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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. 10 minutes ago, (XB1)Aanser22 said:

    i would change out the life strike with a jagged edge,

    because the broken war is a slash based weapon it will increase your overall damage and slash damage by a good amount.

    First, all 90% IPS mods are inherently bad. You only supposed to use them really early into your game, when you lack mods and mod space.

    Second, EBlade doesn't care about your weapon base stats - only universal mods. EBlade damage is always evenly split between IPS, so there's no point in using any IPS mods on EBlade, as it would be very ineffective.

    Third, I would personally recommend using something other than a longsword as an EBlade base. Simply so you'll have a reason to actually use your melee once in a while without it being outperformed by EBlade in every single category.

    6 hours ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

    Consider cnanging fury and fire\ice 90% elemental mod to +crit chance and +crit damage, since you will get more then enough attack speed with berserker only and blast damage aint that good ether, pure fire\ice damage imo better.

    Building EBlade for crit is highly sub-optimal.

    Blast damage isn't that good, yes, but Blast proc is great. It's pretty much a question of going for max status build or not. If you go for it - you'll end up using Corrosive/Blast because you'll have to fit all 4 dual-stats in. If you don't - yeah, Corrosive + Cold is more universal.

  2. 1 hour ago, ashrah said:

    we can if DE make mod on each kill  u doing quad dmg crit mods will also ad bonus on dmg... 100 stacs is max wen u reach 100 stacks reaching max stacks give u 500% crit multi dmg.....


  3. 4 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    I'd replace Rage with something else.

    There's zero mods in this game, that would be as useful as Rage for melee Excal until level ~120+ T4. When you go overstayed survival and enemies hit level 500, yeah Primed Flow would be more useful, in every other case, Rage will save your &#! countless times.


    The frame build is pretty good for a universal Excal, I would suggest getting Primed Continuity to replace Constitution, Transient Fortitude to replace Intensify and max Fleeting Expertise (no need to max it until you get Transient in).

    For EBlade - Focus Energy is garbage, throw it away. There are few options:

    1) Max pure damage build with Life Strike would be pretty much yours with SS instead of Fury. Might feel a bit unwieldy though.

    2) If you run Naramon, you can get Winds of Purity Furis and use it to heal yourself, dropping Life Strike on melee.

    3) It might sound weird, but the absolutely best build for EBlade I ever had is Corrosive/Blast status EBlade (pretty much your build with every elemental being replaced by a dual-stat).



  4. In short, currently it is probably the best melee weapon for around 90% of this game's content.

    In terms of going to "end-game" - depends on your definition of the end-game. You will be able to solo lvl 100 armored Grineer sortie survival with it, but at that point dual swords will be better. That obviously means, that going higher won't be Orthos' forte.

    For everything else - almost no contest here.

    Yes, Shimmering Blight is objectively the better stance. Bleeding Willow looks nice and is fun, but doesn't perform quite well.

  5. There's no cap on efficiency. There's a cap on skill cost and it is 25% of its base cost. Which means having 190% efficiency (full Fleeting + full Streamline) will cut your skill cost ten times down unless it'll put it lower than 25% of its base cost.

    The only way to make use of it so far is to use negative duration (which in its own turn can increase the skill (toggle sustain actually) cost up to x8 of its base cost).

    Well and sure you can offset negative efficiency of Blind Rage with it.

  6. Exilus slot on Excal who intends to take a hit have to be exclusively Handspring. It makes no sense using anything else. Same goes for Rage + Life Strike combo - it's a mandatory.

    Redirection is bad on Excalibur and it is bad against any enemies you want to get "tanky" against, as shields are paper-thin. Vigor is a waste of a slot, Armored Agility is a heavily underperforming mod, which is only worth it, when you are trying to get all the speed for a warframe and don't care about other stats.

    If you want to get as much EHP as possible, go for Vitality, Steel Fiber, Rage, Primed Flow, Quick Thinking combo.

    I prefer to use Vitality and Steel Fiber for survivability, Rage for energy sustain and other slots for all-around performance.

    Also, on Excal who intends to take a hit, but doesn't use Quick Thinking, Flow is a waste of a mod slot. You don't need Flow if you use Rage on max Efficiency.

  7. Any x3 critical damage weapon.

    Dual Ichors and Prisma Dual Cleavers would be currently the strongest melee in the game, by a large margin.

    Dual Raza is the strongest spin weapon in the game (you can go over 400k damage per spin relatively easily) but against armor late-game you can only make it shine via 4CP.

  8. Just now, Vifany said:

    Maybe, but still EV Trinity is underpowered, dumb and tedious. It can be more effective and ofer qucker progression with other builds.

    EV Trin is the single frame in the game that holds the power to break the system. I made myself a Trin simply to be able to do it too. And don't let "only 12 targets" and "LoS restrictions" fool you. RJ is by far the most effective AoE map clearing nuke in the game, due to its sheer range and speed. What supposed to balance that out is over the top energy consumption rate - and guess what factor EV Trin removes from the game.
    For solo/casual play EV isn't a fun build, that's true. But when you run EV you run her in dedicated squads, you do it to break the rules and to do something that's usually impossible. Sounds pretty fun to me.

  9. 1 hour ago, Hekovashi said:

    Nezha, saryn, mag->rj excal, especially saryn and mag, rj is just most known but basically less productive killer for draco

    I am yet to see any of them performing at least on pair with RJ Excal at least once.

    I've heard that being said for these three, Ash, Frost, Rhino, old Mesa and probably someone else I don't remember. And I never saw anything close to Excal's results from them.


    1 hour ago, kinein said:

    Frost- Your sole purpose is to protect your team from damage. After you help capture a point, rush back to the black boxes and keep your snow globe up.

