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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. This thread is about giving only the players a shield gate, not the enemy factions. It would be absolutely horrible on enemies because of their large amounts of health/shields.

    I actually won't be against Shield Gate on Corpus units, if they'll have some cooldown on it too.

  2. I'm behind the idea but I think our HP should take a decent hit.

    Not to be rude, but why no one reads things I write? Actually I never ever suggested HP not getting damaged. I suggested "being unable to die for like a half of a second" when shields go down. No damage resistance/immunity what so ever.
    I don't want to be immortal. I just want a fair chance to save my !, when three missiles of newly spawned Bombards hit me in the place I wanna save.
    The point is, only removing overflow damage without getting death immunity will accomplish almost nothing. Getting a brief moment of being unable to die will give you a small chance to do something (more like it might save you, if you already are doing something). The way Warframe works, you need this brief moment to the system to even have a meaning.
    The basic idea I had about being one-shotted is:
    You have, we say, a half of a second and 1 HP. If your time is up, you didn't manage to heal yourself somehow and you are still under fire - you are dead. You have slash or toxic status on you? You are dead. You only get a small chance. But at least you get something, which is much better than nothing.
    And if after it is implemented (assuming it is) we might think - should we make it more powerful by adding some protection from overflowing damage/removing DoT procs/etc.
    Also, it won't make Trin more powerful and relevant compared to what we have now. It's simply impossible to make most powerful and always relevant squad-oriented frame more relevant. But still, if Bless spam giving you even more surviveability than it does now (which is pretty close to invincibility anyway) there's simple solution of putting a small cooldown on the whole gate thing as it was suggested before. Even 2 seconds will do.
  3. How was it abused?

    I had wrote about that too, you meanies.
    Shield that reduces your HP to few hundreds + anything with Life Leach. You are essentially immortal if you keep shooting.
    Also the whole idea of Zero being able to survive 80+ enemies is the abuse of the health gate (he doesn't need a health reducing shield for this though), as you get constantly one-shotted, then you hit something with Ruby/Grogg - HP is full, you immediately get one-shotted again, rinse and repeat.
    That's the reason I don't suggest the actual health gate, but the shield gate - it would be harder to abuse.
  4. That's called a shield gate iirc.

    It's a good mechanic.

    It worked in borderlands at least.


    One of the only mechanics that were actually balanced.

    In Borderlands there was no shield gate mechanics. There was a health gate mechanics, I've wrote about it (being too scared to read long texts, huh?)


    Also it was abused heavily.

  5. Erm. I don't know what frame are you talking about, but Excal can't survive against lvl 60+ enemies if he doesn't actively uses his kit. RJ doesn't fit well into this kit, however it opens a whole different build.

    Try playing the frame first before thinking up unexistent problems. Slide-blind making RB irrelevant part is funny though.

  6. That's why I said "a couple of Ballistas". You won't face just one Ballista when she's on a point she can one-shot you. You'll face a lot of them. And you'll walk into the range of multiple of them simultaneously. And they will kill you anyway. What you think is happening when you get "one-shotted" is that at the very same moment you also eat about five Bombard missiles, twelve Ballista shots, and two hundred seventy four regular bullets from Lancers. Leave the Tech alone, what has he done to you, that you're clinging so much to him?

    And there's also always a problem of a lag.


    I am pretty sure, that every game that has a similar mechanics actually working uses either a brief invulnerability period or a brief inability to die period. I'm suggesting the usage of latter, as it is more punishing.

  7. Yes. A TANKY frame. Shield gating isn't MEANT for tanky frames. They don't NEED a "don't oneshotmebro" mechanic. SQUISH frames do...

    Don't scream at me. The point is, they still will be one-shotted. Ok, technically it would be a two-shot, but amount of the time required will be equal.


    A small period of invincibility isn't quite the way to go.

    Also. It isn't a "small period of invincibility", it's a "small period of being unable to die". And it is necessary for the whole anti-one-shot mechanics to have an actual impact on the game. Only having shields to prevent you from getting health damage will just rise a problem of two-shots, which will have about the same amount of appearances one-shots have now.

  8. It's things like the ballista, which can and will instakill you across the map

    Level 110 ballista requires at least three shots to kill a somewhat tanky frame. Level 80 Corpus Tech requires a second to start firing at you and you're dead.
    Anyway, Techs indeed aren't the point. There are still a couple of Bombards (you will have more than one constantly around you if they are already at the point they can one-shot you. And you are very likely to get hit exactly by all missiles simultaneously due to their homing behavior), a couple of Ballistas, a couple of literally anything, Juggernaut. All these will completely ignore the whole damage doesn't go over shields thing, essentially adding a mechanics that won't change anything.
  9. Damage doesn't bleed through shields.

