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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst



    You misinterpreted... He didnt say its an increase on 50%

    He said: ''Sneak peak at BulletJump - ninja speed with 50% less carpal tunnel!'' 

    That last part is a joke, carpal tunnel is a syndrome on the nerves and tendons of the hand. He meant we can still be ninja fast with less stress in the hand.



    That's not 50% more ninja speed its 50% strain from fingers

    Im going to fix it.


  2. It have a disadvantage, it is for only 5 seconds or a little more, and his energy drains its more bigger than required.
    <--- Main excalibur on PvP.

    His abilitie its under Valkyr.
    Yes, you can deactivate it, but for how long? 3 more seconds?



    I know they don't one shot, but they are strong enough to destroy people with, and the availability of each is just too much. Then look at the weapons. Bows are useless, autos vary, some secondaries are useless, melee is either OP or shi*t. Where's the balance? How can someone choose what to use?... Obviously they'd go for whatever is OP, wouldn't they? 


    We needed the rules simply because it was so broken, and because DE paid no attention at all to PvP. We needed to create these rulesets so that playing would be more fair for everyone. And everyone understood. This new PvP is simply advertised by DE, so people aren't willing to make new rules. 

    So, nerf it more at the point on no one its going to use them? Or reduce even more the amount of energy at the point of making it a non neccesary resource for low stats frames, and give the advantaje on most of the high stats warframes.

    Melee OP? His damage was reduced to the ground, removed the spin damage from all of them making based on base stats, reduced the damage again, and again, do you remember the OP from Eureka asking for the nerf on Glaive/P?  Obviosly everyone its going to choose the best thing, but that is not an excuse to call it OP, because its the more viable thing at the moment, like Boltor Series and tonfas one currently right?
    And if they Limit the amount of energy, we are going to be covered on a over population of valkyrs, because stats.


    In PvP 2.0, most of the stuff didn't usually one shot, just so you know. But yeah, 1 orb, because it was 2v2, and coptering for the mobility, which I see as a crucial factor in a "ninja" game. Now back to 1.0, yeah one shots were there, still 1 orb, and TACTICAL coptering, since it actually killed. Again, thats what I see as a ninja game. Yeah sure, abilities werent really used much since they were unbalanced, which was one of the things DE needed to fix, but as I say again, they didn't pay attention to PvP and just let it go. What we did use was mobility abilities, which did actually make energy quite important at times. It would have been nice to see some balance in other abilities to see what we could have done, but sadly it never happened. 


    Coptering a crucial factor for a ninja game?  Tactical coptering? How tactical i see equip a melee weapon to fly over 9000k/h and still call some people "spin to win" (actually 5000 k/h and still make difficult the game for melee only players).

    Yes, now abilities are balanced at the point that most of them are not one shoot.

    Yes, they didnt pay attention before, they are now, thats why most of the thing actually are balanced, ot at least most of them, at the point that most of the melee weapons are focused on mobility (that is going to change on p 2.0 hopefully), low damage, and still generating problem to "veterans".
    Im against all of this ideas, because its clear the point of purpose and change for giving back the way to play 1.0, focus on guns, low energy, melee restrictions, kill counter for energy (again the focus on kill to win energy, as i say, making even more difficult for low stats frames)...
    DE pay attention on this feedbacks, but people/veterans, take it for his own sattisfaction, Nerf melee, nerf energy, buff guns, remove spin damage, low damage on melee again, and that was what happend, and still want more of that, now the next target are furax and constant continue...

    He's only offering his personal opinion on some changes that can be done to fix the current PvP. It's not completely re-transforming it with a major change like PvP 2.0 was to PvP 3.0. 

    Im sorry, but i am not the only one, who see this an attemp to make a 1.0 version.


