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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. They both are equal multipliers applied to the cost formula. Cost can never go lower than 25% of original cost.


    The formula is:


    cost = base_cost * efficiency_coefficient / duration



    base_cost is, surprisingly, the base cost of the toggle;

    efficiency_coefficient is 1 - positive efficiency. If you have only Streamline and your modding screen tells you, that you have 130% efficiency, it means coefficient would be 1 - 0.3 = 0.7. If you get both maxed Streamline and Fleeting, it will be 1 - 0.9 = 0.1. Disregard lies your modding screen will try to tell you. If you have, say, 10% negative Efficiency, then you add it, so it'll be 1.1;

    duration is your Power Duration. 100% = 1, 40% = 0.4, 130% = 1.3, etc.

  2. When you are fighting against lvl 100+ Corrupted Bombards and Heavy Gunners - you'll still want to have high Power Strength, unless you intend to use a finisher for each one of them.


    If you still don't have all the mods required for a complete Excalibur build, I would suggest getting Flow and then focusing on Efficiency. You don't need to focus on duration, unless you are making an RB build, but you should get some, when you are going to use Fleeting Expertise. Maxed Streamline + Fleeting will set your EBlade cost to the possible minimum. Primed Continuity will allow you to fit in Transient Fortitude without increasing EBlade cost.


    When you have both Streamline and Fleeting, you can get rid of Flow, unless you are planning to use Quick Thinking, then you obviously will want to have one, primed if possible.


    Mod your weapon for pure damage, as EBlade does not excel at criticals nor status procs, but it has absurd base damage. Assuming you always keep Life Strike in your weapon, maximum EBlade DPS is achieved via Pressure Points, 4 x 90% elemental damage mods, Spoiled Strike, Berserker. It might fell uncomfortable untill you get Berserker to proc, so you might feel better exchanging one of elemental mods for Fury.


    About surviveability, having maxed Vitality and Steel Fiber will allow you to barely face-tank one lvl 105 T4 Corrupted Bombard missile, if you have EBlade up - you'll have about 100 HP left.

  3. in some of the dev streams leading up to the release of melee 2.0 DE stated that they didn't want to make melee similar to DMC and NG.

    And I have to agree with them on that. While DMC combat system is my favorite combat system in 3D slashers, the most valid point against its implementation into Warframe I saw was roughly:
    "Warframe isn't about killing one enemy in style. It is about killing hundreds in shortest time possible".
    If anything, Dynasty Warriors style would suit Warframe best.
    Also, melee shouldn't be too complex, as Warframe isn't a melee-oriented game. Yes, you have an option to go melee, but it should be roughly equal to using your ranged weapons. And when in melee you go all DMC and with range weapons you are Max Payne at best - it feels wrong.
  4. I think any change to RJ should take into consideration one simple fact:

    RJ is the best AoE nuke in the game for the global map cleaning purposes and forming a squad around one damage dealer.


    It does indeed has pretty terrible synergy with the rest of the Excal's kit, but the build around it is extremely strong. So, any changes to it should bring something on par with it, in my opinion. Not necessary in terms of power, but at least in terms of possible build diversity.

  5. The main problem with Oberon (save for the fact of being hideous and terrible overall), he lacks any game-breaking skills. He is average at everything, while majority of other frames are average at most of their skills, while have one-two that are unique to them and can change how the game is played.

    There is no need to play Oberon in a squad, as he gives nothing that other frame wouldn't be able to do better than he does.


    The smallest change that can boost him into relevance, that I can see is making Hallowed Ground into an easily sustainable aura with a decent radius, that follows Oberon, while buffing its numbers for like twice. This way, at least he will be able to provide AoE team CC-immunity and survivability boosting utility, making him not an effectively lost squad slot.

  6. It may be able to hit them all in one swing, but not even Orthos P (which I have) can 1-hit all three of them in one swoop. Unless you can one-hit all three at once, your stealth counter is reset.