    Sole purpose of Frost is to cast FF on Excal, because you don't actually need the globe on Draco - it's a nice bonus that comes with FF.


    Also, I am pretty sure, affinity distribution you wrote is incorrect and affinity range for Interception isn't limited to 50m.


    games is made for fun

    "fun" is relative. You'll be surprised how many people find rapid progression "fun".

  10. I would recommend swapping out not Cunning Drift, but Power Drift. 15% more range gives a more noticeable boost compared to 15% damage from Power Drift, especially if you take buffs into an account.

    Also, actually EV Trin can't fully support this build, no matter how pro she is. Supporting NT RJ to its limits means allowing Excal to use RJ all the time, which won't be possible, as even max power strength EV Trin won't be able to give you enough energy to cover an RJ cast with the first EV tick, which means you'll have delays in your casts were you to hit zero energy plank, even if Trin will do her best. Take into consideration that not all Trins will have maxed strength too.

    In your particular case, replacing Natural Talent with Fleeting will give you a direct overall boost with effectively no downsides.

  11. 11 hours ago, Draymarc said:

    turned into a walking turret

    Try using Excal on the actual high level content he is designed around. Scary thing about EBlade isn't the waves, it's its close-range potential. The statement that you can be a turret on Mercury is a moot, as there's a load of frames who can easily outperform EBlade Excal on Mercury, including RJ Excal.

    10 hours ago, ChronoEclipse said:

    It already has charge attacks, btw. All melees do.

    EBlade doesn't have a charge attack.



    My comprehensive Exalted Blade suggestion

  12. I don't see the problem in farming a weapon over a course of 8 hours of non-stop farm. Farm it over a month then. Especially, given you had to deliberately avoid the most rewarding mission type in the game to not have enough cryotic.

  13. Just now, ThatOddDeer said:

    Warframe builder takes attack speed into account

    Except it doesn't. It takes "attack animation speed" into account, which doesn't really serve any purpose unless you are comparing two weapons of the same type. You should really stop talking about things you have no idea about.

  14. 31 minutes ago, ThatOddDeer said:

    Dual ichors don't even come close.

    Yeah, not even close. Save for the fact they attack around three times as fast as Nikana and have their critical chance further amplified by Naramon. You should really stop talking about things you have no idea about.

  15. 13 minutes ago, ThatOddDeer said:

    I have crit dual ichors, if you watched my video you would have seen them. They perform well but fall off harder than nikana prime with weeping wounds. Eventually it takes 30+ corrosive procs to shred armor, whereas slash proc damage can be made to deal 8x damage very easily and ignores armor due to being finisher damage. You trade the ultimate scaling power and utility, mobility and AoE of nikana prime for marginally better singe target dps for the first 60 minutes of a survival.

    >Not using True Steel on Ichors
    >Not realising that proc chance has diminishing returns
    >Not using Ichors' OP ground finisher
    >Not understanding the absurd difference between x4+ Nikana and x4+ Ichors.


  16. 7 hours ago, tinyranitar said:

    Are they supposed to not to be affected or it's a temporary bug?

    There was a clear reply from DE that it's an intended behavior.
    Reason being, while Body Count itself won't be too strong of an option (however given the conditions in which abilities like EBlade and Hysteria shine, it will be a mandatory option anyway), Body Count + Blood Rush combo will break Excal; Body Count + Blood Rush and Maiming Strike combo will break Valkyr.

    I am a bit salty, that some frames can now utilise plain melee on pair with Excal and Valkyr in a long run, but these cases are pretty scarce and usually quite situational.

  17. 1 minute ago, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

    Think you should check who is the OP.

    I merely stated why Radial Javelin is the least noteworthy in the kit.



    I merely stated it is the best Excal's tool for like 70% of this game content while being the best tool in the game for at least ~15%.

  18. Just now, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

    Radial Javelin is just damage and it even comes with a locked animation.

    I think, I just explained how RJ is used. You suggest to change RJ for an ability that'll either:

     - be a buff to EBlade build, and that build doesn't need a buff;
     - will do EBlade job much worse than EBlade does its job, while being an absolutely worthless replacement for RJ during RJ comfort zone;
     - another mobility tool for a frame that already can fly over any map in the game.

    I can't see the point. I am all up for more synergy, but what you are suggesting aren't synergy - it is either nerfs or redundandcy.

  19. Just now, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

    Unfortunately, it's not the same on sorties.

    4 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

    any non-Spy/Assasination/Sortie mission

    Such information, much wow.

    So, your point is, RJ doesn't win you the game by a button press?

  20. 15 hours ago, swizzybeatzjamz said:

    lack luster 3rd ability

    "lackluster 3rd ability" outperforms EBlade by a landslide for:

    1) Speed-run of any non-Spy/Assasination ~T2 level mission;
    2) Any dedicated defence up to wave 40 or so;
    3) Resource farming;
    4) Affinity farming;
    5) Focus farming.

    It can go up to "on pair" with EBlade for 

    1) Any dedicated defence from wave 40 up to wave 60 or so;
    2) Speed-run of any non-Spy/Assasination/Sortie mission in the game that can be speed-runned.

    RJ Excal performs on pair and better than WoF Ember at low level exterminations;
    RJ Excal is a better frame to farm resources than Hydroid on quite a few maps;
    RJ is the best global AoE nuke in the game to form a squad around on the majority of maps.
    RJ-centered squad is by far the fastest way to do 20 waves of Void Defence and is still probably either the fastest way or is among the fastest ways of doing 40 waves of it.

    There's a reason, why RJ Excal is a meta frame, while EBlade Excal is not.

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