    As I said before, he's taking various points from different places and making it into one, more playable, better PvP. Yeah, he did take that orb respawn thing from PvP 1.0, because it worked. (Yeah, it's working very well for spammers right now, but not for the whole community) So what? Maybe 2 orbs would have to be implemented since its 4v4 now, not 2v2. "Without completely ignoring powers." Lol you bolded it yourself. As I also mentioned in the past, some of the tankier warframes have absolutely useless abilities damage wise, while the squisher ones have the most powerful abilities. I can almost assure you that a tankier frame wont go for the energy as often compared to a heavy hitter. Don't really see how it makes it too much more difficult, instead I see a better system.


    More playable, better pvp? O come on...
    1.0 Orb respawn, was 25 energy for 4 players, where tankiest frames *cof cof valkyr broken cof cof* was the best, because there no one was using the skills because "honor" , that why it worked (maybe? we ever going to know it :c).

    And no, is not spammers, are players who choose to use a balanced mechanic in the game, that allow most of the warframe with low stats viables, and put in a role different warframes as how is intended.

    No, tankiest frames have not usseles abilities, just people dont know how to use them like happend with Chroma actually.

    And yeah, he's right. E mashing does work in many cases. Maybe having the player equip their melee in order to attack is a bit too much, but I still agree with the idea it should be modified somehow so its not so strong.


    Yes, but it dont solve the overcry that actually its causing the most exagerating words like "spin to win", so i dont see why this needs to happend, if  a people actually have to equip hes melee in order to do combos, block, and still are calling it OP, or "mash E to win" lol.


    He never said that vets arent skilled anymore. In fact we probably get the most kills on most matches. OP only inferred that because of the spams, even an MR1 using volt, per say, can get an equal or higher KDR than we vets easily. 


    So, are you telling me, that one MR1 with Volt can win, and kill a veteran player? So, because a MR1 have on hands, the chances of kill a veteran player, with a different mechanic of the game, that dont need to aim, its bad? So, thats its with melee too? because it looks like...

    And no, come on, a veteran player know how to play against people who use abilities, i am a veteran lol (no? maybe, who knows...) i never have problem with this people, and i prefer shoot than go to E (untill dragon nikana its in the game with Blind justice), or spamm skills (spamm? hm...).


    I say that PvP in this game has ALWAYS been broken. Not just PvP 3.0. The reason why it simply never came up was because DE never really formally introduced it and again, never paid attention to it so there was a low player base - also because old pvp was broken. That's why now with the forum available and a dedicated PvP team, the community can now establish some ideas that can ideally drastically improve what PvP in this game is. Which is the goal here.


    Low player base because DE never paid attention?  Yes maybe, because it was broken, thats why no one was playing that mode (compared to the amount of people that we have right now).

    Improve its one thing, and want to transform the pvp, on a gun focus, with limited energy that give problems to most of the warframes, and the limited choice of usage E, because if that happends what he says on the OP, the stragger, and stun, and combos, are going to be the new "unbalanced thing"...

    Now on a separate note, I honestly think that  the pvp its working, there is a lot of players, for some reason, not as how was before, actually its nothing too powerfull or too weak.

  4. -snip-

    Again, no. We're not trying to make PvP gun only. We're trying to incorporate everything together, because right now it's simply broken as f*ck. 

    No, everything its balanced, and skills are not one shotting like on 1.0 was, and weapons all are balanced for pvp.

    As I did mention before, DSPvP was absolute trash and was a terrible decision on behalf of DE, but 1.0 was great because of the rules that were set. We had to make these rules because the game was even more broken before, and now with this new community at hand in 2.0, they simply wont put rules in because DE says they are "Balancing it", which honestly I consider bull or they just aren't listening to everyone's concerns. 


    1.0 was great? So, why imaginary rules for player? Here you dont need that, here you dont depend on that rules, on traduction about that rules its :

    Hey, you know, stop using it, its not "skillfully", use this, and this, and this, this, i think this too its okay, no this not, is not in the honor code", why the h... the player was forced to use something that they dont like it, or why the player cant use what they want, on a system where everything its available, because "skill" argument for who? Veterans? Honor? You dont need it here, player can choose what they want, because he want, because the system its balanced to use it.