    Depending on their level. Orthos P can easily one-shot them up to level 40, i think, if you consider the stealth damage multiplier and use the slide attack.

  7. Cunning Drift gives a very insignificant boost to Range, whereas Power Drift actually changes your damage output. Power Drift can be the difference of instant-killing Mid-tier and having to shoot your Javelin off twice, using up 40 energy at max efficiency instead of 20.


    Cunning Drift simply doesn't compare. I've tried everything to make it work to supplement my Range, and it doesn't work as effectively as Power Drift on Excalibur.


    With a max efficiency or high Power pool build, Cunning Drift is unnecessary if you already have Stretch. The boost will only be 2-4 meters from what I've seen, which isn't worth investing in. It's more efficient to fire off an ability once, rather than multiple times because you lack the damage to kill things. 


    In regards to a max efficiency or high Power pool build once again, you can "press 3" on an Exalted Blade Excal. Quite a lot actually. Even if it doesn't kill things immediately, it's still great for a knock down or clearing out trashmobs. It's not as efficient as Radial Blind, but it's still completely viable. It's just far more useful in lower level content.


    Power Drift works over Handspring in lower level content because getting knocked down won't kill you, and where extra damage can be the difference between hitting an enemy once, or spending more time trying to kill it. It's convenience over necessity.

    And Power Drift gives very insignificant boost to damage, in vast majority of cases not enough to push your damage into actually one-shotting something if you already don't. Especially, when you consider that EBlade build can have up to 299% Power Strength and adding extra 15% will effectively net you in about 3~8% boost, while Power Range stat rarely comes to even 145%, as it's usually neglected (you can also add here the case of using Narrow Minded instead of P. Continuity)
    So, yeah, Cunning Drift is indeed do not compare. As you can't compare the mod that actually gives you a pretty legit chance to catch extra enemy with your RJ and a mod that effectively does nothing except for an extremely thin interval of enemy levels/armor.
    Power Drift doesn't work over Handspring in lower levels, as the sole reason you seem to have to equip it is a slight increase to the speed of the mission completion. The increase is so small, that one-two fast knock-down recoveries during the mission will be enough to completely offset the power boost, hence my point.
    And for RJ build Cunning Drift also provides noticeable range boost, as it allows you to cover two pretty important spots at both maps RJ Excal is primarily used for.
  8. I'll repeat:

    Power Drift isn't mean for extended runs. It's intended for adding a decent amount of damage to Radial Javelin and Radial Dash, so you can spam said abilities and rush through missions without having to track down every single enemy individually. RJ and RD are both spammable and damaging abilities that can hit multiple targets, whereas EB is in a straight line.

    It makes Low->Mid level missions a breeze. You enter a room, drop Javelin, and move on.



    Also, you're referring to Cunning Drift. It reduces Friction by 30%, increases Slide Distance by 12%, and increases Power Range by 15%.

    Cunning Drift would theoretically be better for Exalted Blades Slide-Blind, but that's just it. It's a theoretical. In comparison, Handspring is better universally and Power Drift is more beneficial in short missions low->mid difficulty where you spam RJ to quickly kill things.


    Slide-Blinding has a very small area of effect. At 145% Range, your normal Radial Blind increases from 25m -> ~35m, whereas your Slide-Blind goes from ~5m -> ~7m. That's with an increase of 45%. Imagine how little of an effect an additive 15% from Cunning Drift would do.

    I'll repeat, you don't press 3 as EBlade Excal. And even if you press 3 and even trying to mod accordingly - Cunning Drift would be preferable, as it increases maximum range of RJ allowing you to cover more map, while increase in power would be almost unnoticed (even more so on low-mid enemies), especially if you don't go Overextended. On RJ build Cunning Drift is also used to push RJ radius over 60m.


    I don't get how is this related to sliding. On EBlade build Handspring > any other eximus slot. Even if you are using Power Drift to speed-up low level missions - any knockdown inflicted on you will make your overall speed slower than with Handspring instead.

