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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. Just now, SHAHEER9 said:

    Nice Points and Suggestions , But If These Are Put Into Game Then We Won't Have The Challenge. Like For Example ..... Losing Your EB when You Enter Nullifier's Bubble or Losing Iron Skin Is Actually A Challenge For You , And Without It The Nullifier Will Be No More Than A Corrupter Crewman.

    Is it a Fall Out Boy song title?

  2. No, they shouldn't. Making all weapons equal will rob players of progressing and feeling of accomplishment. It would be like allowing to run Diablo on all difficulties with a starting weapon and removing drops.

    It's good to have a lot of end-game viable options, but for a game like Warframe, having to step over several options prior to getting to the end-game viable ones is vital.

  3. 7 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    Bleeding Willow is literally the most mobile stance in the game

    It's not. If anything, BW has worse mobility compared to SB, simply because of the first hit that stops all movement. Hold combo of Shimmering Blight is easy to execute, can be done while sliding and none of the attack interrupts movement.

  4. 1 minute ago, Praxxor said:

    Maybe Switch times exist for the sake of gameplay?

    For the sake of ruining the gameplay, you wanted to say?

    1 minute ago, Praxxor said:

    is that downtime really so long

    Yes it is. It's absurdly long. It's so long, that the only reason that makes me switch weapons is running out of ammo. Imagine having quick melee with a delay of around 2 seconds prior to the actual hit - that's current weapon switching for you.

  5. Holstering have to be faster by a few orders of magnitude, not by "80%". Ideally, holstering should be instant. What we are currently having is exclusively detrimental to the overall gameplay quality and deph as it punishes having a multi-task loadout for no good reason.

  6. If you're running duration build, you don't need survivability mods to be honest. You'll have over 93% damage reduction with 95% uptime and a full heal on demand. I guess, slapping on Quick Thinking won't hurt you, but getting anything on top of it is a waste, really.

    Just go for the max Duration build, and slap on some range mods.



    That's what I use.

  7. It's supposed to be dropped by Napalms, but I have yet to see them to do so.

    Your best bet is buying it with plat. For such a rare mod, it's absurdly cheap.
    Second best would be running parkour rooms in Void - that's how I got mine.
    Third best is to hope you'll get one by transmutation.
    And then you can farm Napalms.

  8. Ichors are absurd.

    There's pretty much two phases of current melee:

    1) You oneshot everything;
    2) You have to spend considerable amount of time killing any unit.

    The transition is so brief that there's basically no middle ground. If you ain't entering the second phase, there are two weapons, that will be unparalleled by anything else - Orthos Prime or Atterax - both build for spin.

    If you intend to enter the second phase though, Ichors blow away everything else.

    Well, to be honest, their strong side isn't DPS. Heavy Blades with Cleaving, with Tempo and Nikana Prime with Blind Justice can achieve higher DPS on paper. The problem is, realistically only Cleaving Whirlwind Heavy Blades can out-DPS Ichors, because both Tempo and Blind Justice have their best dps combos to contain ragdolling slam attacks, which will prevent you from effectively focusing down one target, unless that target is immune to being ragdolled.

    And Heavy Blades with Cleaving may have higher DPS, but their status potential is nowhere close to Ichors. Not only Ichors have several times the attack speed, they also pack the ability to be built for solo corrosive and to still have space for Weeping Wounds, resulting in 2/3 of their hits on x4 combo multiplier reducing enemy armor.

    Essentially this means, that unless there'll be no cases of enemies with armor in a given mission, no regular melee will come anywhere close to the potential of Ichors against high level enemies. And if there's no armor - just use Orthos then.

    As a nice perk, Ichors being Dual Swords have access to guaranteed bleed proc on a ground finisher, that can (and will) crit. This proc is so insanely strong, that it'll easily outperform any weapon that was specifically built for bleed procs.

  9. Are these guys fine? After some of the later updates, Mutalist Osprey Carriers sometimes decide to shoot around 7~14 times in a row with no pauses. On Hieracon this means up to 1500 damage prior to mitigation over a span of roughly one second at their starting level.

    If it's intended behavior - so be it. However it looks as it is rather not. I faced no cases of such behavior of Carriers before starting the first excavation.