    Nothing is currently balanced in 3.0. I can't even begin to say why. It's either OP or sh*t. And the amount of energy available is way to much and simplifies strategies down to "grab energy, go to person, press button, shoot once or twice, win." Also, did you ever play true 1.0? (not the 2.0 trash) If you didn't, I honestly don't think you can make a proper argument about how bad 1.0 was because it was great once you got the hang of it. Everything was involved, not just guns, so you cant support that argument of 1.0 only being gun based. Yes, again, there weren't many attack abilities used, but most of the ones used were utility based, like ripline, shield, the zephyr one i cant remember, globe, etc etc. 


    No, no everything was involved, the 1 shot things, 1 energy orb, and the copter focus on the game, just dont give you time to use "strategy" with warframes, everything was focused on guns, everyone who have played the 1.0 know that its true. And yes, the only thing used was that "mobility" skills, because 1 orb, and "honor code"

    You know, i dont like when people try to take out arguments saying "o i never saw you there, or i dont think you have played it"

    Warframe0013_zpsmp4fjgcl.jpg Warframe0139_zps5vpmtgw7.jpg

    Yes i have more.


    Again, refer to first point. We're not making it gun only. And you're half right on your next point. Although it would be fantastic for DE to have left both types of pvp on separate nodes, we know it's not coming back. So we vets aren't actually trying to bring 1.0 back, but instead fix the current 2.0 into a gametype that more people would enjoy. Yes, that includes bringing SOME parts of 1.0 back into PvP (not all of them), but instead mostly trying to fix what was brought into PvP and making it better without completely converting it into something else. I can't see how you can support the argument that we're trying to convert PvP back into 1.0.


    You have to say something more clear about the "fix" word. This OP its trying to transform this current pvp, on how 1.0 was, limited energy 1 orb or 2 per team? If you have read the op, and everyone, its clear on how the "focus on gunplay" argument its on everything that he want.

    Here are a couple of words:

    First of all Restrict the 4th power and give it it's separate meter. This meter will go up based on kills but can only be obtained either via a high kill streak OR a high amount of kills.

    Limit the energy orbs to 1 orb per team spawn area, make a middle orb that give the player access to his 4th. This way players will fight for the 4th cast and it will not be abused like it is now.

    Make sure that this orb only appears 3-4 times per game. The weaker orbs, reduce the spawn time but make them accessible at least 4 time per game. So that there is a focus on gunplay without completely ignoring powers. <---- Focus on gun play, with limit energy, making the game more diffucult for low stats warframes as i say.

    Addressing Melee as it can be extremely powerful. Make is so that player MUST equip their melee weapon in order to attack with it that way we can cater to the melee only players but not make them mash E when they are 1 meter from someone

    Players spam too much because it works, players mash E too much because it works. <---- This make me laught about the " E "


    I see people who never touched a real 1.0 conclave game in their life and somehow have a higher K/D than some of the 1.0 veterans I have seen in WF. You are telling me that the people in 1.0 who worked alot harder to get their kills have K/Ds that are lower than people who power spam? So ya i will be disrespectful because it gives players too much power and it needs to stop.

    No one, ever, ever, its going to play something that people dont like.


    He still can be a skilled player on this pvp,  have you saw RexSol on pvp? How he moves, how and when, included WHERE he uses skills etc?

    You cant say that "veterans" are getting rekt... 


    I hope that they do make a decision to reduce the amount of orbs. People don't play PvP because of how broken it is because of this. You need to see and understand that fact. It's the same as PvP 2.0. People didn't play because of how broken it was, and we all saw that. It's the same here, however now its completely reversed. 1.0/2.0 was guns, 3.0 is abilities. Why can't we help to make an in-between point? That's what we're trying to accomplish.


    With all arguments, with everything that he say, with everything that he points, its clear the purpose of 1.0...

