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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. I think this was a bug that might get your account banned =.=

    Just kidding nothing will happen to you or your account, I believe this was a bug indeed, but maybe a one time only... It's honest of you to report it here tho ;) keep up with the honesty Tenno! Now Happy Hunting MR14! 

  2. 44 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

    Ah, no.

    Ignore lists are server bound (global), not client as it's the server that controls matchmaking, not the player. Doesn't take any time to research names from databases, either (at least now they don't lock up like they used too!).

    This is true. But the server keeps track of who is ignored by who... so before launching (if you're not the host) the server must do a check before adding you to that pub. Also at the same time, the server must do a check on each pub before allowing the player being ignored to enter... see now there's 30k players being ignored on the NAE region i.e... the server must do a check every miliseconds on each and every game pub being made if these players (the 30k being ignored) are joining games with the the 70k+ players that are currently ignoring them. Ofc you can let the server do a random logarithmic check and launch... but hey, can these servers cope with it?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)lmysterie said:

    I also understand you side since it does get difficult to find players based on your region and internet connection. Even though this is a good idea it is something i can live with out because if i see the player i ignored again i would just get the hell out of the party :P

    Problem solved :D


    Just some food for thought... 

  4. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Quil_Nye said:

    other mmos have this feature and it works just fine. 1-2min is a huge exaggeration I have been instant qued on those games plenty of times.

    I know it's a bit of exaggeration, but my point is, if we're already dealing the server finding a decent pub (with the proper connection) to play with, this will add even more to the problem. I don not know which MMO you're refering to, but this will ask for an extra adition to the game that must research a pub once found if it doesn't have a player you forgot about 6 months ago in it before launching. 

  5. this is, almost certainly, impossible to achieve. Then they'll need to add a "Ignore list" search to each player for each mission.... this means, that the system must run a thorough 1-2 minutes search before starting a mission. Savi?


  6. It all depends on the type of headache she's getting each time..

    -- A commun cause is the need for her to have her eyes checked --

    It's specifically from over-exposure to visual stimulation such as computer screens, television screens, or even reading books for extended periods of time! Eyestrain headaches can actually trigger migraines, which are very nasty - light sensitivity, severe pain in the eyes and temples, that lasts sometimes up to a day or more. 

    A good way to avoid eyestrain is to set a timer or stopwatch to go off every 20 minutes or so while you're using the computer, watching TV, or playing video games. Force yourself to look around the room, change the focus of your eyes (look at something far away), close your eyes, and relax for several minutes. Then go back the the activity. This isn't always practical when watching a TV show or playing a video game, so then just try to schedule breaks when you can - during the commercials on a TV show, or when you complete a level of a video game before you continue to the next one. 

    It also helps to get up and walk around for just a few minutes every hour that you're using the computer or TV or are reading intensively. This also helps readjust the focus of your eyes and get the blood circulating throughout your body normally again. 

    These techniques can really help avoid eyestrain headaches; something you can also do, if you use the computer a lot, is get an anti-glare computer monitor shield. They're a special small piece of plastic or glass that fits over your computer screen. You can buy them many places.

    Another good rule of thumb is to make sure you're up to date with vision exams; if you're having eyestrain problems, it's very likely you're slightly nearsighted or farsighted, and glasses can really, REALLY help! 

    Make sure you stay at LEAST five feet away from the television screen when watching or playing games also (farther is better). 

    Other types of headaches, that are mechanically induced, called Tension, or Stress headaches, can occur from staying in the same posture or from poor posture while sitting at the computer or TV. They feel very similar to eyestrain, but are different types of headaches, and can start with pain in the neck first. However, tension headaches don't cause the same visual sensitivity as eyestrain headaches, and I don't believe that's what you're describing here. However, just to be sure, you may want to pay attention to your posture as well, and make sure you move around a bit every few minutes. 

    Sorry, I know you didn't ask for all that info, but I thought it might be helpful.

    ==Source is the Internet==


  7. 51 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    It isn't really Community Reputation. It's just a Like system. Treat it like that.

    This. I fully agree with you. Some have 1k + rep for being fabulous at just saying... Foolishness.. But what to do? The community likes it, apparently. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Orthelius said:

    So I've never been banned from Region chat before and usually get along with everyone there but today someone asked 'What's your opinion on the Captain America thing going on?' and I responded with 'I don't think he's gay, but does it matter?' and immediately got a ban.

    Now my questions are how did this violate terms and conditions of chat, why is this worth of a ban instead of a kick and how long will the damn thing last?

    It's an "issue" DE is looking into lately... Your chat ban will last 24 hours. If it lasts longer, then I suggest you contact support.

  9. Please wait at least 24hours... Sometimes the billing takes time to transfer. About the reset, if you play the first tutorial, it should bring you back to where you were at, with weapons/warframes etc... This seems like the servers had a slight data loss. (But gladly they store data every so much minutes if not seconds). 

    Good luck guys! 

  10. So if I understand correctly, you crafted and then claimed the Arcane helmets, but you can't seem to find them anywhere? 

    Have you tried looking here; Arsenal - Loki - Appearance - Helmet,  choose the Arcane one and then equipt. 

    This goes for all the Warframes.. If once there and you don't see them still, then I suggest you contact support for they can look into your account.

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