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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. But since this mod, in some measure like Serration, is used so widely because of how "necessary" it is becoming

    I use Vitality on one particular build of one particlar frame only. And I have currently have six often used builds among frames.

  2. People should be putting lenses on their favorite frames and equipment, not the best nukers.

    Oh not, they shouldn't. In every grind game, and Warframe is a grind game, you are supposed to use the most effective methods if you want to progress quickly. Knowing the system and be willing to adapt to it, getting the maximum benefits from it - this is what makes stupid grind appealing.
    I love EBlade Excal, but I use RJ Excal for farming Focus and doing Void Defences, because he's unparalleled there;
    I use Volt for Sabotages and Captures, because he accelerates the process tremendously;
    I use Nova at sorties, because she makes them absurdly easy;
    I use frames for the tasks they are good at. And if I want to do a defence mission with Volt for example, I won't be whining it isn't as fast as with RJ Excal - it was my own decision to use not optimal frame for the task, so for the sake of flavour I'm ok with losing some efficiency.
    Trin, for instance is the best frame to farm weapon affinity with, as she can find a draco team with a flick of fingers. Most nuke frames are godawful at getting weapon exp, so they have focus thingy going for them.

    Can you do that without a weapon with a syndicate proc?  That is where all that extra focus for your frame's lens is coming from.

    Why should he be doing it without a Syndicate proc, when he can do it with it? What's the point?

  3. @Evil_Brick, oh yeah. I dunno from what part of your body your hands grow if for you a recastable 15m AoE 1kk+ damage nuke is "completely meaningless". The skill rocks.


    Also, if you aim down sights at the orb, it'll slow down tremendously. If you aim as usual, it will slow down a little. If you aim anywhere else, orb will go at full speed, which isn't half bad. Also, after you deal 50k damage to the orb, it'll fly even faster.

  4. Serration, Split Chamber, in some cases, Vital Sense, Corrosive Projection...

    Incorrect comparison, as you are comparing either core mods required and available for every weapon or a part of a specific squad setup (which actually can be done perfectly with buff agments).

    Making these buffs self-castable will put them into Serration tier. And we don't have Serration tier mods for Warframes.

  5. It's a bad idea, as it will be a panacea. These buffs can go over 200% level with minimal investments. There's no other mod in the game, that triples your damage, so there'll be no point in not installing them.

    Right now, there are specific situations when you want to use them. If this suggestion implemented, you'll be using them all the time (save for Frost, maybe, as he can do full support build).


    Also, these mods are absurdly OP, just so you know.

  6. As you may know, there are four different combos in Exalted Blade stance. They wasn't really used much, due to having insignificant damage multipliers (they did had multipliers though) in exchange of significant attack speed loss.

    You may also know, that after charge attack implementation, combo input mechanics changed a bit, making it much easier to do a hold combo. Also, Excalibur still don't has a charge attack.

    Combining these two points and some lag/fps drop during combat, it's very easy to do his 4th combo randomly. And while doing so on a sortie I noticed one thing.


    4th combo hits like a truck. Indeed, it had higher damage than regular swings before, but hardly even 33% more. Right now, it hits with at least twice the damage... I think? To be honest, it's kinda hard for me to evaluate the damage, due to all side factors. Against Grineer sortie, regular swings of my Eblade usually hit below 1k of damage. Swings of 4th combo hit for more than 1k, but not really significantly more. Weird part is, regular swings hit for about 2k-3k damage on critical, while criticals of 4th combo easily went over 10k. There's that headshot possibility though, yet it was really consistent in getting much higher critical numbers compared to regular combo.


    I kinda tested it on infested, still isn't very clear, but when regular swings do about 2k damage, 4th combo hits for about 4k. My highest crit with regular swings is about 100k damage (I assume it's a headshot on that infested ospray thingy whetever it's called), highest crit I saw with the 4th combo was 200k. So it looks much more consistent in terms of really having 200% damage multiplier. However, on high level Grineer it seemed to hit much heavier. Is there any weird interaction with armor?


    There's also another thing. I use Berserker. And I don't use crit chance mods. And I've noticed, that my 4th combo crits noticeably more often than regular one. And that some of these crits do not proc Berserker. Like, you know, these are not actually a crits, but a stealth damage hits, the problem is, there was no reason for them to be stealth hits, as I didn't use RB nor spin nor was in actual stealth. I switch to regular combo - I get my Berserk to proc on every critical. I use 4th one at the same position, suddenly Berserker doesn't proc like half of the time crits appear. Yet, crits start to appear much more often.



    So... Does anyone else noticed this?


    PS Gimme charge attack on EBlade, DE!

  7. Based on what I've read about other focuses, Vazarin offers the best OHS#&$ button, but the worst passives. Well, instant revive is kinda neat, but on most frames it is not really strong. After you press 5, you'll stand up fully healed, immune to damage for a few seconds (shield augment) and leave enemies around you in CC (aura augment).

    Damage reflection and affinity sharing range increase are garbage.


    You also can heal sentinels, NPC companions and defence targets.

  8. You seem to be more documented as I am. However I remember a documentary video in which they showed us the effect of a long heavy sword from European middle age on the battlefield. It was made to cut for sure at first, but on the battlefield, not talking about armor, but just coats of chain mail made them almost an impact weapon rather than a slashing one. It could cut the chain mail and make "light" injuries, but most of the damage was made with the impact and the weight of the sword rather than a move that would cut through the flesh.


    Swords can't cut through chain mail. Not when wielded by a human. There is a specific design of swords with a very clear point - made for being able to bypass chains/rings of light metal armor for a few centimeters and for making thrusts into armor gaps easier, but that's pretty much it. Sword is a weapon not designed to fight armor.
    Also, I think you're overusing the word "heavy". Even "heavy" longswords rarely weighed more than 2kg. Great two-handed swords did, but even they averaged at about 3kg, rarely exceeding 4kg. And even great two-handed swords weren't designed to be slammed against armor, their primary function was to break spear-wall formations. 
    Swords are pretty light. And a well balanced sword has most of his weight distributed towards the handle. It essentially means, that if you were to strike with a desire to inflict a pure blunt trauma, similar sized stick will do the job better than a sword.
    Sword is a side weapon. It means, on a battlefield you are likely to be carrying not only a sword, but also something better suited for the combat. A spear, a halberd, a poleaxe, a bow, a mace, etc.
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