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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. 4 hours ago, iSmallfry said:

    I'd only utilize 2 to not dilute the proc table

    Go Corrosive + Blast and use all 4. It has numerous synergies and advantages. Otherwise, you are completely correct.

    5 hours ago, Pmueck3 said:

    with my current build i have around 59.55 min in solo void survival .

    I've done around 70 minutes without Naramon and over 2 hours with. In both cases, I wasn't relying on Quick Thinking. I consider spending 2 extra mod slots to be a waste. Also, if you're going into overstayed survivals with Naramon as your main source of survivability - you can skip survivability mods entirely.

    Considering your builds:

    Frame - you never want to use Blind Rage on EBlade Excalibur. There are currently no Blind Rage builds for EBlade that are effective. Maxing your efficiency should be a top priority. 155% Power Strength is enough to pull you through at least 100 minutes.

    Weapon - I don't recommend going crit. Going full status ends up being better. In terms of pure damage types, Corrosive + Cold is better than Corrosive + Fire.

    General advice on how to do Survivals - melee stuff and Spin Blind if stuff doesn't die immediately.

    40 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    definitely build for Gas + Status Chance if you Blind a lot

    Gas EBlade is poorly suited for Survivals. You'll be running out of energy all the time, as the build is pretty much incapable of killing anything without blinding it first. Not to mention, it falls off terribly around enemy level 300 or so.


  2. 2 minutes ago, Weidro said:

    you are absolutely right right

    people will start to ask for it 5 minutes after the update went live

    but not right now
    i have to agree


    You are being correct in your snarkiness. However, while people will indeed begin to ask for the polishing - this is where "Yeah, we'll do it. Eventually" should come in, so the thing won't eat too much of the developing time. Simultaneously, we are still getting a new feature that can be used, despite missing some QoL and maybe requiring some playing around to be effective. To be honest, that can be said for every single feature DE implements.

  3. 1 minute ago, Weidro said:

    and it requires new UI to work

    It doesn't

    1 minute ago, Weidro said:

    new coding about hosting


    1 minute ago, Weidro said:

    how to deal with host migrations when someone doesn't has the key himself

    Kick everyone out.

    1 minute ago, Weidro said:

    lag related issues

    Lag. In simulacrum.

    2 minutes ago, Weidro said:

    possible exploits

    On a mission that can only be aborted.

    2 minutes ago, Weidro said:

    how to deal with different mastery levels and host having a higher/lower mastery rank

    You have a host for that purpose.

    3 minutes ago, Weidro said:

    cuz u can try everything in missions ?

    Were this to be true - there would be no reason for Simulacrum to begin with.


    You are overthinking stuff up to 11. Implementing squads in Simulacrum can be done in a matter of minutes. Polishing it might require some work, but no one asks for polishing right now.

  4. 18 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

    I can't be the only one who sometimes has issues with Worm Hole's hit-box

    There are no problems with Worm Hole's hitbox. There are problems with its mechanics. Particularly with the fact its interactions are host-based, thus highly affected by lag. Worm Hole has a great hitbox, which still requires you to understand it a bit, yet doesn't require you to have high levels of precision.

    All problems it has are problems of faulty game mechanics - not the frame. There are loads of unnecessary host-side interactions in the game, which serve no particular purpose aside from making it worse. It also includes all forms of weapon switching (including Exalted weapons), doors, hack panels, etc.

  5. The only Nova's ability that's lacking something is Null Star.

    All her other abilities are amazing and have their applications. Particularly, Wormhole is one of the best (if not the best) ways of covering large distances in Warframe. It's utility for the team is quite limited, but Nova herself can use it to achieve great results.

  6. I like the whole "say no to powercreep" tendencies in the thread. However, Sword category currently is massively underpowered and is useless by design for everyone who passed the early game.

    There is a single weapon in the category, that's better than any other weapon in it under any conditions, thus rendering all of them irrelevant. It's an example of terrible design.

