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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. That wasn't a nerf to the combo precisely. That was a change to how Maiming Strike works. Previously it granted flat 90% critical chance increase when you were sliding, like in "holding down the slide button and being considered as sliding by the game". You could've used it to gain access to the critical chance increase on a lot more than just spin attacks. Most charged attacks allow you to slide during the charge, many weapons allow you to slide in the middle of the combo, some abilities can be performed during sliding - everything could've gotten that 90% critical chance. That included Landslide or even Slash Dash which is normally incapable of critting.

    However now the bonus is limited to the spin attacks. There are pros and cons here - you've lost access to all these alternative ways of using Maiming Strike, however spinning melee now is stronger than ever, as you can just spam spins now, compared to how you had to time them previously to get the critical chance bonus.

    If you want my opinion on it - I would take either. On one hand - I like my spin melee becoming even stronger. On the other hand, losing "fun" applications of the mod is a waste in a sense. What concerns me however, is that spin melee getting a really strong indirect buff might lead to a direct nerf to them, seeing how DE are nerf-happy lately - and that's not a thing I would want.

  2. I'm all up for the dashes instead of rolls in any games all the time. Dash is that absurdly impractically cool move that only a fictional character can use efficiently. In a video game, I would prefer dashes over rolling around ten times out of ten.

  3. 5 minutes ago, bubbabenali said:

    Also 25% armor reducing on proc is not that great against a 5 digit red crit proced slash damage.

    5 digit slash damage proc doesn't require building for it. You can have pure corrosive build and still have access to these procs. And to be honest, these are the only slash procs that aren't garbage.

     Also, 25% armor reducing on proc is far, far more than any kind of slash proc. I don't think you realize the difference between dealing 0.1% of damage and 5% of damage.

  4. 2 minutes ago, bubbabenali said:

    Yeah, what I said.

    What you said was false. Corrosive proc will give a better DPS increase than extra damage or critical chance even on 5% status weapon.

    "The only one I know" does not equal "The only" or "The most". I have no idea, why are you trying to argue about something you simply don't know as you never even tried - because you can easily try that out in simulacrum and see the results.

  5. 6 hours ago, bubbabenali said:

    Until you melted enough armor on leveled enemies where it actually is needed you are allready killed

    That's completely false. Switching any of Blood Rush built melee critical mods (save for the Blood Rush itself, obviously) in favor of Weeping Wounds on a decent corrosive weapon will considerable increase your damage against armored targets of level ~100, which is not "you are already killed" level by any means. Slash proc can be built for effectively, but it's heavily inferior to corrosive as long as armor involved. And when armor isn't involved, you are better off with building for crit and damage.

    Also, corrosive is one of the most versatile damage types in the game.

    I think the main problem is that there are effectively two procs in this game - corrosive and slash. Everything else can be ignored.


    10 hours ago, motorfirebox said:

    viral, which scales better

    Corrosive can increase your effective damage by a factor of several hundreds. Viral is a flat x2 all the time.


    18 hours ago, Radjehuty said:

    You're pretty much explaining one of those few exceptions

    The thing is, armored enemies is the only thing in this game you should be worried about in a sense of being able to deal damage.

  6. 8 minutes ago, OzoneSlayer said:

    This is only relevant at higher levels, where you should be using 4xCP, making crit superior there as well

    4CP is a rare occurrence in non pre-made squads. Level 60+ is a low level, but will already benefit from corrosive procs much better than stacking only damage and crits. Survivals are more fun to solo.

  7. 20 hours ago, motorfirebox said:

    So in terms of damage output, crit > status pretty much every time

    There's a thing called "corrosive proc" that makes the statement entirely false. Also, hits that proc a status can bypass armor.

    However I do understand what you are talking about. However, I would say currently we need fixing the pure damage melee, rather than status. We have the largest weapon category in the game - long swords - being absurdly weak because none of them is good at critical nor at status.

  8. 13 hours ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

    Lol, Katanas are about the most different thing from a Bastard Sword. A Bastard Sword is very similar to a Longsword, so a straight, heavier, double edged sword (and with proper guard) that can be used one-handed, but recommended as two-handed.


    Dear, a bastard sword is a sword with the blade you would expect to see on a one-handed sword and with the hilt you'd expect to see on a long sword. There are curved bastard swords, double-edged bastard swords, bastard swords with and without a guard. It isn't a strict term - it's an overall description. In many cases there's no way to distinguish a bastard sword from a long sword. Also, "heavier" is a pointless word. There are one-handed swords, that are heavier than long swords. And even they are very light.