  10. Just now, EmptyDevil said:

    they balance the game around lv100

    I think I just asked you to not bring up Mercury, didn't I? Also, it seems to me, you are avoiding the discussion you've started yourself after finding a small and insignificant part you can use a loose workaround against when you've been explicitly asked not to.

    1 minute ago, EmptyDevil said:

    If they were to use your logic

    I never said to trivialize enemies of level 200. I only said what I have said.

    5 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    DE does not intend for us

    I highly doubt you're in position to judge what DE do or do not intend.

  11. 11 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    it can be viewed as a trade off too

    It can't unless you view switching from Soma Prime to MK1-Strun as a trade off too. "you trade raw dps for the fact you're using a shotgun now".

    12 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    Not useless

    It is useless. Rolling has quite limited uses already, namely speed bursts and 80% damage reduction frames. It will be a trade off compared to regular rolling - you'll get higher mobility and less protected frames. Not something worth of leveling a whole Focus branch for.

    21 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    This is a terrible way to make a point to be frank

    And that's a terrible attempt of avoiding that point. In current mechanics there are no uses for split-seconds invisibility save for fully-stealthed missions where it can be used for moving through LoS of an enemy without breaking the stealth. Period. No other applications. At all. You can't argue with that - it's a fact. And yes, there's no objective point in waiting like 5 minutes to proc Naramon for invisible rolls, when you can use a frame with an actual invisibility skill instead.

    27 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    from my experience

    You can't have any "experience" in resetting targeting, because in this game there are no skills like that. Meanwhile enemies don't have "aggro" you can break. They are either alerted and always know your precise location or are calm and don't care about you. Unless you forcefully put every single enemy on the map into that "calm" state, they'll immediately fire at you as soon as you'll leave invisibility. And your invisibility will only last a fraction of a second. It won't be even enough for that Tech over there to start spooling his Supra once again. Vast majority of the time however, you won't see any difference in enemies' behavior.

    If you forcefully put enemies into that "calm" state, rolling will result in massive AI glitches in multiplayer and will feel incredibly stupid flavor-wise.

    What you are thinking about is the behavior of the usual invisibility, when the enemy is perfectly and fully aware of your precise position, but simply stops attacking you because you're invisible.

    28 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    I wouldn't call something consistent if there is a 10% chance to activate it

    You wouldn't but it is. 10% chance is plenty to consistently have Shadow Step on.

    30 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    Having "essentially immortality" is not the point of Shadow Step

    Yeah it isn't. Point of Shadow Step is to provide resetable invisibility with considerable duration. And invisibility just happened to be "essentially immortality" in this game.

    31 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    Invisibility isn't mandatory at all

    And that's my friend is your "opinion". I want to see you trying melee stuff level 200+ with x3 damage modifier without using invisibility. And please, no need for Mercury arguments. There are ways to play this game for which invisibility is mandatory. It's a fact.

    40 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    I think this idea would work fine.

    For the idea of cloaked rolls to work you will need global changes in the game mechanics. First and foremost, enemies will have to rely on their actual LoS all of the time, which they currently don't. Second, you'll need to completely rework "alerted" AI, because as of now, there's no "confused" state for the enemy. Third, you'll have to rework current targeting AI to be able to actually work with your rolls.

    By doing that you'll give your invisible rolls an actual effect, because otherwise they'll have none.

    Next you'll need to justify leveling a whole Focus branch just for the sake of cloaked rolls, because  their use will still be very niche and underwhelming. This one is easier - for instance you might have chain rolls to provide constant invisibility, while forcing the first melee attack out of roll to have a stealth damage modifier. Still underwhelming compared to the current Naramon, but at least it's somewhat justified.

    47 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    I disagree with Naramon being fine

    Naramon is fine. Because if Naramon isn't fine it means every single frame that has access to invisibility isn't fine either. And while it's actually pretty much true, it isn't problem of Naramon - it's a problem of a faulty game mechanics. Current absurd scaling should be actually normalized and then enemy should get a massive AI update against invisibility which should include not standing still like retards when something mows down your comrades.

  12. 36 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    you're entitled to your opinion

    It's not an opinion. As of now, Naramon can provide consistent invisibility hence prevent all enemy attention to you. Your suggestion will remove this, as it won't allow you to stay invisible all the time by default. Actually, invisibility during rolls (especially with their double speed) will be completely useless, as the only way to make use of it would be to run a completely stealthed mission, which require you to wait few minutes to be able to proc Naramon to begin with.

