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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. I also dont think you understand shes a single target mele frame. Sure she can kill the S#&$ out of one guy. But when are you ever only fighting one guy? Also I think you forget that things scale, and in sorties, its very possible for things to out scale her mele damage, especially when they have that stupid high armor effect.

    Oh, I am prefectly aware of what Valkyr is capable of. In 80~100 lvl armor augment Grineer sortie maxed Excal who has insane AoE damage can barely keep up with Valkyr, and that would require constant usage of Radial Blind and very good positioning. And I yet to see my Excal outperformed by, say, Tonkor (by anyone but Valkyr tbh) user in a similar sortie.

    If Valkyr knows what she does, she can shred through enemies easily and on considerable speed - don't tell me about her "single-targetness". You can mow down crowds with Boltrace which has like negative range.

    And I just said, if DE ever desides to implement something like this, they won't do it without a compensating buff. It might be claw range, movement speed, tweak to mobility tools, etc.


    TL;DR I didn't even tried to balance a thing. I proposed a conceptual solution to an existing questionable mechanics. You, on the other hand, are talking about balance for no apparent reason.

  2. What you described in your op is exactly how a ice tank Chroma is played, with the difference that the small DoTs are direct hits by the enemies reduced by his massive armor.

    Damage and armor buff somehow equals invincibility with fixed delayed damage over time. I don't think you've understood my idea correctly.

    Just like every other nerf valkyr thread you fail to realize her kit, minus invincibility, is very subpar.

    I am perfectly aware of that. The thing is, if her skills require anything - it would be number tweaking. And DE won't make such a major nerf without balancing it with a buff.
    Also, delayed damage does not equal health drain over time, as health drain won't make you use your armour and won't make you actually try to avoid being hit.
    This change, on the other hand will result in not so much different playstyle, but with the main difference being downed after every high-level big fight if you ate everything with your face and did not mod for survivability and not being downed if you either did mod for survivability or avoided being hit as much.
    Also, it is a basic concept. It should be considered as a whole before you start thinking about numbers.
    My initial thought about max drain rate would be 20% of Valkyr HP per second. It might be fixed at this point, or might start from 0 and go to this amount. It might scale with Valkyr health, or be a fixed number. It might bypass shields, or damage them first.
    Received damage might be applied as it is, or previously diminished by 10%, 50%, 99.7%.
    Life steal might only allow you to heal your current HP, or it might allow you to decrease your buffered damage amount.
    Deactivating Hysteria might protect you from being killed by feedback, or it might kill you if you do so instead.
    Heck, even aura part might have its uses, making player mad and slowing Valkyr tremendously if she has more damage stored than she can withstand without healing and there's no enemy inside her aura.
    Don't think about numbers, don't think about rest of her kit. Think about the concept. Does it fit her or not? Does it fit into the game?
  3. Slide Blind gets far more usage in high level content. When enemy level goes over ~70 doing slide blind for an Eximus (or otherwise tanky target) usually results in considerably higher kill speed than just whacking them repeatedly. And the RB itself not only consumes energy, it also has a cooldown, which means it might not be accessible 100% of time. Doing RB to kill a level 100 Bombard faster might cost you a life, if there'll be another bombard around the corner. Doing slide blind will not.\


    100% Damage resistance?


    80% iirc

  4. While it does sound like an interesting concept, if it takes all the incoming damage and converts it into a DoT, it'll be quite enfuriating if you (for example) get hit by a bombard right before you kill him, and the DoT then ticks down to your inevitable death if there are no enemies around. 

    That's the point. The main problem people have with Valkyr right now - she is unable to die (unless nullifiers happened). The whole "nerf" idea is to make her able to die (and to use dat 600 armor which would suit Excal much better) but keep the immortality Hysteria provides to an extent. She still will be able to face-tank everything, but if she overdoes it and disregards CC and dodging completely - she'll die if there'll be no enemy to hit.
    Also, dying yourself after killing all your enemies has awesome flavour if you ask me.