    Anyway, "the most different thing from a Bastard Sword" is a sword with a long hilt dedicated for the two-hand grip and a relatively short blade. Reminds anything?

    And if you are trying to use historical terminology here - just so you know, there were no strict terminology considering swords. In historical term "long sword" you can fit even a rapier.

  9. 6 minutes ago, jjpdn said:

    There must have been SOME kind of limitation on the spell's access though. 

    Infinite Immortality? Which one? 

    There were limitations in other games of the series - but not in 9.

    Hysteria, duh. Well, if you want that absolutely uncounterable immortality, some of semi-infinitely scaling games will do the trick. I can't remember any actual titles right now, but there are some cases of stuff like regeneration auras, that give more regen than damage you can possibly receive on any point of the game, there are various right-away immortality spells with ways to get their cooldown to be lower than duration and stuff.

    The main point, is that healing in warframe matters for like levels 1~20 without Nightmare and T4. Everything else is not "healing" it is "preventing people from being destroyed in seconds". You need some actual effective health first for enemies to take some time tearing through, before you can have a moderate healing spell. Bless is really unbalanced on paper, but in fact, it won't stop your teammates from constantly dying.

  10. 3 minutes ago, jjpdn said:

    I actually don't remember

    Does not equal "it doesn't exist". Of course you would fail to find a healing spell in Halo.

    First thing that comes to mind:
    Might&Magic 9 had a spell "Divine Intervention", that completely healed/revived the whole team, removed all statuses, restored all mana, had no penalties and casting limits.

    A lot of games have abilities that can give their user outright immortality, so you can't even try to compare Bless to them.

    And, unlike in Warframe, in these games health doesn't become an alive/dead flag after some time in - you can't get oneshotted from full health down to zero. In warframe - you can. Currently healing has to be strong and fast - either way it will be useless, like in Oberon's case. Fix that first, then think about whether Bless balanced or not.

  11. On 6/3/2016 at 2:21 PM, (PS4)EnormeMostro said:

    DE, plz make it . this is a best idea 

    Then I take Loki/Ash/Ivara/Naramon/Arcane Trickery/Valkyr and I can stay in Survival indefinitely, as I no longer have to kill enemies.

  12. 19 minutes ago, (PS4)HR_Pufnstuf_1984 said:

    Adding mods as I was waiting to acquire the others. My Orthos is my only good weapon so I needed it working at its peak. Can't all be experts.

    Ah in that sense. Well, I have two options for you:

    1) Fixing your build

    2) Giving you a vastly superior build, that requires a change in melee play style.


    1) Problems in your build are: Buzz Kill, Jagged Edge, Spoiled Strike and 90% elemental mods.

    Buzz Kill will not outperform an 90% elemental mod. Jagged Edge is bad. Spoiled Strike only remotely worth it on a weapon that already has 4 x 90% elementals, Berserker and Fury.
    If you don't want to build your Orthos around Blood Rush - you don't need it. Orthos only has 10% x2 crit stats, they are enough to sustain Berserker, but not good for anything else.
    If your intent is to use it in high level Void and such, you should build it via dual-stats for Corrosive damage proc. You should either go for Corrosive + Blast or Corrosive + Cold, with other mods being PP, Berserker, Life Strike, Fury, Primed Reach. Think about what you need and what you don't need.


    2) Do you like spins? This is currently the strongest build you can do on Orthos for like 98% of this game content. "Strongest" means it can perform on a level of Mirage with Simulor.



    Well, obviously save for the casual Reach.

    It will outperform other alternatives by the factor of tens. But it requires you to spin and slide a lot.


    On a side note - Bleeding Willow is objectively inferior to Shimmering Blight. If you simply like the move set - it's fine, but if your priority is to get maximum out of Orthos - it isn't the best choice.

  13. 1 hour ago, TyrannRedeagle said:

    worse version of his 2nd

    Someone never went against level 100+ it seems.


    I rarely care about that stuff, but this time I do. "Excal is no longer a turret!", oh really? Wanna see me do a void survival for 40 minutes exclusively with waves? Now, wanna know what was damage fall-off point for EBlade waves prior to the nerf? It was 40 minutes. Nothing has changed.

