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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. 6 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    A bit more on topic though, sorry OP but we use real life references not other games like you are suggesting.

    Treniel is purely an Aion thing.

    aha, you googled it? lol. 

    It's true, I could call her Santa Muerte, but the name Triniel is more soothing and fitting imo, that's why I've make reference using her ;)

    With her own pet Kubrow:


  2. 3 hours ago, (PS4)iBoiz said:

    They were not exploiting. With properly built frames and weapons its totally possible to go that high.

    Heck it only took me like 40min to get 500kills. If I cared about leaderboards, had clanmates and all 9 of them did the same thing we'd probably be in top 20 ghost clans. Now, if all 10 players spent whole day killing executioners (which I'm sure many dedicated players did) we'd obviously score higher. Energy was not an issue even with 4 players, and don't even need those focus passives when there is already Equilibrium.

    Basically ^ this! 


  3. OMG!! Need defilibrator to jump start the Servers pretty Soon... If Lunaros comes out tonight!! 

    *takes spyglass to look at horizon and notices a great crowd, myriads upon myriads of Tenno approaching in a clowd* 

    Please Steve, I beg you to put the coffee machine close to the servers! >.>

  4. Well it's a indeed good question to ask. The fact that the TOS is to avoid players abusing the system of Warframe, it's perfectly honest and correct to ask this question. All I can say is that it's safe to do such what you described above, but if ever you get an issue because the system flags you ask cheating, you should be able to explain this to support. 

    Remember that this what you described is to avoid players from abusing the system.

    My lil brother and I trade sometimes and he also uses my system when he's over or visa versa (my kiddos don't like Warframe, so that is not one of my 99)  

    you should be perfectly fine! :)

  5. Hmmmm that name sounds familiar.....Steve..... The legends has it, that he only leaves his fort when there's a battle to fight that others cannot handle! Jet-Li has observed him and so learned some moves. Bruce Lee had to dry his sweaty feet with his bare hands after a fight or practice session and he's also the reason why Jacky Chan does his own tricks and stunts! 

    Senpai, welcome back on the Forums.... and thanks for sharing some wonderful info! 

    I hope my Nikana can hold on to the hype train... 

  6. The PS4 Servers are currently down, forcing the system to deploy more life support... also know that the Cryogenics are taking effect because of this, causing the system to be slower.

    Closing with this nice quote:

    “You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.” 
     Shaun Hick


    Hold on, Tenno!

  7. The PS4 Servers are currently down, forcing the system to deploy more life support... also know that the Cryogenics are taking effect because of this, causing the system to be slower.

    Closing with this nice quote:

    “You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.” 
     Shaun Hick


    Hold on, Tenno!

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