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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. You know, the player base here doesn't really composed only by me and you. : \

    You don't really have a problem with faith to the developers, but the DE themselves has a responsibility to kept their own words and faith from the players.


    Unrelated content to the quoted post, yet somewhat related to what I feel:

    Its like one founder dont have problem with the re release and others yes, i know...

    But the founder can do something about that? I dont think so, he paid for a exclusive thing, yes, like me like you or whatever...

    The only thing that we have about that prevent the re release are Words...

  2. Let's be honest, most of the game population never touched those mods anyway, they should and will probably change them.

    yes some of them are going to be removed/changed...

    And yes, most of them never do something with those mods... At least not me...


    But faith it's the intangible thing that mostly kept the players here, and if by releasing Excal Prime again means betraying their own words, what's to expect from further betrayal?


    I dont spect nothing, as i say i have a mysa syandana prime, i dont have problems if they choose to release it again.

    I cant do nothing, i have no power about what they can do with that item.

  4. And that, my friend, is jealousy. Even if you didn't actually want it.


    Did you want to betray your own words/promises/blood contracts to a whole lot of people, just for the sake of money?

    No is not, im not here for laksdjlkasd...

    Im not the one who do things for money lol, i play, and pay for things that they do.

    As i say, i have no problems for things that they want to do with the "exclusive things" that i have or not...


    So what is exactly the problem then? What's with all the jeaolusy?


    Im not jealus.

    I dont have problems, i will be pleased if they re release again that thing...

    Im just here, sit and reading...



    Wayback machine archive of the founders page right before it closed.  See the bit that says "will never be available again"?

    Yes i see that...


  6. https://warframe.com/news/join-warframe-founders-program


    Also said on that page.

    ''get exclusive in-game items and privileges only available to Founders''

    Yes, but its nothing that prevent to re release if they want for X reason, i mean, they can say its exclusive and whatever, but if they want to do that, they do, to atract more people, or for more money...

    They have say that Prime acces are exclusive too, i have the Misa syanda, i am the one who payed more than 100 bucks for a syanda, and i dont really have problems if they release it again, they stated that prime acces things are never coming back, later, they stated that prime acces things, can be rotated... If they really want, they can.

    Also, yes we know that China version are releasing a new founders pack, for a new region independent from DE...

    They can do whatever they want with that... Letter13 have say that.


    Oh here it is, because 2.0 is so perfect. I have never been so bored in a game mode in a while.

    Ho men, do you really remember how hard was to find a match, or limit your options to friends and how hard was to find a match before? You cant compare the fun to bored on this pvp compared to the gun dominant system before.

    No one is saying that 2.0 its perfect, if you see all the topics, and people who are against some changes, its because most of the suggestion comes to melee (you still dont answer me on what is melee Spamm) reduction damage (it was nerfed, nerfed, out spin damage bonus, removed headshot multiplers, nerfed again), and power usage.


    Theres no challenge on our end because everyone melee spams or power spams, and even when we die, we do not even get upset anyone. Theres no desire to get better because we know that all we have to do is equip a furax with martial magnetisim, grab some energy and hit the E key as hard as possible.


    Really no chanllenge? What is melee spamm? "Power Spamms" can be countered, if you let the player grab the energy all the match, you can use the energy to counter them too, i see why you are bored on this.

    So, if you equip a Furax, without MM you can still win the match? Or even with MM, you still can win the match, press E and got all the kills, doesnt matter if there are good players on pvp?  You dont press E to move? Spamm coptering/directional melee spin to win/to move? You dont do it?


    None of that takes skill and it's not fun, it's not fun to mash, E I don't care what kind of player you are, I don't care where you come from I think most players can agree that running to the middle of the map Mashing E and hoping to win is not fun and does not generate a consistent MP experience. Because that's literally what this game has become. 


    So, nothing that have "melee" on his words, or gameplay its squilled? you know who is using MM and who no? I can tell you for my own experience, no one knows who use MM, I enter in a match, with only furax, without MM (i dont have mods from syndicate) and i got called MM noob... etc etc...