    I don't have any primed mods, transient fortitude, life strike, or berserker. Is it ok to use non-primed mods, a dragon Nikana, and leave the other slots blank?

    You shouldn't use other people's builds as they are. It is better to gradualy make one yourself, as what suits my (or Ksaero's) playstyle might not work that well for you.


    However, I strongly suggest you to get Life Strike, as it is a core mod for Excalibur - he lacks any way of healing himself otherwise, and you want to put his health and armor to use. Hieracon's rework into an Excavation mission made farming this mod much easier. Just run it until it drops - there's a chance for it on every 4th extractor. I had to do around twenty 20-minutes solo survivals back then to get mine.

    Transient Fortitude is an end-game mod. I wouldn't suggest using it untill you can counter it effect with Primed Continuity. I only used it in RJ build prior to formaing my Excal for the 4th time to fit these two mods in.

    Berserker is probably a mandatory mod in terms of achieving maximum DPS on any melee weapon which crit chance is 10% or higher. It drops pretty often in Void, however I don't remember myself seeing it drop as much lately. Anyway, you can get one for 3-5 plat if you are really unlucky.


    Primed Continuity is a very good mod for Excal, as it allows you to use both Fleeting and Transient without gimping yourself. It is still relatively cheap as of now, so I suggest you to get unranked one on Trade chat.

    Primed Flow isn't a panacea to the extent Primed Continuity is, but it can be used to make a better RJ build (I don't use it because I can't fit it in without killing my main build) and is required for Quick Thinking build.


    Melee weapon itself doesn't matter, only mods do. Generally it means you don't want to have a syndicate melee, or one strongly biased towards crits/status, unless you are OK with using far from optimal setups. Dragon Nikana is a good choice, as you'll not need to forma it. Main reason I use Orthos is just because it feels different from EBlade, giving me a reason not to EBlade right away in any mission.

  6. Disclaimer: I have zero issues with Hysteria as I don't play Valkyr.


    How about reworking the way Hysteria absorbed damage feedback works?

    Instead of dealing it on Hysteria deactivation if there are enemies in range, it could transform incoming damage into a DoT effect with a capped maximum damage per second output.

    This way it would put to use both Valkyr immense armor amount and Hysteria innate lifesteal as well as proposing more aggressive and berserker-like play style, where constantly attacking enemies means surviving.

  7. If I were you, I wouldn't spend plat on anything that can be acquired in reasonable amount of time. You'd be better with spending it on Primed Mods, maxed r10 mods, Prisma weapons, cosmetics, Arcane Helms, Arcanes in general etc.

    Even Prime Frames are better off with farming them yourself, maybe buying incredibly tedious parts (like Nova Prime chassis for instance) from other players.

  8. So its ok if I use "-Ksaero-"'s build then? Or is there a better alternative for what I'm going for

    His frame build works. If I were to use a build with Quick thinking, I would probably use something similar, but I don't like not having maxed Efficiency on Excal.
    Quick Thinking isn't necessary for doing T4S over a hour, but it surely will save you several times. However, it has almost no use for Excal everywhere but in a really prolonged T4 endless.
    You can do his build with 4 forma if you polarise Aura slot for Steel Charge or 5, if you leave it neutral. Either way - you won't be able to have an effective RJ build after that.
    His weapon build I would change by using unranked Life Strike and changing Channeling mod for 4th 90% elemental mod (or Fury if you don't like having slow EBlade before Berserker procs)

    This is what I personally use:

    General use build:


    Melee for EBlade:


    RJ Build


  9. What do you mean

    Rage gives energy through melee block, if unmitigated damage would deplete health. EBlade has 60% melee block up all the time.

    Endgame for me is being able to solo almost everything, go T4 for abt 80 min, and take out Lephantis or any other boss in maybe 5-10 min or less

    But that's probably impossible so I'll take the closest I can get

    Doable. As I said, for Lephantis and Vay Hek you'll need a good weapon, but they aren't hard.

  10. Also are there any damage dealer frames that people want in endgame?

    There are three cases when people might want a specific damage dealer frame. Draco, Defences, survival recourse farm.