    The category itself misses the current melee meta by a landslide. Sword category is worse than Nikanas and Dual Swords in absolutely everything, hence provide no objective reason to be used over them. All of them have pitiful status proc potential and terrible critical stats, without being compensated with reach, reasonable damage, speed or utility for that.

    And "Crimson Dervish" argument is a moot - it's far from being "the best" stance in the game. Quite a few stances provide similar damage output while usually having much better status proc potential.

    There are other weapon categories that require attention - true. However, saying that Swords category isn't one of them is plain ignorance.

  7. Yes, Warframe indeed should be encouraging switching between melee and ranged weaponry on the run, instead of forcing you into using only one of your tools. But devs decided it was necessary to heavily punish weapon switching by making it extremely slow and unresponsive to the point of being nigh useless.

    No amount of cross-loadout mods will fix the situation, as long as the weapon switching remains so horrendously slow for no good reason.

  8. I honestly don't understand what's the problem. Melee was like this since forever. Telos Boltace is "decent" at best. Orthos Prime is strictly better, Atterax is strictly better. Dual Swords and Heavy Blades are better at higher levels. The fact, people who have no access to Maiming Strike got at least something to simulate its performance on low levels is a good thing, not a bad one.

    I am getting tired of "Bad dudes kill all my enemies on Mercury with %weaponName, nerf it immediately!" argument.

  9. I would suggest going Corrosive + Blast if you intend to hit the same enemy you've thrown your disk at and Gas if you intend to place the disk in one spot and go to another.

    In both cases, I suggest using Berserker - disk crits quite often. Body count also seems to be a great mod to have (on any melee, really) - while disk can't rack up the combo, it profits from the multiplier. Primed Reach is pretty much a mandatory mod (as is Primed Fury, in my opinion). Blood Rush and thus Maiming don't seem to be a good idea - the weapon already has to use too many slots. Weeping Wounds too doesn't look like a good mod to me, mainly because having only 3 dual-stats equipped already pushes you to 70% status chance on the weapon. Disk seems to proc status even more often 

    Life Strike is a weird one. On one hand - you are really limited with slots on this weapon. On the other - Life Strike allows you to heal from the disk for free. Not too fast, though.

    Corrosive should be done via Virulent, Voltaic, Vicious - it results in an area-denial disk with high corrosive proc chance, while still leaving space for Berserker and Body Count. The disk (and disk-on attacks) will be Corrosive + Blast, while disk-off attacks will be Corrosive + Cold.

    Gas - via Volcanic, Virulent, and Fever Strike - this way it maximizes the actual Gas proc damage. It's enough of a proc chance for the disk, and disk-off attacks will still have a good status chance. This build shines in low-level unarmored missions (up to level 70 I think), especially Defences where you can block one of the paths with it and go personally to another. Getting access to either Blind or invisibility will greatly boost the disk's damage output. Even with 5% crit chance Naramon is worth it on this build.

    Mirage is naturally awesome with this weapon. However, there seems to be a major bug with her clones. As far as I can see it in my case, changing mods on Zenistar (even just swapping their places, without changing the actual build) quite often results in disks thrown by Mirage's clones only having the Heat component of the disk. I suggest modding the weapon in Simulacrum and testing it on something right away if you intend to use it on Mirage.

    However, on frames without a direct synergy, Zenistar might not be that great.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Pmueck3 said:

    Pure Blast is generally a bad idea. And so is Spoiled Strike. 20% attack speed penalty hurts more than you would think.

    Also, unless you are doing pure Gas EBlade, you should either go for 4x90% or 4 dual-stats.

  11. Weeping Wounds and Body Count won't work on Exalted Blade. I suggest using Berserker and Life Strike in their place. Elemental should be arranged to make Corrosive + Blast, as Magnetic + Gas is useless garbage. If you want Gas EBlade, make it from 2 dual-stats + 2 90% mods.

    Frame build is decent. However, I would suggest switching Flow for Rage and Power Drift for Handspring. Intensify can also be switched out, to be honest. From the personal experience, 155% Power Strength tends to be enough.

