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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. 21 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

    So, let's try to find at least one thing Oberon is better than Excal at.

    On second thought, let me show you how it is done, because I feel I'll get an answer a la "Oberon can wear Feyarch Skin better than Excal":

    1) Excal is better than Oberon in low level Exterminations, because RJ build can perform on a level of Ember;

    2) Excal is better than Oberon in high level Exterminations, because he is much better at killing tough enemies;

    3) Excal is better than Oberon in Defenses because he can either be a main damage dealer or provide a very handy CC with insane range;

    4) Excal is better than Oberon in Excavations, because of much higher mobility and RB being a better skill for protecting an Excavator. Also, he scales much better, so overstayed Excavation isn't a problem for Excal.

    5) Excal is better than Oberon in Survivals, because Excal's forte is Survivals;

    6) Excal is better than Oberon in Spy, because he has "poor man's invisibility" via RB, long-range stealth attacks via EBlade and high mobility via Slash Dash

    7) Excal is better than Oberon in Deception, because he has better mobility;

    8) Excal is better than Oberon in Sabotage, because of his better mobility and ability to focus down priority targets;

    9) Excal is better than Oberon in Capture, because of yet again mobility and target focus;

    10) Excal is better than Oberon in Interception, because of his mobility, ability to hold a spot and high range on his abilities;

    11) Excal is better than Oberon in resource farming, because he is one of this game's fastest AoE map cleaners;

    12) Excal is better than Oberon in affinity farming, because duh.

    13) Excal is better than Oberon in killing Stalker, because Stalker avoids me for the last two months already;

    14) Excal is better than Oberon.


    And the problem is, I am pretty sure you can do something along the lines for the majority of warframes in the game. I main Excal, so I know him well. I can also repeat this for Nova.

    Warframe has a lot of "jacks of all trades" - every second warframe is a "jack of all trades". The problem is, they also have their specialization. Oberon is not a "jack of all trades". He is "meh of all trades".

  2. 25 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

    1) Heal teammates directly.

    2) Buff allies' armor.

    3) Irradiate enemies.

    4) Spawn health orbs.

    5) Buff allies' damage.

    Look at that! 5 really useful things! Who would've known?!

    1) Outperformed by a pizza. Realistically irrelevant above enemy level 20. RB will save team more health.

    2) Achieves nothing. Less effective at saving lives compared to RB

    3) So can do any weapon in the game

    4) Does nothing

    5) Indeed, but that's a separate specialized build, which is far from being "jack of all trades". And RB also buffs damage.


    So, let's try to find at least one thing Oberon is better than Excal at.

  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

    which no other frame can do

    Let's try to name two things Oberon will be better at compared to Excalibur. I'll start:

    1) You can effectively sell Oberon parts for credits.

  4. 14 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

    Viral+Slash crit melees work miracles versus truly armoured enemies

    Nah, not really.

    14 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

    to figure out the relative attack speed

    Assuming you always go for Winding Claws on Swirling Tiger and for Coiling Impale on Crimson Dervish (accounting last 3 x 100% hits as one hit for easier calculation) makes attack speed of Dual Swords around 3.1 times faster than attacks of Longswords, accounting for unintentional pauses.

    So, ultimately, my educated guess about damage output was correct - DPS goes to Prisma Dual Cleavers, damage per hit to theoretical Prisma Skana.

    Argument about stealth bonus is valid in a sense of being one of few notable differences between two weapons, however is greatly overestimated.

    First, going on merely x3 melee combo multiplier will put stealth boost from Naramon in the range of x2 damage increase. The further we go on our melee combo - the further our stealth multiplier decreases.

    Second, calculation assumes that you're going to get the first stealth modified hit on every single enemy, which is far from truth, as going into melee range with regular attacks tends to remove that modifier from a large part of the crowd.




    Dual Swords tend to have an okay spin attack.

    Well, I am not being completely honest here, as that's Raza with a dedicated spin build, however Prisma Dual Cleavers still have spin attack with 210 base damage, which is twice the damage of Prisma Skana with Crimson Dervish.


    So, as I said, giving Prisma Skana the stats I've proposed will put it on about the same tier as Prisma Dual Cleavers with some minor advantages and minor disadvantages (mostly disadvantages tbh). It will make it into a good, viable melee. Ichors will still be stronger though.

  5. Welp, I have to correct myself - it is still possible to do 2:20 with current Excal. However you'd have to get really lucky with LS drops for like last 20 minutes. I've successfully done 2 hours (2:13 to be precise) and then ran out of LS.

    Having energy cost on Spin Blind makes you waste time restoring that energy, which considerably drops the kill speed. And, of course, it makes full Power Strength build worthless.

    The sad fact is that previously I had no PPP, Primed Fury and did not had to use EBlade on it full attack speed potential to do 2:20.
    Now my Excal ended up being ultimately weaker than before, despite getting access to all this goodness.

  6. 2 hours ago, Sweaty_Pleb said:

    What's the one with for stupid high content? I've seen it before and it's so cheesey xD



    Something along the lines. Used to be a max Strength build with Narrow Minded (hence the polarity mismatch) for EBlade energy sustain, but the latest nerf pretty much murdered the build, as you can't face level 200~500 enemies without spamming Spin Blind like crazy, and having bad efficiency doesn't help here.

    The build basically gets rid of every single mod that relies on enemies hitting you, as getting hit after 80 minutes of T4S will oneshot you no matter what kind of build you are using - so why bother?

    Enemy Sense can be swapped for minor boost to range via Cunning Drift, melee damage via Coaction Drift or energy pool via Endurance drift. However I prefer Enemy Sense for better spawn awareness, as you have to be as effective as possible to sustain Life Support.

