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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. 48 minutes ago, MechaTails said:

    Maybe it's too early in the morning to be reading, but those words in the first post look jumbled to me lel

    •Why do you think Helios's scanning is too slow? I'm guessing you're saying [300 enemies • X-amount of scans • 3 seconds] is a lot of time spent scanning. Maybe I agree. However, in all the time I've used Helios I've never felt it was scanning so slow it was detrimental to the gameplay. Helios was usually scanning stuff as I approached to melee, or scanning stuff near me without requiring any of my input. The scans go unnoticed (except for the bright orange energy glow lol). It could have taken me 16 or 160 hours to complete the Codex, I wouldn't know because Helios was handling that.

    •Would be neat if Helios could scan or use Detect Vulnerability on more than one enemy at once. Then again, It'd be neat if my Dera got an extra 20 points of damage, just because. I don't think it's necessary, but it'd be...neat.

    Yeah, multiple scans at once would be cool, though doesn't it already scan stuff without aiming directly at it? Like, when I was scanning environmental stuff, Helios would scan stuff as I walked by it, no need to look directly at it.

    I think giving it a mod for that would be cool. And maybe Shade too.

    If permanent scanner vision would be too graphics intensive, maybe just a revealing pulse every few seconds could work too.

    Good Morning!

    Well, Helios was intended to be used/scan line of sight targets. It sometimes scan things that are far and even unseen, but that's unintended. The rework is based on the fact that many players do not know that having the codex will give more pieces of lore and an understanding off the enemy. 

    The speed correction is based on the fact that if I use my scanner, I might be quicker than the Helios. Not good if you understand that the Helios was intended for a QoL addition. Speed is keen on the battle field when my one-shot primary is doing its job. ;)

  2. 2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

    I've always felt if you have Enemy Radar, Enemy Sense, and Animal Instinct equipped, then your Helios should have a permanent Scanner Vision where the player can see through walls while in 3rd person. Suddenly Helios is useful for spy and stealth missions and makes it an option next to the Carrier.

    Not a bad suggestion, but it will only scan enemies and not panels, drones etc etc.

  3. Hey Tenno, I'm wanting some rework for Helios. Why; because the codex is keen to a healthy understanding of the game and also Helios will help in QoL. Therefore I would like to know what you guys think, please share your thoughts.  




    The Helios is after three years (3) and hundreds of codex targets, still not quick enough when scanning. Also when scanning, it only scans one target at the time -prioritizing the enemy you're aiming at- but can detect the vulnerability of multiple enemies with completed codex. 

    See, if the Helios can scan multiple targets in range and also detect the vulnerability of multiple enemies at the same time, would be great. 

    Running through a mission (each mission) with over 300+ potential codex entries and taking over 3 seconds to scan is way to slow in my findings and opinion. 

    So as read above, I have two suggestions.

    1) My first (1) suggestion is to reduce the scanning time to 1 second and keep the range as it is. Also keep the targets to one at the time. But, make it that you don't need to be looking/aiming the target to get it scanned.

    2) My second suggestion is to keep the scanning time to the three (3) seconds, but then make it be that it can scan multiple targets in range at the same time... Without being looked or aimed at. <--- I'm personally for this one.




    Please let me know what you guys would prefer to be a good tackle for the Helios' most used ability.



  4. 3 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

    Archwing might be getting its own in the near future - hold that thought. 

    Bindings are tricky because they tend to be personal preference (with the exception of bugs). So, there are two QoL requests that I'm hearing might help:

    1. More customizable bindings
    2. More variety in the default bindings (ie, not just Classic & New)


    Basically what Drew is saying right here (1)... I'm all in for it.

    I wish we can do atleast 75% of the parkours being done on the PC with some decent key bindings. 

    It might be a lil bit far fetched, but I'm thinking that we can even make a plug-in extra buttons for a controller upgrade. <<-- will into this financial wise.

    The biggest challenge in completely overhauling our current key bindings is the creating of New Neural Pathways... 

  5. 12 hours ago, (PS4)DANGER-SeRpEnT said:

    Hola,quisiera reportar a una persona llamada -name removed-. Esta persona esta buscando personas diciendoles que él puede multiplicar lo platinums x3 y les dice que le den sus platinums para multiplicarlos y lo que hace es que los traiciona y se roba los platinums.Esta persona se hace pasar por un buen hombre pero es lo contrario,una vez caes en su juego te dice muchas cosas malas por mensajes y incluso se rie de aquel que cae en su juego.Les pido de favor que hagan algo respecto a esto y que no dejen a ese hombre que se salga con la suya.Les escribo esto ya que yo tambien fui victima de aquel..  


    por favor utilize soporte para reportar a jugadores.


  6. I also suggested this a while back. Would be great if she could fight like the Queens, The Greatest Merchant and so on. Just when we seem to be defeated at the hand of one of these, she comes in and help us out! I can see this happening!

  7. First, The Clan Founder can always demote/remove anyone... Second, if you file a support ticket to support, they'll look into the clan and so remove or demote the founder and the others having the same rank. Unless you and your clan member have the General ranks, you cannot remove anyone carrying the 'Warlord' rank.

  8. 11 hours ago, (PS4)somoza_m said:

    lo que pasa es que soy rango 9 y no me deja empezar esa mision otra vez. xfa necesito ayuda

    Continua donde te deja continuar.. A ver si te recuperan todo.

    Voy a ver si puedo hacer algo mas para ayudarte. 

  9. This is indeed a known issue when the Relays are over crowded... Happens every time Baro is around and people flog to the Relays. The servers are supposed to create more 'relays' by adding more quiet pugs..... but are sometimes behind the facts.

    No need to worry! 


  10. Hola somoza_m,

    Esto le pasa a muchos cuando se dejan de jugar. Cuando empesas con el primer mission te saldran todo de nuevo. Si cuando jueges 'El precio de Vor' y no te regresan todo, por favor contacte a soporte. 

    Espero que te ayude esta informacion... suerte, Tenno.

  11. Indeed, he/she must be referring to Equinox... We don't know nothing about any Titania! 

    My best advice is to run every mission solo, it will take you some time, but it's the best way to farm her.

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