  12. 2 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

    I think sustained Viral might be better in some cases.

    4CP, likely non bursa Corpus, some level niches.

    I mean - you aren't wrong. My judgement around Corrosive is based mostly on its versatility and all-around effectiveness in going from low to high levels. And my main problem with Viral is the fact its effectiveness is massively diminished by the scaling. While "halving HP" sounds like something greatly effective and well-scaling, in reality, it usually means trading off a proc for like a 5-minutes/waves shift in the enemy scaling.

    For instance, when the in-mission scaling is not a factor - like Sorties for example - Viral might end up being much, much better that the credit I'm giving it. In that case, it'll be the question of whether or not Viral's levels niche (the scaling interval when reliably halving enemy HP is more effective than gradually reducing their armor) is somewhere around.

  13. 4 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

    25% of 100k armor offers a smaller improvement of damage dealt than 25% of 10k armor

    Numerically - yes. Proportionally - no.

    4 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

    Slash+Viral, on the other hand

    Is a static damage value essentially. Yes, you cut HP in half. But then you proceed to dealing static damage, that does not scale. And from my experience facing enemies in range of levels 1-1500, relying on pure slash proc to deal damage will result in your damage becoming pathetically low, save for the special cases I was talking about in my post.

    4 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    A pure Physical bleed build on weapons like Galantine, Atterax and Prisma Cleavers will out perform both Viral and Corrosive against high level armored enemies.

    Pretty much it never will. Slash proc builds indeed can bypass the armor part of enemy scaling. That's good. However, there's another exponentially increasing part that it cannot bypass - enemy HP scaling. With a slash build you will end up dealing static damage, that's quite below your regular damage output. As levels go higher, exponentially more hits will be required for enemies to die. Theoretically, you will end up facing enemies you can completely strip out of armor by using a low status chance corrosive weapon long time before you manage to deal any substantial damage to them via slash procs.

    Not to mention going full slash proc means gimping your weapon and cutting your direct damage output down a few times; resulting in you spending way more time dealing with popcorn enemies that you should.

    The reason why stuff like Dual Kamas or PDC seem to work well with a slash proc lies not in the build itself, but in the absurdly strong guaranteed slash proc Dual Swords get on a ground finisher. And you don't actually need to gimp your build into pure Slash to get access to this proc - that's why Ichors end up being universally better.

    There are ways to work with your slash procs to make them effective but the "pure slash proc build" tends to not be a good one.

    It takes Ash for a pure slash proc weapon to become decent. I suggest checking the video below for a more specific example. Not the whole thing - just check a few separate moments to see how the proc performs.



    Not signed in

    You might notice, that as the time goes, I end up relying on the ground finisher proc and Naramon shenanigans more and more. Neither of those is amplified by using a slash proc build.

  14. 2 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    Viral / Slash ends up scaling the best

    Viral/Slash damage. Not procs.


    There are some things here to be understood:

    1) Viral proc has no effect on reapplication. It aways cuts down HP in half.

    2) Slash, Toxin and Gas procs all have pitiful damage.

    3) Corrosive proc cuts down the effectiveness of armor scaling enemies get, and armor scaling is an exponential scaling.

    Speaking simply, there's only one proc in this game - Corrosive proc. If we aren't taking specific setups into an account; and we aren't talking about Mercury here - the effect of the corrosive proc is the strongest by a landslide.
    Think of it this way:
    an enemy has 95% Damage reduction from armor. So, he receives only 5% damage from you. Getting a viral proc going on that enemy will effectively double your damage - so, you'll be dealing 10% of your damage.
    However, the same effect can be achieved by proccing said enemy with corrosive and getting his damage reduction to 90%. Take it down to 80%, and you are dealing double of what viral could've given you.
    You should add to that the fact Corrosive is pretty much universally the best element in the game across all factions in terms of actual damage.

