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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst


    The point of the shooter genre is to test the player's ability to shoot at another target and various circumstances. Thats literally the reason why we call games like warframe SHOOTERS.

    Warframe let you choose on a balanced way to do, a melee gameplay, and gunplay, but its still a shooter, or is not because it have a melee?

    If i choose to play a melee, is not a shooter game anymore?


    here is no way that anyone, both gamers young and old would not agree that the main skill factor is a shooter game is the ability to shoot. You are writing this as if, warframe, a shooter game does not exactly require "aim" you can survive doing other things. I just want to repeat that this is a shooter.


    So, the only thing "skilled" in warframe is shoot? because...? Yes, it requires aim, or not? why that question?

    Yes, you are right, warframe its a third person shooter, but that is not an excuse on not melee gameplay, right? So, because shoot its skill on warframe or all shooters, melee gameplay cant? 


    Sure there are other skills that are needed, thats a given. But in the end its the "aim skill" that wins games and gets kills and gets objectives. You can have the best plan and map control in the world, if your teammates cant aim then they're going nowhere.


    How, and why its only "skill" at least in warframe aim, and no melee combat gameplay in a balanced way, how is it now.

    Talking on warframe, a third person shooter, where you can equip a melee, why it is not a "skilled" gameplay, based on your argument "objetives"...

    If my teammates dont want to aim, they can ever choose a melee gameplay, because warframe system let me, in a balanced way.

    So, why if the system let me choose something different that dont need to aim, why it cant be a "skilled" thing?

    So my questions are, what are melee spamm, and why only "skill thing" is only aim, at least  in warframe, i dont care other games.

  2. About what you have say, dont talk about "skill" the only thing considered on "skill" are only gun play.

    Gram cant 2 shots, but vectis can because "skill" (i remember someone saying "its unfair that you cover a great amont of distance with the cephalon and a gram user two shots you").. LOL
    Kogake+volt is not skill, but Valkyr with braton is right? Or aim in general? (Yeah, nice suggestion that increased only speed and not atack speed, it makes powerfull heavy melee)
    Melee are for unskilled people, but gun play is skilled... So skill, is what people think is it, or because is it?

    If think a little about the "skilled" argument, everyone say "melee is for noob friendly unbalanced people", but, gunplay? Why it is skilled and melee cant enter in the "skilled" argument?

    Because press E to win, but is not the same with press LMB to win?

    I cant enter, stay still Press E, and kill someone, like it can be done with guns, yes you can while moving too, but with melee you can, or no?

    Melee have alot of disadvantajes, you run out of stamina while blocking+run, you cant kill a target who is away from you with melee, is not the same with gun... You have to learn on how to move, when atack, when block, i have to reach the target, is not like gun, where i can kill someone from the other side of the map, so is not a press E to win, or spin to win... is it? Why? because he does spin where you are, close to you? but, is not like that how melee works?

    Its really that easy to play with melee, so all people can say it is for noobs? Or a "unbalanced thing" where DE removed Headshots multipler, and Spin damage bonus?


    If we say melee is for noobs, because its easy, its impossible to be a "skilled player" who use that melee? Is really a noob? Why is considered easy?

    When a Rhino (or whatever warframe) with Gram, need to reach a fast target, who is shooting he, with limited stamina because DE increased the Stamina blocking required, and rhino or other one, and with gram even more (change incoming with parkour 2.0) why is noob? cant be considered in the "skilled" argument?
    Or same thing with Kogake? Im not talking about RA or MM.

    So, if Volt use speed, and Kogake, with its a cheap tactic used for "noobs", cant be  a strategy on combination with warframe skill and a melee weapon?
    Is not the same with valkyr? Who use skill to slow down the target and melee combination, or gun? If not, why?

    Knockdown, why it needs to be down, reduced, or cooldowned (nice word right?)...


    So, if a Gram, what is a Heavy weapon, people use his knockdown to prevent the player to scape, is for noobs? because he does everywhere everytime? but, is not that supposed on how that weapon have to work? because heavy melee, low atack speed, less dps? (no? im wrong?told my lotus, TOLD ME...)