    I considered this exact thing first, but ended up with a conclusion it won't work that good in Warframe. The reason being it will help you against stand-alone Bombards only. You eat two missiles at the same time - you are dead. You allow Corpus Tech to shoot at you - you are dead. You are facing Juggernaut - you are dead, etc. And I think that's exact the reason why Borderlands also uses the brief invincibility mechanics.
    Also, having a brief window of not-dying will only save you if you are already doing something to save yourself. For example, getting hit by a bombard missile results in you falling down, essentially wasting your window. So you have to be already moving towards a cover, blocking or being in a middle of casting your CC for this to save you. It is pretty balanced this way.
  10. Thoughts:

    One of the things that bothers me in Warframe is a high amount of literal one-shots caused by broken scaling in the game.

    I do realise, that having myself overstayed in, say, T4S, I have to face some danger, so the fact of the scaling is perfectly fine. But the way it does its work it's end up in few particular enemies being able to destroy you in a blink of an eye.

    And this game has a problem, that's called lag. You can be good like a god, move around like a wind and dodge bullets like a Neo, but if the game lags just for a moment, boom - you eat three bombard missiles with you backside, now you're dead, deal with it.


    I don't like being helpless in a game. I don't like the feeling of frustration of not being able to do anything, to not have any control over the situation, to not have any chance to save myself, no matter how hard might it be.

    Really, dying in a game knowing you might survived have you reacted faster/done better is a whole different feeling, than just dying because of "to hell with you, I am lvl 100 Corpus Tech".


    So what I am asking about is - how about introducing a mechanics, that will prevent literal one-shots. For example, in Borderlands there's a thing called "Health Gate", which essentially means you can't die in one shot, if you have over 50%+2 HP. If you receive a blow, that could've killed you right away, you'll go down to 1 HP and get a few frames of invulnerability, so you can do something about it.

    It brought quite a weird way of playing though, which is resulted in lowering you maximum HP to an absurdly low number (like having 500 hp against enemies that deal several thousands of damage with every shot) and life-stealing all the time.

    And, given Warframe has few sources of lifesteal or quick healing, doing exactly the same thing might result in the same weirdness.


    However, Warframe also has shields, which are as far as I know pretty hard to keep recharging in the heat of the combat. So why don't use them for this?

    Like, if you have any shield up, and you receive a blow that could've killed you immediately, you won't be able to die for like half of a second, giving you a brief period of time to finish casting your CC, finish getting behind the cover and such.


    tl;dr How about making your shield prevent you from dying instantly by giving you about a half second immunity to death (not damage) when they go down?

  11. It's only a grinding game if you want it it to be a grinding game.



    Radial Javelin is bad, the amoutn of fodder enemies it can kill at once is relevant as his other skills accomplishes that which being able to kill heavier units.

    To be honest, casuals have no say in what is viable or not, as they are not the ones, who can/will use/exploit these tools to the maximum. And Warframe IS a grinding game. It's a diablo clone game.
    The amount is indeed "relevant", because his "other skills" come nowhere close to killspeed of RJ used in a properly build squad.
  12. First off: my comprehensive EBlade suggestion


    Second, RJ is an interesting skill. While I do agree, it doesn't fit much into the skillset of Excal, it gives something no other suggestion will give. A completely separate RJ-focused build and playstyle. Yes, I know that "33333333" isn't the best gameplay out there, but the very fact that you can build your frame completely different for completely different puposes is quite something.

    And while I would love to see some buff/survive-ability tool in Excal's skillset, I'm not sure about removing/drastically changing RJ.



    Also, EBlade's 4th combo was shadow-buffed. I'd made a thread about it too.

  13. One thing I would be happy to see in this tree is some kind of protection from one-shots. Like using Mending Tides could give you a charge in a similar way it gives New Moon charges (or even using New Moon charges themselves), that is consumed when you receive fatal damage as a result you survive and become invulnerable to damage for a brief period of time (1~3 seconds), giving you enough time to do something to save your life.

    While ain't being something completely OP, it would be still an unique and powerful passive, that'll be worth taking especially at high-end content.

  14. Any records of cutting through 4-5 people? I know it don't really affect anything, but I'm trying to get statistics. The original post was full of bias and ignorance so I threw everything into a reply.

    Neither katana has them, because these tests are done via using a long lever. Any curved european sword (any sword in general, tbh, because this isn't "cutting" in a sense of "sword cutting" already) used in a similar test would achieve similar results. Some will be slightly worse, some will be slightly better.

  15. After my experience with the tree, and after testing some stuff, there are several things about it that have a really bad design.

    I am not going to address numbers for the most part, because they are subject to a change - it's a beta after all, however there are few genuinely bad decisions in this tree.


    Save for the fact it supposed to be a "counter your enemies" focus tree, Vazarin is a support/heal tree. The idea of having a heal skill with several minutes cooldown is a bad idea itself, so Vazarin is actually an "OH S#&$ button" tree.

    If you think about it that way, it's actually decent. If you see you're in troubles, and you are about to die - you press your "OH S#&$" button from your "OH S#&$ button" tree and you'll end up alive, fully healed and will have a barrier that is most likely to prevent your death in next few seconds giving you time to reposition yourself. It works.


    The point is: based on how the active skill works, Vazarin as a support tree = nay; Vazarin as an "OH S#&$ button" tree = yay;


    So, let's talk about nodes in the tree.


