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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. Where is your source, because we were show nothing to indicate that.  All we saw was terribly slow wall hopping.

    Where is my source of what?

    As how is it now, you can place a rush mod, and nightmare one to have more speed.

    Wallhop looks slow, but is not as i say.

    If you talk about the balance on upcoming update, just see about the removal of melee movement depend and how is going to work ( at the moment) the new movement system.

  2. If a fast frame and a slow frame use the same tactics, the slow frame is going to lag further and further behind.

    Hm i dont think so.

    Depends on how you build it.

    Also, we still dont know if slow frames are going to be slow, i see more balance with the upcoming update on parkour than that we have now.

  3. Assuming the removed slingshots, it's faster to us the slide exploit than to wall bunny hop. It's a little slower than coptering, but bad players still won't be able to keep up. If they are playing a slow frame then they are even worse off than before.  

    Thats we all need, and are going to learn the new system when it comes.

    I have no problems with the removal of slingshots.

    Wall bunny hop, looks slow, but is not.

    Bad players, as how they are now, will need to learn how to move.

    Slow frames, are going to have the same chance to move as everyone.

  4. Lack of useage of melee?? Hmmmm I think everyone should watch this video again, then show me the "REAL" issue.

    WhyTP is nova NOT using Wormhole?? Because a "quirk/ bug/ explioit" makes 99% of movement powers obsolete.....

    Ive seen tons of vids showing excatly this. If people are negleting to use 1 power because of exploits, how many other powers are neglected because of lack of experience with that power?

    So much this.

    People think that DE are obligated to make everything fast because they are removing that xploit...

    I dont know, i dont see a problem with the speed without coptering.

    I can be fast without that, just time to learn, and people dont want to learn how to move, they are stuck on E to fly...

  5. Coptering won't be a problem anymore but since we have no stamina and parkour will be slower, the slower frames won't have chances to catch up to faster frames.

    You still dont know that, parkor 2.0 still not here.

    That argument its invalid, no one knows at the moment how its going to be about speed, and slow frames, have chances vs fast frames, just learn how to move.

  6. The upcoming change on movement, its going to be amazing, as i say, more balanced, not depend on your loadout, and depend on how fast you move, and where, or how.

    Not only on

    But people are worried (i think) on the lack of usage on the melee weapons? (Maybe?) I dont know.

    About speed, its going to be more balanced.
    About distance, its going to depend on how you move, and no on how fast you can "E" in the air.
    I cant wait to see coptering gone. And the best balance thats coming on the game when in movement talks.


    About pvp, yes, finally someone its going to be fast because skills, and no E.

  7. I just read everything you 've said.

    I think the main problem is not the game mode, are tastes.

    People are stuck to what was 1.0 , and after reading everything you put it, came to the conclucion , that your suggestions are focused on what it was.


    I 'm the only one who sees this topic as an attempt to revive something which was 1.0 ?


    Limit the use of energy would give warframes disadvantage with low stats, returning to the same wrong purpose of what happened before.


    Focus on Gun play ?


    there is something wrong in using melee in a  ninja game? (Having in reference what you have say on a match were i was with you, Melee should be only for move, no for damage)

    I have  seen more veterans in the first place , than people just push  1-4 to win.  (1-4 To win, whats next?)

    I do not think for many it is a problem .

    About the melee , forcing the player to use his melee just having it equipped ?

    It does not seem bad idea, but there would still be complaints about the melee , for the ability to block , and my judgment, should buff .

    What is the problem , never touching  Europe before?

    That was a shooter at high speed , nothing more.

    There was no melee play, warframes with different stats, everything was based on valkyr / zephyr / ash ... (Stats)

    Speed , and armor, where was the unique aspect of warframe?

    I just saw people shotting.


    About the orb camp, really?

    Not a problem, you can not sit still in one place, and wait for the orb, and tried it, and even the most novice was layers to kill me.

    And no, 25 energy is not enough, most of the skills, do not kill in 1 hit.

    Only obreron (I think) he is able to kill my 225 energy of my excalibur.