    You can go in the middle press E and win, like go on middle stand still, press LMB aiming, and kill a player who is in constant moving... you really cant do that with a melee...


    But other than that ash is in a place where all warframes should be



    O really? Ash cant do something with their powers, really big limitation on that.


    You are the only one who compare warframe with other games (i dont see why not) but, you are trying to argument that the most awesome thing amazing ever created for developers in the game and the most skilled thing for humanity its and need to be, just aim... 

    You are trying to point others shooters with warframe, because you have experience, amazing, but you are not the only one who have the enought experience on shooter games to say that...

    I come from alot of shooters games, where the only thing that you have to do its throw a grenade, or shoot, a little knife usage (knife op), i cant pretend that others players acept my experience, because they dont care, and i dont have to point my experience on other games, that you are against, who choose diferent game modes, because you dont like them... i think?

    Okay, DE removes MM, and you still are going to come here, and complain, Glaive dont need MM to be powerfull, and you still created a topic asking for a tweak on that (because it dont need skill to use) LOL... so i dont really think that MM its the problem...

    Warframe have amazing potencial on his gameplay, is not only centred on guns, because melee op, or powers broken, thats why they have balanced and tweaked them... Aspects from different types of games makes warframe different...


    Ash, actually its under others on power force and aspects... 

  8. by the way i dont want melee weapons to be useless i want them strong in close quaters but currently the way they get used is rly skilless

    I dont understand.

    i want kombos to be a must i wanna have fights with style but currently all people do is as example keep block pressed and do the kogake copter over and over again and nothing else or taking out the stance mod from furax to be able to block and hit at the same time(so actually just spam eeeeeee while ur blocking all the time)
    Maybe that its a bug about the Furax block combo+E? 


    and rly destroys the fun for me in melee and conclave generaly

    It just cant be fun, the fun with melee need to be mastered, it really cant be that easy to play with melee, until MM gets removed or reworked (if DE thinkh it needs that)...

    What is destroying the fun on conclave with melee, its MM, without that, people its going to play on a skilled way, no just press E and let the game follow the target.



    ^^^^ I posted this yesterday to answer you question and you are still wondering?...


    In Warframe the strategies that fall under the NO SKILL category are: Ability spamming, Ult spamming, Energy camping to do both, melee spamming, Knockdown spamming, using a cheap combination of mods, etc... this is why most Conclave players with this to be balanced because it is not fun to deal with, neither is it fun to lose to because it's not really a skilled playstyle, anyone can do it, therefore anyone can win using said tactics...

    What is melee spamming, and why melee cant be a skilled thing? Because MM? You still dont answer the "skill" thing about melee and gun play...

    But if someone its playing without MM can you know if he is with it or without?

    So, if someone plays without MM until it is removed/reworked/lajksdlkasd if DE think it needs that, people still is going to say melee its easy E to win etc. It happends before, and still is with or without...


    Trust me, without MM melee its really really really hard to use, is not that simple like aim, and shot with a semi automatic hit scan weapon...

  10. Thanks for proving the points of practically every single 1.0 player who thinks that melee need to be looked at.

    I come from 1.0, and i dont think on that way, im defend melee players (im not one of them... i looking at you Dragon nikana), for you, at elast melee should be to move, how you have say on a match...

    So, melee was looked, nerfed, removed headshots multipler, spin damage bonus, nerfed, nerfed again, if they remove MM, people still is going to complain, untill all melee does the same damage as bo prime, or fang prime.

  11. @grimlock

    In the first instance I never said that melee had no part in warframe, I said that it is a huge part of it because of its "DNA". once again you are putting words in my mouth. You are talking about the game as a whole I am talkih about PvP, which needs a lot more drastic changes to the games core than the pve.



    Im talking about pvp.

    But i want to know, what is melee spamm, you mentioned it on all your topics, but i dont understand what is that. Can you xplain please?

    And why, only aim, and no melee gameplay its on "skill" argument...

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