    And its clear, on how the only thing considered "skill" its gun gameplay, if for all "veterans" (at least a lot of them) this current pvp need to be focused on melee for no damage, just for move, gun gameplay focused, and no energy orbs. If you think, or some people think that 1.0 was better compared to this, its the reason on why you think this is broken.


    I can't even argue with you anymore. If you think stunning an opponent with an easy to land, highly accessible power is fair and makes you think that warframe "works" good for you.


    So, lets make warframe gun play focused only?

    Like it was before? Because before working well right? As how 1.0 was, and dark sector, you have an example, on how 1.0 terrible was, compared to this, where you dont depend on imaginary rules, everything is balanced, jisus the skills are balanced and dont 1 shot.

    I dont understand your point of transform warframe on a gun gameplay focused only.

    But thank you, now i understand why i keep saying, that most of the veterans still stuck on 1.0, and how they are trying to take it back.


    And i hope, really really hope, that DE dont take the wrong decition about limiting again the energy on maps, making more difficult the game for low stats warframes. 



    4: Please, before posting a comment in this thread, please... please please play a match or two so you understand what we're talking about and so you can get a grip on what the reality of the situation is before posting a nonsensical comment. Oh and also, please, read the entire post and also possibly the other comments as well, so again you can understand e7's intentions and see what the other arguments in the thread are.

    Im pretty sure what he is talking about, putting 1 or 2 energy orbs on mid, or team side.

    Focus more on gun play, limit the usage of melee, no more quick melee atacks. (If i want a game where there is only gun play, i can play cs go, but i like the way on how is this).

    I dont think, that people come here and comment, dont play conclaves, i have never see someone who talk here, on a match, just Eureka, and elele.

    "I see people who never touched a real 1.0 conclave game in their life and somehow have a higher K/D than some of the 1.0 veterans I have seen in WF. You are telling me that the people in 1.0 who worked alot harder to get their kills have K/Ds that are lower than people who power spam?"

    So, you say, the problem comes from people who never touched the 1.0? Really?

    How many people was playing that old node compared to this? And you say that warframe quality its surffering because E and skills? Really?

    I like how some of the "veterans" call, Spin to win, 1-4 to win, no LMB to win? The only thing considered as skill is aim?

    As i say, i am the only one who see this thread as an attemp to give back what 1.0 was?


    Make sure that this orb only appears 3-4 times per game. The weaker orbs, reduce the spawn time but make them accessible at least 4 time per game. So that there is a focus on gunplay without completely ignoring powers.


    So, whats next? Restriction about melee? 

    Addressing Melee as it can be extremely powerful. Make is so that player MUST equip their melee weapon in order to attack with it that way we can cater to the melee only players but not make them mash E when they are 1 meter from someone. Also Remove martial magnetisim, do i even need to explain that?

    Why the player have to be forced to equip only the melee weapon in order to atack? It is not going to resolve the over cry about the "block to win" incoming on u17.

    To conclude, pvp 2.0 at it's current state is a mess. It 's not even a firefight anymore. Its just a game of superman 64 but with energy orbs instead of rings. Players spam too much because it works, players mash E too much because it works. But the most important thing, and that keeps people playing the gunplay is the weakest thing in the game. Hopefully you guys at DE can read this. Don't take it word from word but at least derive it to something that works.

    Again? why the exageration about the energy, all you are telling me, no one can catch a energy farmer? Or prevent the player to camp?

    Guns Weaker? I dont know, but we have a gun-play dominant system actually.

    Player spamm too much because it works? What can i say about that, it no works on everything, you can spamm 1 with valkyr and win, do you?

    The most beautifull thing that actually in warframe is, its warframe.

    This pvp its amazing, compared on what was before, i feel more balanced this, more distinction between players, when you say "o hell a ember, i have to..."  Or "Obreron, hm i have..." No focus on what was, "o look at that, a valkyr, im valkyr too, everyone is valkyr may gad"


    Limit the energy orbs to 1 orb per team spawn area, make a middle orb that give the player access to his 4th. This way players will fight for the 4th cast and it will not be abused like it is now.

