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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. Was that a 4 cap2 waves run, OP? Because if it was it, you've done so-so.


    In 4 cap2 waves run, Excalibur can go over 6k kills. Needless to say, that wouldn't be too useful, aside from the feeling of self-satisfaction.


    Seems like a 40 min run, if we look at total kills. (prolonged runs by capping 2 nodes).

    Let's say this is a 20 min run. Now, if you want each player to reach the 75k, you'd need to do this 4 times. So everyone is going to waste 80 min.

    Well, if you're trying to get focus for an army of people, then you'll be correct. Yet, that's rarely the case, and even if we assume stealth runs could be around as efficient as Draco runs for farming focus purposes - in Draco you not only get yourself focus, you also help 3 random people over internet to get their gear maxed.

  2. Because I hate seeing MR 18s, 19s and 20s not understanding the basics of the game. I've had to explain basics like modding and stats to friends of friends who just rank up stuff on Draco all day (and still they'll keep putting stretch on Trinity so Blessing covers a greater area ¬.¬). Plus let's not forget the mentality of grinding away (sli theghtly faster) on Draco, then complaining that you've maxed your gear and there's nothing to do in the game... as opposed to playing the game and enjoying it.

    Trust me. Were these people to get their ranks anywhere else - result would be the same. Some people just not into theory. Even more to it, I'm pretty sure, that at least in case of Trinity, people who use her to farm Draco will know her much better than people who level stuff other ways.
    Draco itself is a very good thing. It provides people with a reason to theorycraft, to work together. Perfect Draco setup can be used to do void defences in a more fun (yes, everything is funnier than a regular Void Defence) and efficient manner. Draco setup also is the only setup in the game, where Oberon can be useful.
    I would honestly prefer if there was even more setups with specific purposes like Draco setup, LoR setup and resource farm setup. 
    Yet, filthy casuals deem these setups unfair, as they want to get the same affinity, resources and arcanes while doing nothing and solo-running exterminations with Loki on Earth.
  3. LF Draco - PM Warframe!!!

    I'm not sure what game are you playing, to see this exact phrase,


    Anyways i'll go farm Draco some more and quit a month later because the game is too easy for me.

    Pinnacle of most Draco users, i'll be honest.

    but that isn't honest


    For game to become "too easy" to you, you'll need one rank 30 frame, one rank 30 weapon, set of mods for them, with r10 mods being leveled to about r7. If we say all this will take about a week (assuming you lucky enough to get potatoes) to accomplish, then Draco will make it six days. Gotta go quit game now.

    High end powerfarming isn't affected by Draco in any way. You don't get plat, arcanes or excessive cores from Draco. It isn't the best way to farm keys either. The only reason I farm Draco now is simulacrum.

  4. its faster.

    It isn't. It has less requirements, yes, but it isn't as fast even if you pull it out perfectly. 2 slow 2 fast Draco can give Excalibur with a greater lense around 80k~90k focus without an affinity booster.

    Full loadout for weapons can be maxed in 2 cap 2 waves (around 13 minutes) and even faster, if your squad does everything right.

    If everything is done perfectly, 2 slow 2 fast run can even max out an unranked frame.

  5. Basically it's the easiest way to rank your gear up without having to play through 50 (and i'm not exhagurating!) void missions (to fully rank a warframe).

    The only frame I allow myself to level in Draco is Frost, as I can buff even unranked. And I can tell, that you can max any frame under 2 hours without affinity booster. Some of them, like Loki - under a hour.

    The difference is there, but it isn't that big.

  6. As it seems to be working to me:

    Slash Dash targets enemies in a quadrangle, that begins slightly behind you and then widens a bit as it goes to the maximum range of the ability. Also, it is restricted by the LoS obstructions, specifically by ones caused by enemies themselves. Lag also affects Slash Dash targeting heavily.

    Targets are chosen as you press the skill button. Your movement after this doesn't affect targeting.


    It means, if we take the very first picture in the OP as example and assuming all five enemies are inside maximum range of Slash Dash:

    1) Slash Dashing while looking on the closest target will most likely cause you to either hit only this target. You might also hit the next target on the right side, depending on the distance between them.

    2) Slash Dashing right in the centre of the group will guarantee you to home onto first two targets, while giving you good chances to hit all five of them;


    Assuming only the closest enemy is inside Slash Dash range - you'll hit only that enemy.

  7. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/345295-vivergate-vent-radioactive-gas-yn/


    Specifically: Our ‘press 4 to win’ ultimates are metered primarily by the supply of energy. Finding an energy loophole means that Homer’s drinking bird can play the game for you. That is not team synergy. That is just broken.


    ''That is just broken''. Do you know what taking advantage of something that is broken is classified as? Exploitation.

    In the very next sentence it states that they are addressing the problem. Syndicate caps were implemented, abilities were nerfed, new implementations (Focus, for instance) were made with taking this question into account. It works. And things that work for over a year already aren't broken, what you are trying to quote there is nothing but selective reading.

    If DE were to think that the principle itself is broken, they would fix it immediately - it could be achieved effortlessly. Yet, they did not, which proves that things are working as intended.

    And ripping their words out of context and trying to use them to prove your point is a distortion of facts. In other words - lying. Don't lie.

  8. I can't tell them apart.

    It means you never used them. Because while Shimmering Blight is essentially extension of the default polearm stance, Bleeding Willow is a completely different thing, that drastically changes the way weapon is used.

  9. Can it be something like 1/1/1/3, with the twist of having a fourth mission that combines all 3 of the mission penalty in that day's sortie. Like a mission with Reduced energy + Increased shields + Improved resistances.

    Physical Resistance, Elemental Resistance, Augmented Armor. Great idea is great.

  10. Shimmering Blight is a better stance for it in my opinion, despite Bleeding Willow being more fun. I usually try to stick to the hold combo, dropping it after the leap attack if I'm on the move or going for the final hit, if I'm hitting some Eximus.


    Orthos' base chance for crit is 10%, which is enough to use Berserker, but not enough to justify pretty much any other crit mods.

    Status chance is 15%, which is decent. I am using Orthos as my EBlade weapon, so I don't build it for status, but if you want to - you can go for the full double-stat elemental mod set. It will put you over 50% status chance.

    You might want to use Fury (I personally don't), because due to relatively low crit chance, Berserker will take some time to warm up.


    Life Strike is a panacea for most frames, so you might want to use it. Spoiled Strike is a must, if you are aiming for the best DPS. But if you aren't - you may skip it.


    Reach mods are fun, but I'm ok without them. You should at least try them though.

  11. Feel conflicted about this one. I want a proper long two-handed spear, not a short, throwing one. More like a lance, not a javelin. However it is a videogame, so if it would be a throwable lance - why not?

  12. Because everything needs a charge attack?

    Why do you ask me a question and answer it yourself? Charge attacks supposed to be a universal mechanics for every melee weapon in the game. Questioning whether or not will it be actually used is utterly stupid on a level of asking "Why does Excalibur need to jump when he can just Slash Dash?". I can't take statements like this seriously, sorry.

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