    Now, there's an argument about Corrosive proc only being usable against armor, and Viral being useful against anything. It's true. But the way the game is balanced, and the way the scaling works - you should only start caring about getting the actual status procs when you face at least somewhat high-level content. Which usually means enemy level 60+ for armored enemies and enemy level 200+ for unarmored enemies. Do you know what that means? It means you generally shouldn't care about what kind of damage/setup you are using unless you go above those levels. 
    Essentially "all unarmored enemies are paper-thin".

    So, Infested can be killed with whatever - just watch out for those Ancient Healers (which are weak to Corrosive) and occasional armored light infested (and armor is affected by corrosive procs); Corpus can be killed with whatever - just watch out for those armored Bursas (and armor is affected by corrosive procs).

    That's it, considering simple situations.

    There are more complex circumstances as:
    1) 4CP squad
    2) Blind and melee
    3) Invisibility and melee




    Personally, I see no reason for going 4CP, unless you're about to go against enemy level 200+ or something. But that's me.
    Going 4CP essentially removes the need for the corrosive proc and by the virtue it removes the need for all status builds altogether.
    If you are going 4CP, you don't build for status - you build for damage. Hence, in this particular case, it might worth it to go for the best suited elemental combo for the enemy health type. In case you are going against high leveled enemies - you might want to use Viral - even with a damage build, you are very likely to profit from the proc given you'll be hitting each enemy for 20+ times.




    I've previously stated that Slash, Gas and Toxin procs all have pitiful damage. Among the three the only one that's not absurdly terrible is Slash proc - against a high leveled armored enemies you might end up having a good chunk of your damage coming from the slash proc - simply due to the way how absurdly high can armor scale.
    However - slash status proc oriented weapon will always lose to a corrosive status proc oriented weapon.
    Save for a very specific case - Blind paired with melee. Blind forces x8 stealth modifier on all melee attacks and damaging procs initiated from melee.
    And while slash proc has a pretty pathetic damage on its own, it stops being so pathetic when the base damage of the attack that starts the slash proc is multiplied by 8 and then the actual proc damage of that attack gets multiplied by 8 once again. So you have a slash proc that deals 64 times the damage it normally would, not to mention the damage type for that is Finisher.
    The same is true for Gas and Toxin. Gas is funny in a sense of being generally a bad damage type and having the actual resulting proc to go through multiple damage-reducing layers. However, the final Toxin damage ticks you get from a Gas proc are multiplied 512 times their usual damage if you get the stealth multiplier going.
    Vanilla Toxin proc follows the same rules as the Slash proc, but due to having considerably lower base damage, as well as not having Finisher damage tics, it's universally worse than Slash.





    There's some hidden interaction between knockdowns and invisibility in this game.
    You probably know, that if you are invisible; your first melee attack will have a stealth multiplier on it. That won't be true for following attacks on the same enemy unless you'll leave them alone for a bit.
    However, were you to knock down an enemy, they'll be but in that state of "left alone" right away - without caring about whether or not you are currently hitting them. It usually means that about the moment they'll start their knockdown recovery animation - they'll be put into "stealth multiplier susceptible" state, which will allow you to get several hits on them to be amplified by the stealth multiplier. And it will also work with the eligible status procs too. Have you ever tried to use Ichors' ground finisher on a knocked down enemy while you're invisible? Try it out.

    And there's that one proc, that'll be knocking enemies down constantly - the Blast proc. It tends to vary from "meh" to straight up detrimental in normal cases, but it is very strong if you have access to invisibility.



    I hope that helps.

  15. Just now, Shockwave- said:

    THe comment is really that a modded lato can kill one guy anywhere in the star map. If  BS can only be used to kill one enemy then it is useless because your weapon would do better. BS was useful because you targeted one guy and killed a bunch you may or may not have seen. If you have to mark each one, you could shoot each one is the thing. If you mark more than one your teammates will kill the ones you marked....


    Then shouldn't you just use Blade Storm for the enemies that won't be killed so fast?

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