    What works:

    New Moon(insta-revives)

    It's hard to say, whether it's the best node of the tree, or is it the only one that is worth your attention. The passive is good. Fits nicely into "supportive tree" idea, which is a bad idea. Kinda fits into "panic button" idea, if we think about it as a delayed panic button.

    Have an outstanding amount of zero total advantages for the solo play. The node is good, but I don't really like its design, but hey - it's just my opinion.


    Polluted Waters (AoE insta-revives)

    The idea of the skill is actually great. It fits both "support" and "panic button" tree ideas. Realisation is meh, but let's talk about it later.


    Protection Ward(shield)

    Fits great into "panic button" tree, works as a direct upgrade of the active skill itself. Has close to none meaning for the "support" tree.


    Guardian Presence(AoE shield)

    The idea is good and fits both tree ideas.


    Strengthen Defenses(replenishing warframe's shields)

    Makes you question yourself "why wasn't it already a thing", but works, I guess.


    Mending Shower(increasing range)

    Upgrade thingy. Well...

    What should be tweaked:

    Commanding Words(CC aura)

    The idea of the skill fits the "panic button" tree concept, however making it give you the aura on the startup of the active skill defeats the whole purpose of having it.

    What it should do is to protect you from enemies that entered your barrier after you have used your skill.

    What it does now is protecting your god damn invulnerable body as you are using the skill.

    Aura should be given at the same time the barrier is given.

    What will not work, no matter how much you tweak the numbers:

    Disciplined Approach(affinity range increase)

    The problem is, Focus system supposed to be "end-game' content. It kinda implies, that when people get their focus, they already know how to farm. And the most effective method I know (and I won't even say "Draco") is getting a one-frame focused squad, which already implies that 50 default meters of affinity gain is more than enough. And how the game work, you'll get close to zero profit from getting this skill - no matter how great the increase is. Be it 10m, 40m or even if it covers the whole map right away - the effect of it will be insignificant, unless it starts leaching affinity from another game.


    Retaliation(mirror damage)

    It's pretty much a question to DE. Do you know, that Warframe is essentialy a Diablo-clone game? Second question: do you know, that "mirroring damage" never works in these games? Because this skill doesn't work. And it will never work.

    The problem is, pretty much ANY game in this direction uses a simple rule:
    "Heroes have low HP and high damage; enemies have a lot of HP and low damage, and there are hordes of enemies".

    Let's say your frame has 1000 effective HP. If you are into "end-game" content, you are likely to have 10k+ DPS from your weapons.

    Enemies, on their turn will have, let's say 15k effective HP and 200 dps.



    So, tell me please, what 10% damage mirroring is supposed to achieve? 20 dps turned back on 15k EHP enemies is literally nothing.

    But that's not everything. I said "no matter how much you tweak the numbers", remember?

    Let's buff the skill tenfold! It mirrors 100% of damage that comes into you now! What we achieved? Well, now we deal 200dps to a 15k EHP enemy. He will kill us in 5 seconds, we will kill him in over a minute. It still doesn't work.

    Let's buff it hundredfold! Now enemy takes 10 times the damage he deals to us! So, he kills us in 5 seconds, we kill him in 7. Seems fair, right? Mind me reminding you, we are playing the game, where we are supposed to fight "hordes of enemies"? Because having significant effect on a single enemy doesn't correlates to having any effect on multiple.

    And the problem with these buffs is that it'll make the skill overpowered utill some point, balanced for a very thin interval of levels and irrelevant after.

    Well, unless you buff it into killing anything that shoots at you (and tbh, after some point where everything one-shots you, skill will again become irrelevant)


    This skill will not work as it is now. No matter what numbers are. It will never work.



    What could be done to it? Well, a simple change that'll boost it into "relevance" is simply to change "mirroring" for actual "reflecting". So, you get hit by a 1000 damage nuke, 10% of it is reflected - redirected from you, so you only get 900 damage to hit you, while 100 reflected damage gently blows on 99k EHP Bombard.

    It will still be a weak skill (unless numbers are tweaked, of course), but it will be a skill that works. It will be increasing your EHP by 11% which is something (especially for min-maxing your frame). And something is much more than nothing which is what the skill is right now.


    There are quite a lot of genuinely bad concepts not only in this tree, but in pretty much every one of them


    Getting obligatory debuffs to your skills to progress further into the tree is a terrible concept.

    Increasing skill cooldown for each active node is a bad concept.

    Some trees don't even have their own identity yet (like Vazarin)


    The main terrible concept of all trees is trying to balance active skills. DO NOT.

    It's a game where you can be permanently immortal, invisible or be able to clear the whole room of enemies with one button press. And all of this can be done at any given time. And vast majority of people is actually perfectly fine with it.

    You shouldn't be thinking about making abilities that are available for a short period of time once in 5 minutes "balanced". They are supposed to be OP. Absurdly OP. Hell, having the ability instantly win you a mission will be better "balanced" than what we actually having now.

    Passives should be balanced, but not to the point of not having an effect. Because it really bugs me that some trees have passives that grants immediately noticeable strong effect, some can give you powerful boost in stats if you grind enough, and some just do literally nothing.

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