    First of all Restrict the 4th power and give it it's separate meter. This meter will go up based on kills but can only be obtained either via a high kill streak OR a high amount of kills.

    Secondly reduce the powers based on PROCs. Make casting a power just do a proc rather than damage itself. This will give players the edge in a fight but not a guaranteed win. Make most of the casts utility, with a few exceptions like electric shield.


    Abused? I dont see people casting 4th every 1 minute, the problem comes from player that let someone do that, if you dont try to stop the player who focus on energy, is not the system that have the problem.

    Focus the 4th skill on a meter kill, its going to limit the choices, everyone is going to choose the best stats based warframes, to get more kills, that give players no more than 2 choices, 3 maybe? Valkyr, Chroma, Rhino.

    The power weapons have a skill curve, so that players don't automatically win just because they are faster. This is where warframe loses, hard. And that is because powers are too easy to use.


    Automatic win the match just for picking 2 or 3 energy orbs? Your skill curve is not working at all, if you still let players to pick orbs frecuently to win, and i dont think that warframe is losing on that, im still can press where i want to play, and i find a lot of people.


    You see people who never touched warframe Europa PvP in their life, playing like superstars going 30-6 and this is not because that player is good, it's simply because he spammed 1-4. Now you may be asking "well Eureka does it mean that that particular player has good map control?" and the answer is no.


    No one, ever, ever its going to play a broken game as how 1.0 was, where gunplay was the focus, and coptering the deal. Where warframes focus was Ash/Zephyr/Valkyr, because cheap.

    And gun play because "skills", no warframe interaction with the player, no melee fights (amazing mechanic), and no balance, where a simple dude entering with the most op thing can ruin the match.

    Is not because that player is good, its simply because he spammed 1-4.

    Ow men, how wrong you are, the simply case that i have the chance to press 1-4, it dont make the match an automatic win, because oro steals, and most of the skills are tweaked so players dont die,  (and i dont know why skills dont 1 shot kill, warframes skills should have to be as how they are, OP).


    They were 1: Fast, so good for moving, and 2: Its copter one shot any frame, because of the unmodified raw 2k+ damage. Now adding in the weapon one shots, fast movement, this created an actual "ninja game". This PvP 2.0 is trash in the term of "ninja".


    Im sorry, but the only feel "ninja" its the lack of balance because coptering as how ever was, no because the gameplay was fast, and on u17 they are reworking the system for more "ninja" play style.


    So let me get this out of the way, and I'm sure I speak on behalf of most of the vets, True PvP 1.0 was the best PvP. Not PvP 2.0, nor 3.0. 


    Thats why most of the "veterans" think this pvp system is wrong. Still stuck on what old pvp was, a gun-gameplay focused style, no warframe pvp.


    Unless you mean "Only oberon's 25 energy ability can kill my excalibur". 

    Then again, thats false. Obe's first ability is probably one of the weakest first abilities of the PvP warframe roster (unless target is in an enclosed space). I only use oberon to combo after my daikyu hits a tankier opponent. 

    No, it kill excalibur with 1 shot, excalibur its my main on everything.


    And finally, as for your last statement - "If you want to focus on Gun-Play, there are a dose of good shooters out there."

    This one frankly irritates me. K first off, no. I enjoy warframe because of its unique style and how it plays, which is why I LOVED True 1.0. However, with the addition of 3.0, DE frankly murdered pvp. So this is the "PvP Feedback", hence I'm (we're) giving feedback on what I believe could fix multiple of the problems available and can provide a much better experience for all users. What you said is like saying "Oh you want a game with abilities and possible spam? Theres hundreds of MOBA's out there, so go play them and forget about WF". So yeah no. 


