mod, increase the run speed on all warframes, based on max rush stats.

  3. Then explain why everyone thought Lex was OP. It was two shot body or one shot head (how we assume snipers will be).

    Because (i think) with the current balance of weapons was op... If a Secondary can 2 shots, or 1 shot on head, why others cant?

    About Snipers, i dont know.

    Personal Opinions.

  4.  speed ruining bows and snipers... sniper rifles/semi-auto was pretty much the go-to for Conclave 1.0 which was MUCH faster. 

    Yes, but in 1.0 everything was able to 1 shot.

    Warframes speed is not the problem, the speed that gives you the melee weapon yes.



  5. I don't get it.. Is Parkour 2.0 ingame? Did I miss the big update?

    How in the world can people judge parkour 2.0 now?


    It was shown in a "WORK IN PROGRESS" build.

    It was shown only a few minutes.

    It was shown by a person who didn't have the time/opportunity to "master" it.


    Just wait and see...

    I dont know, maybe all people are complainin because they are fixing coptering directional air melee

  6. Yes. If his problem is that speed is a too good because it can let you get to their spawn and back in 16 seconds, then it should not be an issue because the bow can one shot the flag carrier in a one second or so, assuming he can actually aim.

    So because one weapon is able to stop a big rocket flying around at 10000k/h the speed is not a problem?

    Yes, that have sense, if everyone need to use 1 shot weapon to stop a high speed target, i dont see why there is other weapons with different stats in the game, if all u have to use is a one shot weapon, and no fix the high speed problem...

  7. Say your opinion and is totally fine. But you ask people's opinions on a matter, and yet force your view of what the game should be, and assume your opinion is the ultimate truth and no one is entitled to disagree with you, if someone puts your opinion into question that is a offense? No. If someone ''dare'' to point out the flaws in your logic, or put your claims into questions, it is a personal attack? No. This is a discussion forums and people discuss. Just read your posts in this topic, and it is clear that you are biased towards your hate for coptering. I did't want to participate in the discussion, but i just can't stand back and see the logical fallacies you have been posting here, biased opinions and false affirmations in order to back up your claims. 

    Sorry , but never force anyone to see things my way, just ask, I consult , I look , I think .
    as I said before, I think 2 times before  write , you should do the same.
    I do not do , that others understand and see what I , read the old paragraph every time you see some of my comments .
    Stop calling fallacy to what I write , do not be disrespectful.
    Clarify , I not hate , it's different point of view.
    Thank you, as an adult, his point of view , but not misunderstand the views of others, completely mowed to arguments that only understands what you want .
    The next time we talk , I hope that you learn what is respect.
  8. Did i say something that offend you? 

    All i did is put into question your logical fallacy.

    You make it seem that everything that other people say, is out of context, making it appear that the only one who knows the things he says, is you.
    Being a total lack of respect for the different perspective with others, when others have a different thought, and say, you start to question their common sense in what they say, as if that person were something crazy?
    Just now you're questioning, and making contradict myself in everything I write, I raise, or think, or is not it?
    And if I do,  I edit what I write.
    If you understood my point of view, and at least you saw my comments, you would not write fallacies
    What you are doing now, this offend me, as you always did, and how many you have done, so please, respect, if you have problems, you say in twitter where I am, but in the forum, no.
    Now I ask, that if you will not say anything constructive, leave aside your personal problems.
    Respect this space, and if you need to say something out of context  about me, off topic is the area you are looking for.
    Thank you question my fallacy is the least important in the OP.
  9. Another thing, i remember you saying in one of your many ''anti-copter'' topics, that we should not be restricted to the melee weapon if we want to go fast. Yet in this topic you claim it is fine to restrict the speed to the Warframes. Can't you see the controversy? You just want the game to adapt to your game style.

    Can you leave personal atacks away from this topic?

    Thank you.


    And i dont want speed limit, just speed based on warframes, i feel it is more balanced than force the player to choose a Tipedo or another high atack speed weapon if i want to move fast.

  10. Actually this is what he said in a reply to you Grimlok- 


    It was on twitter, not on a devstream. I watch all devstreams, and do translations to them in portuguese to post on my Facebook page, and he did not say PvE and PvP are going to be less speed based missions.

    What he said is that coptering will not dominate as mobility. He never said the game will be less fast paced. 


    Parkour 2.0 to be an alternative to coptering/directional as mobility, that's all. Doesn't mean the game have to be slow paced.

    Ow that feel when i see it.

    I remember he say on a devstream, i watch too and understand, you are not the only one ;D

  11. No, stealth is complete rubbish because stealth is complete rubbish. Fast movement has nothing to do with that. There are a bevy of reasons stealth is crap and plenty of fixes I could think of for it, but this is not the thread for it.

    I still dont know why they are not working in stealth anymore

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