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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. I understand, that asking for extra prime parts drop is too much with the new system. That's why I am only asking for extra traces - just to justify the mission itself. Because currently, continuing running "endless" fissure mission does provide increased difficulty (constant fissure explosions all over the place), but doesn't provide any compensation for that increased difficulty.

  2. 1 hour ago, Haxwell said:

    It does.

    It does not. Hysteria has 50% base crit chance. Simply getting True Steel and Naramon working will give you 104% critical chance. Were Maiming Strike to work on top of that woulld result in red critical hits 94% of the time, which it does not.

    That's not how you test the mod.

  3. Just now, JSharpie said:

    Well, you get possible drops of more relics and such. Credits, Mods, etc. The goal with the new void system is to get away from doing the same key for the maximum amount of profit.

    For that purpose, it will be several times more effective to extract at 5 minutes and do an Excavation instead. And even disregarding that - all you get is normal Survival rewards. Void Survival used to be special.

  4. After trying out Void Fissure Survival, I found it being pretty fun with all these fissure explosions and Corrupted spawns. However while it's a fun concept, objectively there really is zero point in staying beyond 5 minutes into the game.

    Can we be rewarded for it at least a little bit? For instance, how about making each fissure explosion drop a single void trace.

    Currently, the only reason I have for overstaying in a Survival is my ego. Can we get something else, please?

  5. 24 minutes ago, TaylorsContraction said:

    You're looking at only one item in her kit, sonar and placing it into an extreme situation where defense and enemy offense are irrelevant

    You deem Naramon OP, because it makes your defense and enemy's offence irrelevant. Well, Sonar makes enemy defense irrelevant. That's the only thing I am trying to point out.

  6. Resorting to complains about someone's behavior when you have nothing to say on topic is pathetic. And so are attempts to place the blame onto something else when the actual arguments fail. "Just a heads up in case you didn't know that".

  7. Just now, TaylorsContraction said:

    The keyword in that paragraph is naramon. It's op

    Not these buzzwords again.

    "Everyone" will have their damage completely fall off after 80/100/120/140 minutes (depends on a frame and a melee). Banshee can pull off CL Ivara without using the actual CL.

    I really don't like when people have no idea how prolonged survivals work, but keep their buzz about how "Everyone can do that with Naramon!". If everyone can do that, then go and do that, you'll be speaking less the next time.

  8. 4 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    How would you know this?

    First, you don't need an enemy with two billions HP to hit him for two billions damage.

    Second, Naramon is a thing. I would've agreed on the "squishy" part if it weren't. But it is.

    Third, Sonar is OP.

  9. Just now, DatDarkOne said:

    explain this damage cap

    In Warframe there's a limit of how big one instance of damage can be. Namely it's 2 power by 31 because the damage value is stored in an Int32 variable. CL dagger deals finisher damage equal to enemy HP thus killing them. Max HP of a level 9999 enemy is several orders below the damage cap.

    Banshee can hit so hard, she exceed that cap and the damage goes negative.

  10. 8 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    she can exceed a damage cap that isn't there

    Maybe, just maybe, you should think prior to writing.

    9 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    you left out that she'll go down hard just by sneezing in her direction.

    guess what was introduced few months ago, that made EHP completely irrelevant when it actually matters.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Mr.Lube said:

    She doesn't break the game like other Warframes do.

    Yeah, she breaks it harder.

    First, she's the only frame I know that can actually exceed the damage cap.

    Second, after recent changes to both her ultimate and the Star Chart she has become a meta-frame for map-wiping.

    Third, she is a frame that can completely ignore scaling.

  12. On 7/25/2016 at 1:08 PM, Mr.Lube said:

    No need for a Banshee rework. She is one of the most well balanced Warframes in the game right now.

    That's a big fat lie. Banshee is one of the most broken and overpowered Warframes in the game right now.

    I have no idea why people fail to spend more than 5 minutes experimenting with her.