    Having slightly different polarities may allow you to fit in Energy Conversion which can be used as a legit alternative to Blind Rage which is currently unusable with EBlade. However I don't like the idea of murdering my three other builds for the sake of a single-purpose one.

    EBlade is built for attack speed and status - Corrosive + Blast without Life Strike - no alternatives here.


    As a matter of fact, 100 minutes can be done with the build I've shown previously. This one allows to go further, albeit it is hard. Furthest I've achieved with currently dead max Power Strength build was 2:20 of T3S (which has the same level scaling as T4S).

  7. 7 minutes ago, Czygen said:

    The one without Naramon.



    I would say, the only mod that's optional is Stretch. It can be Intensify, Stretch, Constitution, Furious Javelin or something else - it's up to you. I prefer more range on my Slash Dash and Blind.

    Vitality and Steel Fiber combo gives you enough EHP to face-tank a missile from level 110 Corrupted Bombard on T4, provided your EBlade is up.

    Rage provides you with unlimited energy supply as long as things can't one-shot you.

    Maximum Efficiency (the actual 90%) is a must, because the only way to get minimal EBlade sustain cost is to go for increased duration, and that'll result in you either using a slot for Constitution or sacrificing your range, which is a really bad idea for non-Naramon Excal. Going for 170% Efficiency is also a really bad idea, as it increases skill costs by 20%.

    Handspring is the single best Exilus mod you can get on an Excal that takes a hit, because getting knocked down kills you.

    Transient is a min-max Power Strength option. If you don't have it, Intensify will suffice, removing the need for Primed Continuity.


    For your melee - you can use whatever you want. Just keep in mind, that Life Strike is mandatory, building for critical hit is not efficient and Spoiled Strike is generally bad. The best thing you can build for - dual-stat build with maximum attack speed. The second best - pure damage build with maximum attack speed.

  8. Rock it up to 11. As simple as that.

    What I mean here, is that making Channeling completely fine and viable anywhere outside of Conclave will require not only heavy balancing, but also a rework of the mechanics itself.

    Channeling currently has absolutely unsustainable cost in the actual gameplay. Even if one's willing to mod for Channeling (effectively gimping their weapon potential), it won't make the ultimate difference of being able to sustain Channeling all the time (save for Trin, I guess).

    A good thing to do would be to rework that whole system. However, there are other priorities right now, and until all of those are done with, we are stuck with close to useless mechanics. Why not at least make it useful in meanwhile by simply tweaking the numbers?

    There's one single mod that makes channeling currently viable, and that's Life Strike. The reason being, Life Strike is the only thing, that does Channeling right - it provides a bonus, that's hard to get otherwise. This is what every single Channeling mod has to be so that people will have a motivation to use it.

    For example:

    1) Corrupt Charge:
    extra cost and a mod slot for 33% damage increase (+100% to Channeling damage results in multiplier going from 1.5 to 2). Name me one reason not to place a damage mod instead.

    Channeling penalty stays the same, damage bonus goes from +100% to +500% (resulting in multipliers going from 1.5 to 4). Given how the scaling in this game works, it isn't even a strong buff, but it would be a reason to at least consider gimping your weapon normally so when you're channeling you can burst something down.Could've been overpowered were we not to be in Blood Rush melee era, where damage doesn't get multiplied by channeling directly.

    Non-existent bonus, heavy cost penalty. Good mod to transmute.

    Channeling penalty stays the same, attack speed bonus goes from +20% to +200%. I am being completely serious here. Attack speed is a bonus, that's counterproductive in relation to Channeling. To mod your Channeling for attack speed is like modding Synoid Gammacor for fire rate - it is fun for the first three seconds, and then you have to swap out. Having the bonus pump the attack speed to absurd rates will result in it being using selectively under specific circumstances.

    3) Enduring Strike:
    A bonus that's less than one that's provided by a dual-stat for a mod slot and extra Channeling cost. Isn't even rare.

    Increase channeling penalty to Life Strike's levels, increase status chance to flat 100%.

    4) True Punishment:
    Weaker True Steel (which is weak) that comes with a penalty.

    Increase Channeling penalty to Life Strike's levels, increase critical chance by flat amount.

    Now that one would be hard to balance, as I am essentially suggesting to add a Channeling Maiming Strike, that stacks with Maiming Strike. And Maiming Strike is strong. However, provided it'll have a high cost, going for something like +50~100% flat critical chance might actually worth it.

    I am not sure about mods without penalties, that provide plain damage increase or Channeling efficiency decrease, as buffing the latter would not be a good idea, and buffing the former doesn't really match that well with the whole "selective Channeling usage" thing.

    However, I have to add, that Killing Blow in its current state is weak and useless as it provides only 40% damage increase during Channeling and uses up a slot. Doubling its effect won't break anything.

  9. 1 hour ago, Shashu13 said:

    Do you guys even test this post 40 mins of T4Surv? 

    You can do 40 minutes of T4S with only waves even now, that wasn't changed. It is still relatively easy to do a hour of T4S, given Rage makes your energy supply unlimited, however going further via Naramon has became very hard. I'm currently starting to struggle around 80 minutes mark, however I've done 100 at least once. I believe it is still possible to do 2 hours, but 2:20 would be unreal - pure strength build is impossible to sustain currently, end even max efficiency build will run out energy very quickly as at that point you have to Spin Blind for each and every enemy.

    Just for comparison, Ash can go for 100 minutes unranked, provided he has a proper melee. I doubt he'll be able to do two hours, but doing 100 minutes with Ash is more safe and consistent than doing it with Excal.
    Saryn is able to do at least 2 hours, maybe 2:20;
    Banshee theoretically can go even higher.

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