    In first two cases the strongest AoE dps frame currently is RJ Excal, but he doesn't work without Trinity and not that effective until maxed and/or has a strong buffer in a team.

    In third case he is still the best option, but it will be hard to convince people to take him over Hydroid.

  11. My only problem with going these routes is runspeed, i hate how slow you go, but its the price you pay!

    Just jump around. It is faster anyway.


    Also, I wouldn't sacrifice range or efficiency for duration. Having maxed efficiency not only allows you to sustain EBlade, but to use other skills as well. And both Slash Dash and Radial Blind can be life-savers. Also, as I don't use Quick Thinking, I don't need Flow. Duration is kept around 70% by Primed Continuity and Range is 100%. I even thinking about exchanging Intensify for Stretch - it may worth it at really high levels.

  12. EB somehow lets you gain energy from Rage even without direct HP damage sometimes.

    Any block does, actually.

    Actually, these polarities were set to fit common PvE build, PvP build and Raid build at the same time.

    I primarily meant it murders RJ build. And tbh I'm not sure if either PvP or Raid builds would even need so much formaing. Well, you did say, you were formaing him for a long time.

  13. that got nerfed no longer works on EB

    That's why I am asking about levels it is supposed to be used at. Because it wold imply EBlade can no longer kill a target in one finisher, so you deactivate it and use the melee itself.


    Better than Valkyr?

    Of course not. Even counting out literal invincibility on her 4, she still has 600 base armor, compared to Excal's 225. 

    However, Excal with maxed Vitality and Steel Fiber can tank lvl 105 T4 Corrupted Bombard missile with his face and survive, if EBlade is on.


    Whoa. Only two questions:

    1. How much Forma is that?!

    2. Did you NEED to forma the Nikana or does that build work without it?

    1. 6 forma, which is overkill and too many. It is a bad thing to do, as it murders alternative builds. You shouldn't do it, unless you have a spare Excalibur.

    2. D. Nikana was formaed to change one polarity. Not the best idea in my opinion. I also advise against using maxed Life Strike and especially trying to offset it with channeling mods

  14. Soloing Vault runs would be a pain just because of 75% chance of not having the key. For Boss Runs you'll need some not-terrible primary/secondary as it is close to impossible to deal damage with EBlade to Vay Hek or Lephantis.


    Everything else Excal does with relative ease. Just use EBlade build.

  15. I know that if it did have its own stance with more stabs and pokes involved, I would definitely be more likely to use Tonbo over the Sydon since it slashes with broad strokes and could much more easily hit multiple enemies.

    And that would be called a "style preference" which is a great thing. In the same situation I would pick Sydon just because lance fight mechanics.
    Also, Spear category could use high innate reach and punch-through in the lane of a stab, which would make them not limited to hitting one target at time, yet uniquely different from other weapons. Some attacks (especially the slide attack) could remain wide swipes, but use lower multipliers compared to other weapons and convert physical damage into impact/slash depending on type of spear.
  16. He is bad. Saying otherwise is just an attempt to sweeten the pill. He is pretty decent second frame, as he is most likely to be your first access to healing. He is also not bad for soloing the game at the beginning.


    However, the only somewhat effective role he can fit in is to be a buffer for Draco, if Frost doesn't have Freeze Force. Aside from that, he has no role that can't be filled with another frame that will be better at doing the job. That's why he is bad. He needs his rework desperately. He needs something he can excel at.

  17. If you want to buff RJ Excal in Draco, among the two you would choose Rhino, as he will provide you a stable damage boost for every cast, while Nova would only debuff 1-2 spawns over the duration of the MP wave (roughly 12 seconds), which is under 20% of total enemy spawn, if everything is done correctly.

    In Defences Nova would be preferred not only because Defences without Fast Nova is the pain, but also because she will be able to MP up to all enemies, providing constant damage boost.


    HOWEVER, why the hell would you need Rhino for Draco, when you can just have a Freeze Force Frost, who does buffing much better than Rhino? Ah, I know - because NO ONE USES FREEZE FORCE.



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