  3. I don't think you understand how many PvP 1.0 players avidly play PvP 2.0. One of the most notable PvP players I can think of, RexSol, played 1.0 and plays 2.0 on a regular basis. He has told me that he thinks melee spamming, skills, and such are fair because DE has made them balanced, or at least a bit more balanced than what they once were. Melee spammers and skill spammers are easy to counter, also. You can shoot them and kill them, or you can deny the skill spammers energy. I don't see the problem.

    I have saw a lot, a lot of 1.0 players on 2.0 (i come from 1.0 too), ye RexSol its pretty active right now...

    But i say about a lot of topics i see on this forum section, how the 1.0 (or at least some of them) call like that.

    I never have problem with melee players, i dont like them, and i dont see actually melee without balance, hell, there are more gun users than melee.

    About skills, nothing to say, i like how people play, what people choose, and why.

    Just its annonying how you come to the forums, and you see "melee fans damage E mashing spammers easy game mode, or warframe skills xploiters spammers campers energy... 


    There is nothing too strong or too weak.

  4. DE put back 1.0 - Tiny amount of people play it again
                                 People got bored because low amount of people play it and its hard to find a match
                                 They go to 2.0 Pvp looking for people to play
                                Call that people melee spammers and skills xploiters (lol?) - leave.


    If they have 2 different type of pvp i dont think it is going to work very well, it doesnt matter, they are going to come back on 2.0 when they was no people to play against.

    What they want for 1.0 its a Gun Focus gameplay (a caman, u cant say that is not what all you want) because melee fans damage E mashing spammers easy game mode, or warframe skills xploiters spammers campers energy... guns ok....



    It is going to give 2 things separate for no reason, unnecesary if you ask me...

    run and dont look behind...




  5. Soon Tenno. Soon.

    I might try my hand at another hype thread. It's been a while since I made one.

    It shall be filled with gifs, music and dazzling colors.

    go ahead, im waiting for it.

  6. 1) Lack Of Dedicated Servers

    2) Lack Of Skill based matchmaking

    3) The fact that melee can literally stop you in your tracks and instagib you. Also considering that it is the most effective method to kill. Join a TDM game see how many E spammers you find. I just played a game 30  mins ago and was graced with a full team of melee spammers, starring the furax, boltace, dex dakra and prisma skanna.


    Okay, you have trouble with a Fang prime? Normal Skana too? Melee spamm its constant press E? What about the constant LMB Spamm for Semi automatic weapons? It is Spamm too?

    The most effective metod to kill, its Guns, at the current state of melee.

    Lets go DE, nerf the melee weapons, or better take it out of the game, because community, no, that is general, players who want a focused gun gameplay dont like that player choice.

    Do you read what you say? About melee weapons? (hell i know that people its really annonying, and i dont like untill they add dragon nikana on the game, but because i dont like, i dont ask for a nerf of that weapons, because i know they are really balanced, like glaive, no?).


    4) The fact that powers are a deciding factor in almost 80% of fights amongst players in addition to the accessibility and fast respawn time of powers.

    just gonna drop this here, check Fungineer's recent post if you want to find it.


    No, powers give advantajes on the game on low stats warframes, and create a diferent type of pvp gameplay, a different type of shooter. 


    5) The fact that the game is so accessible that there is no skill curve amongst exploitable weapons and powers, thus reducing the depth of the game to, Grab energy press numbers and then E. Also considering that players who played the game for much longer and are clearly more skilled are getting killed way to many times by power spamming. It devalues everything that 1.0 players mastered.


    Define exploitable weapons? O yeah, melee, that have sense, i think.

    Powers exploitable? 

    Press E? Dont talk about "skills" because what you, or everyone (maybe? who comes from 1.0? well most of the people who claim about the E are 1.0 players, not all, but most..) think about "skills" is just aim, and shoot, nothing more.


    About 1.0 mastered, what can i say, in a game mode where 1 energy orb says nothing, and where melee was just for move, i think you have mastered your aim... Right?