  9. Power Drift isn't meant for long runs, just quick Exterminate & MD missions where you want to spam RJ and get it over with. Basically situations where extra Strength is a plus, and where you wouldn't necessarily need Handsprings effect.


    Are there any specific builds out yet for Naramon and an Excalibur pairing? The extra Critical Chance (15%+) and 5 second Invis for the duration of the mission sounds insane, especially when paired with Mios or War.

    You don't press button 3 on EBlade Excal. And on RJ Excal Power Drift is worse than +15% range mod which name I don't remember.


    Not sure, but even basically unlocked passives with no crit focused EBlade is already pretty strong. I think, with maxed passives you won't even need to focus on crits.

  10. As a someone who has 4 Formas on his Excal and has completed two separate builds by doing so (well, I still need to get two more levels on that Blind Rage, tbh) what can I say:


    -Handspring, Rage and Life Strike are cores for EBlade Excal. There won't be even one case, when Power Drift would save you. There will be countless amount of cases when Handspring will.

    -Max Efficiency is the best way to go, as you want not only to be able to EBlade indefinitely, but to use his other skills;

    -Flow and especially Primed Flow without Quick Thinking is a waste of a slot on EBlade Excal, if you went max efficiency;

    -Primed Continuity is a panacea, it allows you to fit Transient Fortitude in your build without losing almost anything;

    -Vitality + Steel Fiber is enough (I think, maybe I'm wrong) to withstand T4 lvl100 Bombard missile in the face, but not enough if it hits in the back;

    -You can hit up to 200% Power Strength without any serious negative effects, however you won't as Mordred Helm is too cool to change it for the Arcane Pendragon;

    -Naramon is awesome on EBlade Excal;

    -If you want to have Excal doing RJ build too - don't polarize aura slot;

  11. probably one of the best swords to use with excal and its EB


    granted a mod for the skana got nerfed in that it no longer works with EB but its still a fantastic weapon none the less!

    That actually makes it one of the worst weapon choices for Excal, because you're either chosing between modding for the weapon or for EBlade.

    Also, Prisma Skana is a crit-focused weapon, and while EBlade can crit, focusing on crits isn't optimal.

  12. Polearms and Staffs have an aerial attack which gives you a lot of momentum.

    Both polearm stances have combos that propel you forward. One of them has a single jump forward, but doesn't break usual movement with attacks, the other one has a serie of long leaps, however first attack stops you from running.

  13. reminds me when

    I'm not sure even pre-rework Mesa could outperform RJ Excal at Draco. Saryn never came nowhere close to him. He's the best for solo-dps frame oriented squad for Draco (and defences) for at least three month already.

    Though, you do need very competent Trin and a buff frame.

    The best squad would be RJ Excal, EV Trin, FF Frost, Fast Nova.

  14. The best anti-one-shot would be for the game to be balanced properly.

    The best doesn't means "the easiest". It's incredibly easy to implement shield gate. It's a ton of work to rebalance the whole game. I can't create a thread about "Hey, DE, rebalance the game". They are doing it all the time.


    Kind of bitter for the OP, but this is the better solution :D

    It is a solution, but it's is a terribly specific solution which won't make any difference in majority of cases, while managing to leave more room for weird abuse. Yet it is still better that what we have now, so I'm all up for it.

  15. Why not? Enemies reaching a point of being able to one shot is a part of scaling, and a challenging part of the game. I don't get the rational behind trying to add an abuseable mechanic (unless it has a CD of ATLEAST a minute) to avoid it, instead of using strategy and builds for the situation to manage it. Besides the fact that perma CC and niche strategy's are rarely even neccesary anyway. I've run 2 hour t4s pub groups with NO CC or any real team synergy. The whole thing seems unneccesary in the first place.

    Dude, making it having a CD of two seconds is enough to make it "abuseability" irrelevant. We already have Bless Trin. You can't abuse more than that. Install the game first, then try to theorycraft.

    All I ask for is a half second death delay after having your shields crushed. In vast majority of cases, you won't even notice the change.

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