    If you consider mashing 1-4 and E a playstype then you need a dose of good shooters. The quality of the game is suffering because of this. 


    If you want to focus on only Gun-Play, there are dose of good shooters around there.





    Limit the energy orbs to 1 orb per team spawn area, make a middle orb that give the player access to his 4th. This way players will fight for the 4th cast and it will not be abused like it is now.


    Make sure that this orb only appears 3-4 times per game. The weaker orbs, reduce the spawn time but make them accessible at least 4 time per game. So that there is a focus on gunplay without completely ignoring powers.



    Can i say, Why?

    I think the Orbs make the people choice different types of warframes, With different styles and ways to adapt, limiting the energy spawn, area, time, amount, its going to make a stats based warframe no on "o well, i think i going to play with Ember today because..."

    Making a unnecesary limit of choices, no more mag, no more Nyx (yes i know i know), no more ember...

    Why you want to focus on Gun play, and restrict on some ways the melee?

    Just Questions...

  9. Greedy Pull:

    Its Okay with the upcoming changes, its going to limit the Over-use, and "xploit" that cause...


    No Opinion... 


    Conclave and parkour 2.0:

    On this i can say, I play Conclaves, and i dont like the way on how is it right now, most of the movement and speed depends of the melee weapon, and that make a unbalance on a lot of aspects, and melee is the most affected on that, fast speed make melees Overpowered for how easy someone can go to the target.
    Parkour 2.0, limiting the fast speed its going to put a little more balanced on both aspects of the game, making it less frustrating that force you to choose X melee to be fast.
    So, Yes, im okay with the upcoming changes on parkour, i will going to play a lot more when that comes...



  10. My gripe is the removal of air melee. I understand why on some weapons it can be a problem, but I'm one of those crazies who actually uses air melee to hit enemies. I want to be able to kick flying/tall things in the face still with my kogake. I'd say just gimp the problem weapons like amphis/tipedo

    Ehm they are not remving the air atacks, they are limiting the unnecesary amount of momentum

  11. Yes, the demonstration by Rebecca on the Devstream just shows. The Tenno hopping across the wall helps to jump across the uneven wall surfaces. rather than having the sticky wall running we had before. It also gives much more options in terms of changing direction. 

    No just that, It makes actual TileSets work with the system, shows more enviroment interaction, more skilled movement, something different that we have now, more control where you want to go, and how, no just equip a high atack speed melee weapon and that...

    What I will like, its to implement the wall dash they have shown some Devstreams ago... It was amazing...

    I have no real problems with wall Run removal, not only they are removing it, they are replacing it with a better system that dont stuck while running on wall because some objects and that... 


    About the current system as i say, and I will until it is removed, ITS unbalanced.

    Not only depends on your melee weapon, it currently its based on E and wall run, so you say, and how unbalanced is it, well just a people who have a different melee weapon, its leave in dust for a copter.

    I dont think they are limiting the "sense of parkour" they are giving another type of movement system (aka movement 2.0)

    Double Jumps, Wall hop that actually work with current tilesets, they are not making a big sacrifice of speed, you still can move fast with the upcoming change, but people will have learn on how fast to move, using the enviroment, as some dude say about how can i move fast in phobos or earth, well, they are, or they will (i think) making a rework on some tile sets, where that coming system is not going to work very well.


  12. Im worried about the complanins about the wall hoping... dont understand that solve most of the problem with current tile sets... Like wall climb...
    They want to keep the current parkour system- they want to keep the actual melee speed system unbalanced cof cof...

    My hopes are on DE take the right decition.

  13. Again, the OP was edited to add a call for the removal of coptor, AFTER I up voted it for the parkour improvements.  There is no way I would have voted for coptor removal no matter how good the suggested parkour improvements are.


    Also, building up momentum is Stamina in reverse.  It's a speed limiter just the same.  Warframe is not a racing game, so players will be too busy shooting and using powers to build up speed.  Starting slow and eventually getting fast is slow.

    So your point is....

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