    I don't want a Banshee rework, because she's on a point, when getting a rework equals getting a huge nerf. I don't want my frame to get nerfed. I like her.

  13. On 7/25/2016 at 3:57 PM, widenose said:

    Spoiler: no argon scope.

    Spoiler, Argon Scope.

    While it isn't a panacea for all weapons, it's one of the best mods for the likes of Soma, not because of red-crits, but because of consistent normal crits. "Highest DPS builds" tend to miss one very important thing - the extra x2 damage multiplier headshot crits get. And while on body shots Argon Scope can be indeed outperformed by a range of other mods, the situation is completely different when it comes to weapons that can score headshots most of the time. Like Soma.

  14. 5 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

    one for Berserker, which is infinitesimal up until 2.5x

    This is really, really, really stupid assumption. The only elemental mod that provides higher dps increase than Berserker is the very first one. Even base crit chance Orthos Prime can and will sustain fully stacked Berserker all the time.

    Going Corrosive + Heat (which is worse than Corrosive + Cold anyway, because no one needs extra damage on trash Infested) will require you to use three elementals total, not four as you are trying to suggest.

    You are also missing the fact, that OP's intending to use Naramon, which provides extra 30% critical chance increase.

    Having your own math is nice and all, but get it straight first.

  15. 44 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

    it's faster to just take the elemental mods if there are fewer than 1,000 enemies

    You mean 45 enemies. Because 45 is the amount of hits required for Blood Rush build to start outperform pure damage build on Orthos Prime.

  16. 10 minutes ago, gluih said:

    It's not the same as not using pressure point.

    It's even worse, to be honest. You won't be getting anywhere near this without that combo. Maiming Strike without Blood Rush is "meh". Maiming Strike with it is absurd. Also, Orthos Prime is objectively one of the best weapons for 99% of this game content simply because this combo exists.

    12 minutes ago, gluih said:

    How did you get your combo counter that high in the simulacrum?

    I spawn 8 Corrupted Heavy Gunners and 12 Corrupted Ancient Healers. Then I jump onto gunners, hit them to trigger Naramon that keeps me alive during the whole process, wait until Ancients come close enough to trigger their aura and then stack the combo on protected Gunners. Unless you have some excessive slash procs, you will have no problems in getting to x4/x4.5

  17. 1 minute ago, gluih said:

    They aren't, but you don't really have the mod slots to fit in both.

    I wonder if I should rebuild my Raza, as I surely don't have enough slots to put Maiming and Blood Rush on it.



    It's like saying you have no space for Pressure Points because you gotta put that Quickening on.

  18. 1 minute ago, Numbsky1 said:

    Ah and you melee those level 300 with your awesome crit build Orthos Prime. Sorry put your posting oozes of theory crafting and wishful thinking but hey keep on dreaming.  

    Nah, I melee them with Ichors (but most often EBlade actually). However, if you want take Orthos Prime onto that ride, you'll need to build it the way I described. And you seem to be missing a point here - I ain't no theory craft here. If you don't know, never done and have zero experience in something doesn't mean it's the same for other people.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Numbsky1 said:

    I bet you did not even

    I did not. I know it starts with 5 and goes x3 for every next step, but I never bothered to memorize the actual numbers. I do know, however, that reaching it isn't a problem, because I did so multiple times.

  20. 1 minute ago, Numbsky1 said:

    Somehow I doubt that based on your "tips" how to mod stuff.... 

    That's because you don't know a thing about prolonged survivals, as simple as that. Going against enemies of level 300+ tweaks your priorities quite a bit.

  21. 2 minutes ago, Kenshin98 said:


    2 minutes ago, Kenshin98 said:


    Do you know that uncontrollable laughter is a symptom of a mental disorder?

    Obviously if someone's aiming at x4+ modifiers they intend to use melee primarily. Getting even x5 is nothing special in Survivals. In other mods, getting merely x3 modifier will outperform non Blood Rush build.


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