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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. 32 minutes ago, Blatantfool said:

     In my personal opinion that'd be a "No" to both OP.


     Hear me out.

    -Nitain, along with ALL material alert rewards, is altered. Is now a 'Secondary' Alert reward - meaning that it'll appear as a SECOND reward for any alert. So an Alert may read as "Apollodorus - Exterminate - Reward: Energy Siphon, Nitain (1)" (This would also mean it materials would never again clog the Alert mission rewards up. This means more alerts total will be worth running.)

    -Furthermore, Nitain will exist as a rare drop from containers during ANY alert. Meaning it is possible to obtain multiple Nitain in any given alert if you break enough containers or loot enough lockers.



  2. 1 minute ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    we're talking about funding the game in the early stages, when it wasn't clear if warframe would flop or not. Sure it's easy to claim "well i support them now" however you weren't supporting them when they NEEDED it. that's the difference. 

    Not starting an argue here... just trying to put off the fire ;)

    They're doing well to support now... <3

  3. First of all, I just wanted to add that everyone is entitled to their own opinions guys, so please don't fight over opinions but still proceed with an Objective discussion... 

    Now, back to the idea, I think that the stats should stay the same simply because of the fact I already mentioned before -The scaling is also broke and There's a need for this weapon to continue dealing the damage it does- but we should not forget the fact that It is like having a grenade thrown at your feet on the battle field, it kills everyone and everything in the area but you only jump 15 meters up the sky and land back on your feet without any damage.. even for Warframe, this is not realistic. <--- While we're at it, this also goes for the Simulor (It should have the vortex pull you in also and giving some % of damage), but before I get death threats :D I will not start on the Simulor, yet >.>

    Fun, must have some challenge, not easy, easy is or will get boring pretty soon. ;)

  4. Hello there @(PS4)ALUCARDtheGREAT5,

    Can you rephrase your question again please? 

    So you're wondering why you can't get the needed 182 affinity to get to your next rank up test? If this is the question then I suggest you buy more weapon and Warframe blueprints and craft them, after that you just keep ranking them up until there's no more to rank up... this will keep giving you affinity to continue ranking up. To receive all the available affinity from each weapon and Warframe, you must rank them all to Rank 30. 

  5. Natah Quest is available for all platforms to play. You must run a Uranus mission and once there you'll see some spooky blue-ish drones. Scan them (with your codex scanner) and then the Natah Quest will start for you. 

    Happy Hunting, Tenno!

  6. Like title states, please add Deploy/Collect Extractor on top right menu on the Navigation, only if you had not already planned so. 

    The current start chart and the Spoilers we saw for the upcoming 3.0. Can very much use this option imo. So instead of navigating to each planet and then click on deploy or the same procedure but then click on collect, just add on the pull down tab on top right this feature. 

    Thanks in advance!

  7. 3 hours ago, LordCloud00 said:

    1) I don't want to criticise something which still is not in the game. But from the devstream we can easily understand what we will get: 


    2) So except for the only purpose of fun, why should one use them?

    1) Please don't.

    2) I thought the same concerning this rework... But I must feel it in my hands, see how it interacts first. (But I'm sharing the same opinion on this one.)

  8. 7 hours ago, arch111 said:

    So I need really good and hard to get mods to make it great? New players do not gave that.

    As for the pointblank. A replacement for melee and shotgun?

    Ok  i have to try that 0-range tactic.

    It is broken, take a massive enemy spawn mission like the Intercept on Void T4 if you will and go after like 4 interceptions (by the 2nd already you'll see that the enemies will have an intensified spawn rate). Then with a "simple Tonkor" with only maybe 1 Forma, you'll be glad you brought it, cause just shooting at a group of enemies and let the Tonkor do it's job is what's going to happen... Also because the scaling of the enemies are not "perfect" you'll also notice that it's better to bring the Tonkor than a 6 Forma Vay Hek. 

    A broken weapon has multiple ups and little downs, and Tonkor has this atm... (This more weapons with this problem, but I'll leave this discussion as it is, just on Tonkor)

  9. On 14 May 2016 at 6:26 PM, ludo3009 said:

    Mr 18 requirement I agree with this

    And nerf draco xp too. It's annoying to see people already mr21 after 750 hours played and like 3 different weapons really used in percentage.

    Draco is already being reworked with a different spawn location every time, so no static location no more.

  10. And have you played since on a wired connection? Mostly the fps drop is due to the poor connection. Ideally, a atleast 12Mbps is a good running connection for the warframe, this so that you can counter or catchup for the weak host (which is mostly the cost for the fps drop or lagging. 

  11. 1 minute ago, TheBrsrkr said:

    That's not what balance is. Do you even know what game balance is? 

    That isn't a good enough reason for you? It's also available at MR5,outclasses every launcher in every way, encourages horrible game play and actively ruins the experience of other players with it. 


    The Vay Hek is pretty much a better Hek. 8 shots isn't going to ruin anyone's day with that reload. The S. Simulor is actually as brain dead as the Tonkor, just weaker and wonkier, so let's say for the sake of argument it gets nerfed. The S. Tigris is the upgrade to the Tigris no one asked for. Even if all of these were nerfed, we move on to Soma and Boltor Prime and maybe the Amprex. After that...... What? Nothing. The problem isn't the kills these weapons get, the problem is the kills that everyone else is able to get after these things. The Hek can kill at least 8 things before reloading. That's all at the same group, most of the time, and everyone else can have their merry way shooting at the same group. Same with the S. Tigris. Even the Soma and Broltor aren't quick enough at this point (mostly) to really prevent anyone from playing through the games. The Amprex and S.Simulor however, are very powerful and have large enough AoE to make aiming superfluous and therefore make it difficult for anyone else to play with those using it. 


    Game balance doesn't mean that everything is the same in every aspect all the time, jeez. It means that all content is proportional to all the other content it interacts with. Look at this graph:


    The two straight lines are the limits of balanced content, and the space between them represents the range at which balanced content can fall under. This isn't the best graph, but it's the best I could do on short notice. The Tonkor would fall somewhere near the B in Boredom. 

    Why buff literal hundreds of weapons when nerf ingredients less than 20 weapons would get you the exact same result? 


    There's a pretty broad line between perfect balance and everything should be ridiculously OP. 

    Thanks! I also like the chart, awesome!

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