    I enjoy warframe, and i want to enjoy warframe pvp, no a shooter pvp.

    This is why i love pvp in warframe, the distinction between warframes, different modes to play, im sorry but im not was the one who tell me to play another game.

    And no, they dont murdered pvp, the amount of people say something that is working. About the ability spamm, is not a spamm, that its an exageration like the "spin to win" still calling like that, after DE removed the Spin damage from the melee weapon making it base stats.

    And i dont was the one, who tell me i need to play more shooters if i think that 1-4 its a playstyle.


    As for the "disrespect" and lack of skill. Yes I do disrespect people who use powers all the time and spam the living hell out of them, and I think they lack skill. Because of the advantages I just mentioned


    So, how its supposed this, its considered a respect between play styles? What its skill? Aim? Nothing more? O parkour too?

    Yes, Skills have disadvantajes, most of the warframes are vulnerable when using it. Like someone who want to do a melee gameplay without be called "spin to win" o N00b.


    The current State of warframe, as how is it now, its amazing, beautifull, differents warframes, powers, game styles, real tanks, real nukers, real healers, is not a generic shooter game.





    Don't take what I said out of context. OP was arguing that Halo power weapons have "skill curve". So how is "aiming Freeze near a guy and he freezes" different from "aiming Halo rocket launcher near a guy and he eats rocket splash damage"? 

    I like that the only thing that actually in warframe counts as "skills" is gun-play.


  8. Let's be real all the warframe that run mainstream build for the max potential power and have mobility skill can already support their teleport skills example

    Ash bladestorm unless ur modding for invi you have viable teleport because u have not lower ur range

    Loki disarm unless ur modding for invi u still have viable teleport because ur no running narrow minded but max range

    Nova mp well yeah this is self explanatory on it self I seen nova put wormhole after worm hole

    I would mention Valkyrie but she can just be spider-girl

    Effigy chroma goes fast

    Vanguard rhino prime goes fast lets not forget u got ironclad defense and if ur running max duration to keep an outrages amount of armor up and this is viable for traveling

    Volt speed goes fast

    Slash dash Excalibur

    Tidal wave hydroid

    Vauban bounce wall control..oh I really love to use crushing ruins and Vauban use the spin combo from crushing ruins on a bounce facing the wall the control and travel is great

    .......really the only person who I see losing in any of this in the powers become less is ember cause well world on fire kind of requires u to go fast so I kind of suggest a buff to her,but I know not many of u guys use her cause I never see in chat let get a fire quake ember.

    Now not having mod slot for rush oh my what can I do.....oh wait what's this prime continuity what this primed flow....oh my now I don'tt have to continue running constitution and continuity to counter act the fleeting I have an extra mod slot so I am gonna run something else,.,,,yeah I am sure that our fault now .we are getting new mods and they can help yes they are hard to acquire but not impossible.oh yeah and come on primed flow do you really need to be worrying a lot about equipping that fleeting with that much energy. Or that streamline .

    If ur creative enough to and conservative enough use can squeeze the rush in

    Here when I run my Loki disarm I use switch teleport decoy to travel

    When I run in I Loki I grow a rush in

    Narrow minded streamline constitution primed continuity quick thinking flow rage and then rush or whatever else I want.

    Now it comes to the player do they want to move faster by moving so around more or do they want to live faster by being able to take hits.


    This works actually.

  9. "Way back when, I saw threads sprout just as quickly that said that Damage 2.0 was going to destroy the game because armor ignoring would go away. The doom threads were as hilarious as these. People reading bits of what DE said and making up all kinds of spurious ideas or opinions before posting them as fact. Obviously the game was utterly destroyed by DE changing things THAT time so it will be THIS time as well. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Kalenath

    O men, that threads, i remember.

    Well something like that is going to happend again.

    Untill they all see the balance.

    And dont understand.

    And come here again.

    I cant wait for parkour 2.0...

