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  1. I mean if you're able to just restart. That's awesome. Many other people can't do that because usually redoing everything from scratch isn't fun. You are free to give that opinion but you're still trying to tell us what to post or not post and whether we're wrong or not wrong which is provocative and argumentative. So maybe just give your thoughts without doing those things? IDK just me.
  2. This is word for word-what I'm getting at. I appreciate how you articulated that.
  3. Idc if it said "red text" this or that. How about give me a timeline so I don't have to "spam". They said over the coming days not weeks. Whispers came out on the 13. It's already been almost a week and the first official testing with founders started yesterday due to delay. Finally, myself and others are off from school/work NOW. We want to enjoy our holidays by playing the game. Why wouldn't we be annoyed and persistently asking for info?
  4. Don't understand your point here. It's completely valid that people are getting antsy about cross-save. DE are the ones who decided to do this whole thing right before the holidays, not us. If anything, this is a project that's taken too long to become reality and they took their sweet time. I sunk countless hours and dollars into the game, only to end up not being able to play for close to a decade since I switched to PC. At the very least, they can provide us with timelines consistently, that would shut pretty much everyone up. However, even that is not the case.
  5. Can we receive an official message describing a rough plan for how the cross-save rollout is expected to be executed? Now that founders have had the chance to merge and link their accounts, what does phase 2 entail? Are we categorizing eligibility by the date your account was created? When can we expect the next phase rollouts? Please give us something. We were told Cross-Save would be available in 2023, but that doesn't mean you have to push it to the last week of December. However, if we are going to do that, the least we should expect is consistent updates. I think we're not asking for much with that.
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