    What changed, however, was Excalibur end-game potential and sustainability, because Spin Blind is an essential tool for his melee. And that tool was nerfed hard.


    I am perfectly fine with the fact of the nerf. It's up to DE how to balance their game. I am not fine with their motivation, as "you should go melee with Excal" is not a proper motivation for nerfing his melee.

  14. Now I have 200gb worth of Ash soloing survival, great.

    15 hours ago, Dragazer said:

    if it gets you to play the frame before making any more ignorant statements about frames you haven't played

    Oh boy, how wrong I was! Now after I soloed 100 minutes of T4S with Ash, popping Naramon after 30 minutes in (I died on 22 minutes for the first time) my opinion has become pretty much opposite!

    Well, honestly, what did you expect? I get, that you are struggling on Infestation Sortie. Maybe less, but I still get, that you are struggling on it with Ash, which is kinda stupid, but I can understand that - some people are genuinely bad at video games - I bet you have something else working for you. What I don't get is why do you argue with someone who clearly has much more experience about so-called "end game", what works there, what doesn't, and how is that all related to Ash's passive?

    It was exactly as I said - Ash can do a bit over 100 minutes of T4S/T3S by only using Naramon, proper melee and his passive. For a reference, other frames who don't have that passive will have their damage fall-off around 60~70 minutes in. That passive allows Ash to kill level 200 enemies at the same speed he would've dealt with enemies of level 100. Think about it a bit, and tell me, how's it "nothing special"?

    For a further reference:

    10 hours ago, Dragazer said:

    Loki: Straight up numbers buff to his wall latch duration

    It's a gimmick. It won't make your frame any stronger. It has no purpose other than having fun, as you can stay on a wall indefinitely even without that passive. However, I have nothing against such passives, as gimmicks are fun.

    For instance, Valkyr's passive is pretty similar in a sense, that you can always simply slide on a heavy landing, but having that little gimmick is nice.

    10 hours ago, Dragazer said:

    Trinity: Straight up numbers buff to her revive speed and distance

    Three literal centimeters - that's how much of a "buff" she received. I would've understood if she became able to revive stuff from across the map - that could've been fun, but right now her passive is worthless.

    10 hours ago, Dragazer said:


    Just so you know, Excalibur's passive provides him with a whopping 5% DPS increase at best, as his passive is additive, not multiplicative. You literally can't feel or see the difference this passive provides, unless you were to write down the numbers and count the frames (I ain't even sure about that one).


    And now let me state what you seem to understand yourself:

    10 hours ago, Dragazer said:

    Majority of Blade Storm's damage comes from slash procs a DoT

    And now let's remember what his passive does. What was that?

    On 5/31/2016 at 5:35 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

    Ash: Bleed Procs dealt by Ash from any source are 25% deadlier and last 50% longer.

    Ah yeah, that. So, not only "Majority of Blade Storm's damage" just received a straight buff amounting to direct 25% DPS increase, overall damage have increased even more, given Ash quite easily makes use of extra duration on bleed. And it doesn't affects only Blade Storm, which was definitely an underwhelming ability and surely required a buff, no - it also affects all weapons, some of which can be fully built around bleed proc. Coincidentally, these weapons are among some of the most effective ones during the end-game content.


    You might be surprised, but if you take Ash's passive and give it to, say, Excalibur - it will have stronger effect than his current one by a substantial amount, and that's given Excalibur's EBlade has 10% status chance and the frame itself has no special means of landing a bleed proc.


    I don't actually care about Ash himself that much, I don't even play him. What bothers me, however, is that his "plain" passive is arguably one of the strongest in the game, if not the strongest, and it makes vast majority of other frame's passives look like useless garbage. And the frame that received that passive by no means needed a buff.

    I honestly don't want that passive to be nerfed, however I sure want for other passives not to look like a complete trash in comparison - boy those 3cm for Trin, that was so generous of you, DE!


    With that, I have written and explained literally everything about what's not right with the passive Ash has received. Any further replies in the genre of "it isn't that good" would be treated like cases of genuine idiocy and ignored.


    >ignorant statements


  15. 1 minute ago, OzoneSlayer said:

    You implied you would use it for t4 survival

    Of course, how else would I avoid being one-shotted by hitscan weapons? I ain't no God to do that.

    Also, Ash is one of the few frames, who has their own invisibility - the very same broken mechanics. It will require a proper build though, and only thing I have is unranked Ash with 32 modspace.

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