    I want the latch on wall 

  10. This is supposed to be a fast paced action game and not a slow first person shooter (e.g. try walking in COD and see how fast you could traverse the terrain). Coptoring is the only viable option based on the teaser in the devstream. What was shown was basically running and latching onto walls in the void. I wonder how viable this parkour option is in maps with jagged walls or obstacles (take the ice-terrain maps for instance)? Not very. How fast would jumping onto enemy heads get you? Not very as seen in the devstream. We might as well call it snailframe.


    With coptoring gone, we'll all be running at a snail's pace supposedly playing "how it is supposed to be played". What gave you the right to say how it is played? I beg to differ. I'd very much prefer my coptoring.

    You say, you have to run?

    Why no use the new balanced mechanic, more control, more enviroment interaction.

    A fast paced game its not based on speed, just an example, on MMORPG Aion, its a fast paced pvp, and is not based on the speed on all characters.

    Slow? Really? Slow why? Because you think? Or because you are going to run, when you can build your momentum with constant jumps around the map, or leave the option about put a mod that gives you speed, slow because people want, no because is it.

    People are crying around, because they are going to have a balanced mechanic, where you are not forced to equip a fast atack melee weapon to be fast, you know you still can rush the mission, without melee in the new movement system?

    You know that new system, is based on "skills" and no Press E to move?

    You know that new system is going to work to current tile-sets (most of them, if they dont, a rework its coming on a couple of maps).

    You know that everyone will need to learn how to move on the new system? Whats the point of DE give a players the option of choose, a coptering, or parkour 2.0m when no one is going to use the new parkour, because gotta go fast? Whats the point of give some warframes mobility skills, if they have cop?

    DE have see the issue with coptering, on a couple of devstream, scott have say "coptering is going to stay" - Okay

    Steve have say on twitter "coptering is for melee atacks, no superman flying" - amazing.

     Geoff said that we will built momentum with each successful jump. I think we will be able to achieve a comparable speed but it will require more engagement that just a combination of three buttons.  


    The good things about this, is that everyone are going to have the same ways to move, no restriction because melee, not forced on equip a Typedo or another high atack speed weapon to move fast, ignoring the actual mechanic of parkour, people say "hey but we are okay as how we are now"


    Can you compare the upcoming change with this? This current mobility based system? 



  11. The mental judgement of this men has been lost?Come on i am sure u can ask a DE person to give you a list of reason for the nerf and they will which will in terms show you that their is conflict with it.Not just an opinion of players.

    Isn't the whole issue that Coptering is going to be gone and what will happend>i am sure i read the topic<And to be exact if we argue that the reason why DE doing to do the Nerf is because DE saw it being hurtful for the image of the game were you can just skip and leave your team behind.Yeah just like everyone who makes something new their is always something else that is lost tipedo that has a very fast swing speed,Which coptering is base about,DE didn't make a category saying this weapon are meant to copter.No they made a mechanic and someone said hey if you do this and that your swing speed will let you travel far distances.DE saw this and was like we are gonna leave it.Is not intended but right now is not an emergency to fix it.Then someone once they started to work in parkour said you guys remember that issue with coptering yeah since we are doing this overhaul lets just remove the unintended mechanic.


    See it like this if all warframe were all using sprint how together will the team stick.Loki being the faster would see trouble coming,Rhino(not vanguard),frost,or chroma(not effigy) will prepare a defense mechanic to deal with the pertaining enemy that will be coming.The Frames with defensive capabilities are slow ,but if the fast frame that have speed and utility give the heads up the rhino can skin,and the frost can Bubble for the team to be protected.


    ^sure my example would never happend in the game cause no one really tries to do teamwork that requires more then 2 keys press.

    O this ^


  12. It's not far to early to judge something that is obviously not to one's taste or inferior to what one already has. It's not far too early to let DE know which direction one does not wish to see the game go.

    Nerfing coptor means the loss of fun in coptoring across such areas:


    You are spamming the same message with image/images on all topics about coptering...

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