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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. Sounds like you're describing a health gate. 

    My original suggestion was based on Borderlands' health gate after all. I already said that means of rapid healing in Warframe, especially Life Strike would lead to the same abuse it had in Borderlands if it to be implemented the same way, so linking it to the shields instead of the health seems like a better idea.

  2. And now please define the meaning of "invulnerability" without "Inability to die".

    Incorrect question. Inability to die without invulnerability, on the other hand, will only prevent you from being one-shotted through your shields, but aside from that won't protect you from damage. If you get hit through your shields for more than your EHP you will end up not with full HP + a second of damage immunity, but just with 1 HP, that can't get lower for this one second (or half a second). Meaning, the change won't have any effect on blows that aren't a literal one-shots through shields. Or total incoming damage over one(or a half of) second to be more precise.

  3. I'm getting a bad habit of launching 4th combo via holding down melee button already. 

    Do your usual thing, add some longsword useless charge attack, forget to slap waves on it and accidently put a dot into its damage multiplier so it will be .3 instead of 3, but actually DO a thing, please.

  4. You answered your own question :)

    The problem is - everything starts to run out of ammo at that point, if you are using it exclusively. I think I even managed to run out of ammo for Tigris on a lvl 100 sortie defence once.


    Well, maybe I just use Excal too much.

  5. Everest, best map to farm them. Just keep going at it. Maybe pick up volt and rush trough them? Pretty efficient way.

    Incorrect, and never ever was correct.


    Personally I think Pacific is best because it's a capture mission.

    Mantle will suffice too, I think.

  6. ash or excal for example

    >ever considering Ash


    After I forma'd like around 3 times I got tired of farming continuously so is there a way to efficiently farm other than Draco? 

    Draco is by far the fastest way to rank up. 
    If you formaed your frame and don't like to be just a leecher (which I appreciate), you can get yourself a Synoid Simulor and run something like ODS with your unranked frame - this is what I do to level my unranked frames. Around 20 minutes is easily doable - just find a locked room with several spawns near it and shoot your Simulor non-stop, periodically getting the loot and LS drops.
  7. Besides ignoring all my argumentation and explanation, do you have more to say, rather than mentioning Excalibur and RJ every time?

    I can mention Avalanche Frost instead. But as long as RJ Excal having 50% DPS increase with NT is a thing, NT shouldn't go to the Exilus slot, despite this not changing much for RJ Excal himself.
    Excal is just the most obvious example, which I know good due to maining him. And NT is by no means "an utility" mod for RJ Excal - it is a core, hence all your argumentation is considered invalid, thus - ignored.


    How about you refrain from your childish name calling and address the practical issue. No one cares how fast you can cast if enemies don't have time to get in range. Spamming casts faster than enemies can get in range does nothing but waste energy.

    How about you won't call "name calling" something that contains no name calling? I addressed the practical use already. NT is very powerful on frames with wide AoE abilities and squads formed around them in any endless mission.

  8. No it can't. It increases cast speed so it works like reload speed mods. The 50% increase only reduces cast time by 33%.


    Sorry bro that's not how math works. Decreasing the time it takes to do something 33% doesn't mean you can do it 50% more in the same amount of time. There's also gonna be the fact that many casts will be completely wasted if someone is spamming them as fast as they can bc you have to wait for more enemies to get in range or it does nothing.

    Oh boy, let's do some basic mathematics:

    Let's say it takes one second to make one cast of a skill;

    In ten seconds you'll be able to do 10/1 = 10 casts;

    Natural talent increases cast speed by 50%, it means it decreases cast time to 1/1.5 ~ 0.67 of the base;

    Our casting time with NT is 0.67 * 1 = 0.67 seconds per cast;

    So with NT in ten seconds you'll be able to do 10/0.67 ~ 15 casts, which is 50% more than without NT;

    Let's assume that our cast deals 1 point of damage;

    Then, in ten seconds you will be able to deal 10 * 1 = 10 damage without NT and 15 * 1 = 15 damage with NT;

    15 / 10 = 1.5 or 150%, which means NT increases damage per second from 100% to 150%;

    The increase from NT is 150% - 100% = 50%;


    Does any one of you have any more stupid things to say?



    I understand your point of view, but don't forget it is a game world, with a lot of limitations and a lot of mechanics boil down to a few major numbers like damage or EHP. Natural Talent or reload mods increase theoretical DPS, because they reduce downtime, hell, even Ammo Drum inceases DPS under this circumstances.

