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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. Yes, These mods can only be used on one weapon at the time unless you got 2 or more. So you need to upgrade another serration and put it on the Sentinel weapon.


    So if you only have one mod for rifle or shotgun, you can only put it on one weapon kind at the time (either the primary or the Sentinel weapon).

  2. So basically, everyone except me gets all the dreads? RIP me. All I want is a good crit weapon. Maybe I should get that soma prime...

    Although I DREAD the fact that it costs so much! I just DESPAIR at the thought of what else I could get with that plat! I HATE that people have made it so expensive!

    P.S. You won't outdo me AngelShur.


    haha good one! ;-)

    Also, the what stalker bundle is way too expensive I believe it's around 650 plat. That's two warframes! -_-


    Well it all depends on your patience and wallet.

  3. haha I see what you trying there buddy! Have patience we will get them! ALL of them! 


    Or indeed move to China, buy and Install WF chinese version on your PC or Console. 


    Then your username should be: MrEvilChinese :)

  4. Hello FoxFX,


    I was just thinking... maybe the Akushin Era should have, besides the whitish skin on a snow planet, also the Steel Alloy made with a minimum of 25% chromium. You can also add other alloying elements to enhance the structure and properties such as formability, strenght and cryogenic toughness. So the chromium can give the Tenno some challenge as this key component will effectively fight corrosion (the key to destroying Grineer). I was thinking how can we add some in-game challenge and so I came up with this. 


    So this should increase their armor. Will let you know if anything else comes up.

  5. The Titan is the common Extrtactor that takes 4 hours to collect resources from the surface of the deployed planet. 

    So is Ferrite and Polymer Bundle common on the planet (common is the first two resources you see at each planet) that you want to deploy it on, then yes, it's the tool you need.. If not, then deploy the Distilling Extractor.



    Be advised, it doesn't collect thousands of resources for you while you lean back. Given that the Titan Prime does collect double the amount of a normal Titan, if you buy resource boosters it will give you more tho. Titan Prime was in the Ember Prime Prim Access. So before you ask where to get it. :)

  6. Kavasa Prime Collar:


    T4 Mobile Defence         ==> Collar BP

    T4 Exterminate               ==> Collar Buckle

    T4 Sabotage                   ==> Collar Band


    Happy farming!


    Bud Gene masking is indeed only through PA.

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