    In the actual combat enemy targeting won't even manage to reset during such short amount of time that'll be required for the roll, so invisibility on it will do nothing. At all.

    So, let's see, on one hand we have consistent invisibility on everything that has at least 10% critical chance, guaranteed stealth bonus damage for first hit on every enemy and essentially immortality in solo missions, and on the other we have two-times as fast rolls with fancier animation. No, that isn't even remotely a fair trade-off.


    However the idea itself is pretty fun, and when the concept of Warframe invisibility gets reworked (because Naramon is fine. Invisibility isn't fine) and when it stops being such a mandatory thing, with some tweaks this could work. Implementing this currently is a suggestion to trade everything for nothing.

  13. Highest range belongs to Atterax. Second place is Orthos Prime. Most of other weapons are pretty short compared to these two.

    Blade and whip weapons are exception, as some of their whip attacks can be even longer, but as it only applies to few of them, the range is inconsistent during the combo nor is high on spins/slams/jump attacks.


    By the way, Scindo is extremely short.

  14. 1 minute ago, Nazrethim said:

    The game

    It's a horde-based game. Go launch DMC 4 at LDK difficulty and try being stylish. You'll notice how "satisfying" it is.

    "Cheezy" is usually a buzzword from player who doesn't want to get good. These players will stick to one or two combos first and will whine about the system being over-complicated. They'll be right though.

    There's "fun" and there's "merit". If there's no "merit" it's far from being as "fun" as it should be."Fun" without "merit" is highly subjective and should be the baseline for game balancing.

    Even if we take DMC with its extreme combat system, you'll notice that there are bits of "merit" everywhere: juggling disables single enemy, aerial combos protect you from being surrounded and taking hits, just-frames increase your damage output, jump cancel makes your juggle and aerial potential indefinite, distortion increase damage output, weapon/combo switching increases Style meter hence drops.

    Warframe will offer none of these.

    And no, having "the same 2 combos" isn't "boring as f*ck". With a rifle you have only one option. Having two instead of one is two times more fun. We also have slides, slams and aerial attacks. The latter two are quite meh, but nevertheless options. What's the point of having 62 different combos when 90% of your enemies will die in one-two hits max? To play different animations? Should we make every single melee battle prolonged then? Then what's the objective point of going melee then? Fun? Fun is subjective - there are many people who use melee and like for it not only to be "fun" but to be "viable".

    Current system doesn't need a "rework", especially not in DMC direction. Current system needs a lot of polishing, that's true, but not a rework.

  15. After the recent changes to interaction between Nullifiers and abilities, there are some inconsistencies here and there.

    For instance, while Snow Globe is destroyed when Nullifier's bubble touches it, Nova's sphere that applies Molecular Prime effect isn't affected by that bubble. Yes, it won't affect enemies inside the bubble, but the sphere itself has no interaction with the Nullifier's bubble what so ever. I think, for better consistency it would be good to destroy the Molecular Prime sphere whenever it touches a Nullifier's bubble.

    Next, there's a whole category of Focus abilities, that aren't affected by Nullifiers. This is inconsistent. Warframe abilities are essentially powers of an Operator that are channeled through Warframe. And so are Focus abilities. Hence I believe it would be more consistent to remove effects of Focus abilities whenever they come in contact with Nullifier's bubble.

    Also, I think it would be much more consistent to dispel Focus passives on contact with Nullifiers, as it seems to be plain wrong for these passives to remain intact.

    While we're on it, I would say, that there really no reason for the warframe that had entered the Nullifier field to retain its energy charge, given it's the same Operator's energy that's stored inside the warframe, and like the abilities it should be dispelled right away.

    Therefore, I come to the conclusion, that in terms of consistency it makes zero sense for the warframe to remain active while its inside the Nullifier bubble. Hence to fix that issue, entering the Nullifier's bubble should result in immediate destruction of the affected Warframe, possibly causing permanent brain damage for the Operator.

    Finally, as Nullifiers provide units with absolute immunity to warframe Powers with no drawbacks at all, in terms of lore it's inconsistent for them not to equip Nullifier modules on every single unit. That should be fixed.

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