    But this is only a side effect of their actual purpose, which is to support handling of a tool, aaand because a game is a simple universe (read above) you will influence the major numbers.


    With your attitude you really should hate Rush as well. Rush allows every Frame to move faster and come faster into effecive combat range, I especially mention Valkyr here.


    Now, how can we separate Utilitymods from Powermods? Simple. At a given time you have a set amount of resources (Energy/Ammo). Those resources, without external input, can only do a set amount of actions(damage). Mods like Intensify give you more actions for the same amount of resources, Natural Talent doens't. Hence Naturl Talent is Utility.

    Potential 50% DPS increase is a little overboard for "Utility mod".


    And no, I don't tend to hate things. Also, Rush is nowhere as OP as Handspring on my main frame.


    Ok, tell me, how many enemies you will kill spamming RJ 22 times in a row without stopping? First one might hurt them, second will probably kill them, and then? you hurt 3 more that just spawned. and then finish them off with the next cast? And what next?

    On low level you cast one-hit damage abilities once, and wait or move to another room, because all your enemies are dead. How -1 second on casting affects that?

    On high levels you don't use damage abilities, only CC ones, and many of those are unrecastable or are constant. How shorting those by 1 second affects your DPS?

    Besides, only few direct damage abilities are affected by NT, and those that are are more outshined by CC ones, or AoE weapons.

    A lot. Kill speed directly affects spawn speed. RJ Excalibur with NT can kill over 1.5k enemies in Draco during one cap2 wave. RJ Excal without NT will struggle to get 1k kills during the same wave.

    There are lot of variable factors, like enemies moving in and out of AoE, but increased casting speed has a positive effect on that as well.

  9. DPS references Damage per Second. As such he is correct, DPS of the abilities influenced by it would go up (it'd be 33.3%).

    HOWEVER! It would be impossible to generate as much energy as you can burn (without wasting pads).

    It would be 50%. 33.3% is decrease in cast animation time, which results in 50% more casts in the same amount of time.

    And it is easily possible as long as we have EV Trin in the game. Also, it is still pretty doable if a frame has 75% efficiency and high energy resource. Even Excal with P. Flow would be able to cast RJ 22 times until running out of energy. Add Zenurik and he can last even longer.


    Please, stop spreading nonsense like this. 

    Indeed, please stop. Or you would say, that increasing reload speed on, say, Vectis won't affect its DPS?


    On top of that, a lot of direct damage abilities have a small delay between casts between 1 and 2s where you cannot cast, and Natural Talent does not effect that.

    Since when "a lot" equals "very few"?

    I take my words back on this one, NT indeed seems to have close to zero effect on abilities like Freeze or Shock. However, abilities like Radial Javelin or Avalanche benefit greatly from it.

  10. Since drift mods directly influence strength or range there's really no more reason for Natural Talent to not be exilus.

    There is. Neither of Drift modes can provide a 50% multiplicative DPS boost. NT can.

  11. And power drift doesn't?

    It should def be a exilus mod in my opinion.

    More like drift mods shouldn't be exilus. But their bonuses are very small, so they are fine. Also, there's a drift mod, that increases cast speed - use it if you wish.

  12. You mean the builds, whick work poorly outside of Draco or other farmspots; those builds are pigeonhold for a sole purpose and fail heavily outside of the box.

    Yeah, the builds that are the best current way to get affinity from Draco, farm for recources and proceed through Tower Defences at maximum speed. These builds exactly.

  13. I think it'd be too good for exilus mod, it's not that bad, but there really isn't a slot for it in any regular build if we had one extra slot im sure it'd fit most frames.

    Most effective RJ Excal builds all use Natural Talent.

  14. Isn't this basically the Vampire mode of Nightmare missions? As you can probably guess by my profile pic, Valk is my favourite frame. Though this change might make things more interesting I do not think it makes much sense.


    Speaking of vampires... A vampire themed frame sounds fun

    Nah, I was thinking about high DoT. In example, if you receive enough damage that should had killed you already, you'll lose all your health in, say, 5 seconds. It might be quickier or slightly slower, but that's the basic idea.

    Damage you are receiving could be either diminished prior to going throught your armor as it does now, or it could go unmitigated (save for the armor and block, ofc), however Hysteria lifesteal should be pumped up two-three times and allowed to reduce buffered damage. So, if you ate several times your EHP damage, you can save yourself by doing one-two finishers on enemies.