    That is skill? Nothing more? Movement too i think, because people who run... You know...





  7. adapting. Bro, i do great in my games. I adapted pretty well and I still complain. 


    Not because of adapting but because the game is inherently flawed, when looked at objectively. Currently, and I think I can speak for the 1.0 community here, there is 1.0 player that is "adapting", hell they are still destroying in games, I see it all the time.


    We can play, but we understand the flaws of what we are playing and thus project them on the forums. Stop assuming that we cant adapt and we are crying about it. We did adapt, were just more critical about the games we play :)

    Im not who complain about "I see people who never touched a real 1.0 conclave game in their life and somehow have a higher K/D than some of the 1.0 veterans I have seen in WF"

    You tell me, what are the flaws that are currently on this new pvp.


    Conclave 2.0 has actually become my favorite thing in Warframe. I would hope that there are a lot of people who enjoy it like I do but I guess looking at the forums it mostly seems to be dominated by complaints.

    You are not alone my friend, as you can see most of the complains come from 1.0 gun play dominant system, they are still adapting about this new amazing pvp.


    The only way to stop getting so much crap, its stop trying to make 1.0 come, and stop complain about the balanced system on this new pvp, where skills dont 1 shot, melee are underpowered, and guns still are the most common thing on shooters.

    i dont know... 

  9. Good, really really good.

    And no, coptering and parkour 2.0 cant exist together.


    Coptering never was hard to do.

    Leave aways the purpose of melee weapons, people plays melee for copter, people who dont do copter its leave in the dust.
    Atack speed is not like movement speed.

    Movement its limited because your melee.

    You have no control with coptering until "splash on a wall" or the imaginary momentum stops...
    No enviroment interaction.



    New movement system.
    New movements.
    Building speed.
    Movement warframe based, not weapon.
    Who choose different melee have the same movement system.
    enviroment interaction.
    Works with current tilesets.
    And more... (things that we dont know)

  10. That's the problem, with all the Valkyrs around it's forcing players to use one type of weapon, which is not a good type of gameplay if you ask me.

    Yes YES!

    This is what i ever say... 

    There is no point of choose another weapon when there is a lot of valkyrs around there... I dont remember when was the last time i have saw a karak user, o soma p user...

  11. I apologise if the breadth of my counterpoint to such an asinine line of reasoning has left you dazed and incapable of maintaining an intelligent conversation. I'm trying to think of ways I could break it down so it's even easier for you to understand but unfortunately I am at a loss at this time. I was trying to be as brief as possible considering the ridiculousness of such an arguement for having an integral gameplay mechanic completely removed. Animations can always be changed or improved if that is a complaint shared by the vast majority of players, making the current visual appearance of coptering a literal non-issue in the discussion of whether or not it should be removed.

    The reason because they are removing the coptering, its because its not going to work with the parkour system, a independent from melee weapon, the new movement system mean balance, where you are not forced to use X think to be the most annoying fast player in the game.

    Where the mobility depends from your melee weapon, and no on how you move.

    The reason because they are not going to let coptering in the game anymore, its because they dont want unbalance, thats it, and you say, "how its supposed to unbalance the mobility", well, the simple reason on melee depend mobility says it all.

    Its not going to kill the game, someone remember the damage 2.0 threads? And how it was supposed to destroy warframe? and most of the weapons?

    Why you think DE want to destroy the game?

    About the "Speed is fun" there is still many ways to be faster, but on a more balanced way...

    Coptering fun? I dont think so, i dont laught when i copter, if i do, because i dont like it...

    DE let the coptering in the game, because mobility rework was not a priority i think...

    They have say many times that coptering its not going to be removed (because...) and now, they are making a non melee depend mobility system, when you still can be fast, building the momentum with your movement "skills" on enviroment...

    First, check where coptering comes from, and then, search on why it is in the game, and THEN, try to understand why they are removing it.

    Parkour 2.0 offert more mobility aspects, more ninja feel, more enviroment interaction, and balance...


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