  15. This needs proper thinking though:


    If Hysteria had some form of "you need to kill things to keep living" (which I like as a base concept btw), in one form or another, it needs to be implemented in a way so that your teammates aren't indirectly killing you by killing enemies before Valkyr can. (That, AND her other abilities needs buffs here and there, but that's not the point of this post/thread)


    So, here are my thoughts:

    *** Hysteria now has some form of lifedrain (probably based on damage taken, with some caps etc?)

    *** Hysteria provides Valkyr with a "sadism" aura of 4/5/6/7-ish meters (affected by Power Range?), and if any enemy that dies within that range (or if Valkyr kills an enemy herself, regardless if it is within the aura or not), she is healed by X%.


    ^ There ya go. Berserkery "fight to live"-'style, while still able to NOT get trolled by teammates.

    I agree on the point about teammates. I don't think hysteria needs any actual passive drain, save for the one she'll get for being hit, but getting partially healed for a teammates' kills might be required. On the other hand, it would be hard to kill-steal from Valkyr when she's already on the point she can be killed by burst damage.


    I was on board at the start of the thread, but between the "i dont play valkyr" and the "why are you guys talking about balance" and the "i dont care about hysteria being invincible"

    Which was at the start of the thread precisely. You don't get that, while don't care about Valkyr invincibilty myself, I sure saw a lot of people complaining about it myself. That's why I have a suggestion, that kinda removes this invincibility. It is a possible solution, I'm just sharing it.


    Someone doesn't have a good build, waves should still be able to chop through 60min easily. That's like saying Valks damage falls off.

    Tell me more. My build has 185 Power Strength and can go over 300 if I want to, while using the best currently possible DPS build for melee. Tell me how it is supposed to "chop through 60 min easily" when lvl 110+ Corrupted Bombards start to receive less than a hundred damage from a hit?

    Waves start to fall off quickly at min 40. Close melee starts to fall off around min 50~60, forcing you to spam Spin Blind like mad.

  16. Yes

    I ALSO don't think you realize she has low health, and her armor while nice, doesn't protect against:

    Slash procs, which can and will happen when you fight any grineers

    Toxic, which will happen when you fight any infested ever

    Corpus scorch drones, which can and will pop up and S#&$ their nades everywhere


    And raw level scaling.


    Her health really is low if you take ash, or syran into consideration, and neither of them are actually considered mele frames.

    Armor is a placebo stat for the most part. You will damage sponge the lower level planets to be sure, but 30+ ones will start to hurt a bit, 60+ will chunck you, and 100+.. well you don't want to get shot there.


    Of course you wouldn't know this cause you're making sweeping generalizations about a frame you haven't even played yet.

    To be honest it is a one big "wat". How is this related? I never suggested to remove invincibility to direct damage. Also, please refrain from telling me blatant lies about how Valkyr HP is low, how slash procs destroy you and how 600 armor is a "placebo". I use Excal who has much less effective health, and I solo T4S for over a hour. After 40 minutes you don't even use waves - you go up close into melee - Valkyr style. And you don't get one-shotted if you aware of what happens around you.

    I'm starting to get an idea, that it is you who don't know how to play Valkyr, while experienced Valkyrs I tend to see would have zero problems with everything you listed.


    And especially because I didn't played yet - I suggest a concept. If I did play Valkyr, I would suggest the same thing (be sure of that), but with more details and numbers.



    I fail to see how inevitable death because of lack of enemies around you is better design than reliance on invincibility. Hey you cleared the entire room, but no respawns there yet, watch yourself dying or spam health pads because thats fun gameplay.

    inevitable death


    Ever tried not to eat 40 Corrupted Bombard missiles with your face?

  17. The OP seems overly concerned for someone who doesn't play Valkyr and has zero issues with Hysteria.


    The only thing I care about, is that both her armor and innate life steal are completely and totally useless.

    Because it's a bad design.

  18. Because wanting something nerfed or buffed is balance.

    I also dont think you get that excalibur is more overpowered, and I'm fine with that, but wheres your 'we need to fix excal, hes doing too much damage' topic?

    Well, I don't care about Valkyr being invincible. The only thing I care about, is that both her armor and innate life steal are completely and totally useless. Also, "I don't think" you understand that this change will not have "major" effect on an actual Valkyr gameplay, while silencing everyone who is mad over Valkyr invincibility.


    Here's your "fix Excal" topic

    Have something else to add?

  19. I don't know if you really know how powerful the defense of Chroma can get.

    With arcanes he can faceblock lvl 100 Bombard missiles without a sweat.

    Even without them give him a Vakor Hek and there is you immortal terminator.


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