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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. 10 hours ago, Ambiroa said:

    That's right, talking about Nitain :P

    Share your pain here so we can be each other therapist and spread the burden hehe

    Did you also knew that you could also find them in caches on sabotage missions? 

    Like said before..... No Biggie... Just keep at it! 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Telluric said:

    I love the Arbiters of Hexis a great deal, and from what I've managed to observe from them, for all of the airs that they put on, they really don't know anything about the Tenno at all. This is why they are rather obsessed with them, to the point where they are disregarding a widely-accepted belief that the Tenno are warriors, and are trying to come up with something else to satisfy themselves. 

    I'm sure that their intentions aren't evil, but they are a bit in over their heads. According to the lore, they possess more knowledge of the Tenno than what is generally known to the rest of the plebians, and that just goes to show that this is their serious passion in life. While I believe that they, as a collective, are also very much dedicated to a pursuit of all truths in every aspect, the Tenno are what drives them to maintain their order.

    They aren't looking to change the world; they just want to understand.

    Stalker.... is an Arbiter of Hexis confirmed! 

  3. Well, people are open and encouraged to express themselves... only thing that must be remembered is that many people get heated up for personal choices. 

    I'll see if it makes sense to pass a broom and clean this up... saving the feedback for the Dev's 

  4. I wanted to change the interior color to Gold after the Void pbr, but it's either yellow or orange what I'm getting instead. 

    It would be great to have our interiors colored like some expensive Abu Dhabi hotel :D

    Thanks in advance! 

  5. 5 hours ago, LazyKnight said:

    I am posting again because this is something that is utterly untrue. "Nerf" means making something worse, and that's it. The state of the item in question after the adjustment has no requirement to be useful to be called a nerf or not. Some developers do and have nerfed thing into oblivion for the sake of making them useless as this force people to stop using it or buy the next flavor of the month item. 

    The word nerf is used by both players and developers and it means, to make something worse. Some people and developers take it to the extremes but there is no requirement at all that a nerf item remains usable.

    Wiki defines it here https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nerf  Not that people trust wiki's but it universally understood to mean the same thing everywhere. 

      Reveal hidden contents

    nerf ‎(third-person singular simple present nerfs, present participle nerfing, simple past and past participle nerfed)

    (slang, video games) To weaken, deteriorate or debuff (a character, a weapon, a spell, etc. or make it worsen) between multiple installments of a series of games or versions of the same game.
    The lightning spell was originally pretty powerful, but in the sequel they nerfed it so it became completely useless.
    debuff, worsen, deteriorate
    buff, revamp, renovate, renew, improve



      Reveal hidden contents

    verb (used with object)

    (lowercase) Slang. (in a video game) to reconfigure (an existing character or weapon), making it less powerful:
    The game development team nerfed several guns in the recent update.


    Tv Tropes definition of the word Nerf. 


      Reveal hidden contents

    A change to a game that weakens a particular item, ability or tactic. It's usually done to fix something perceived as a Game Breaker, and is almost always a subject of controversy in gaming communities. Occasionally, it's not a change in one game, but rather a change in an equivalent item, ability, or tactic between one game and its sequel. It does not mean it's debuff.


    In the past, Nerfs for console games were all but impossible due to lacking the ability to patch them. Modern consoles, however, provide this ability, so they now join computer games in this. Many games, especially MMORPGs and other online multiplayer games, are constantly adjusted to maintain balance. Sometimes, that requires taking something powerful down a peg or two. Of course, users of that item will not be amused, and will inevitably flock to the forums to complain, resulting in a Flame War about whether or not the nerf was justified. On the other hand, rants from poor players that something should be nerfed are just as common. Either way, the subject is a touchy one.


    A Buff or Revamp is a change for the better. These are as controversial as Nerfs; a Buff or Revamp to one unit's Hit Points is effectively a Nerf to the damage of anything attacking it. A Flame War can even develop on whether a given change is a Buff, Revamp or a Nerf, much less an improvement in the game as a whole.


    These days, the term has been expanded so that "Nerf" is any downward adjustment, not just an unduly crippling one; similarly, the "Nerf Bat" is no longer what the player is issued to take on The Empire with, but what the developer whacks him with.


    Games with Fake Balance often cause flame wars due to nerfs and buffs (and including revamps) implemented.


    Has no relationship to "Narf". Distinct from Nerf Arm, which is a weapon that the player can intentionally weaken himself by using. We also have a page on the Nerf Brand of toys from which the name is derived.


    Gimp, in other hand, is also a sign of Nerf which would worsen the game.


    If people want to make Tonkor worse that's a nerf, if you want a rework call for a rework.

    Wish I could give more +1's 

  6. 14 hours ago, Chipputer said:

    Stop it. Nerfing is an inherent part of balance. Just because some entitled brats on the internet can't handle someone using the term doesn't mean that you should avoid it.

    Beyond that, your OP literally says you don't think we should nerf it, followed quickly by a suggestion to add some self damage. This is a direct nerf.
    That's, even then, followed by a lowering of critical and status. That's also a direct nerf, and that one is even more apparent.

    Use the words to mean what they mean and let people cry about them.

    I'm only responding to your OP in this manner since you just said you updated it.

    I personally hate the word Nerf, so it's no spoiled brats fault I hate to use it. 

    About my OP, I first stated what I personally feel about it, then I follow up on the suggestions given into this thread, both suggestions. 

    After thinking about it for a time, I can find myself in these suggestions, that's why I also explained myself at the end ;)

    But if you have other better suggestions, just leave it here, I'll surely read it. It must be objective directed to DE devs.... not personal preferences, but facts about the Tonkor. 

  7. 21 minutes ago, Skoty6008 said:

    Dera V bp is not tradeable at least 2 days. It happend after they make Imperator V bp tradeable.

    I don't know why are you so sure, but I hope you are right. I need Dera V bp to complete a set. If they now announce: "Sorry guys, Dera is not tradable any more." That would really ************** ********** *********** **** ** * ***************** * ** ********** me.

    I hope not.

    Based on the last Hot Fixes on the consoles... I belieb that this is some bug that they're looking into..


    HOTFIX 17/05 6:30PM

    • Imperator Vandal blueprint is now trade-able

    HOTFIX 18/05 2PM

    • Landing Craft recipes are now tradeable
    • Fixed Snipetron Vandal parts being untrade-able
  8. 40 minutes ago, Polhsenn said:


    so, let's make people think twice before using it. i think a 3 sec reload time and a 1 granade magazine size, along with a little slower proyectile speed will make an excellent nerf to this launcher. and, since you can mod against reload speed and proyectile speed without killing the damage of the weapon, it becomes situational but usable at the time. 

    But, focusing the modding on reload instead is already a nerf. You'll loose the output damage by switching this mod with a damage one.

  9. 17 hours ago, Zonzo said:

    See title. The only cause I can think of would be this: this copy of the blueprint is the second one to enter my inventory. I recall that upon release, the BP wasn't tradable, after a hotfix it was. 

    A few days later I had every snipetron vandal part except for the blueprint, so i bought it off another player. That very day, after completing the sortie, i got another blueprint. That blueprint isn't tradable. It's there in my inventory, but i can't trade it.

    It's possible that this Bug is still there... please wait on DE to patch this.


    14 hours ago, Lekert said:

    snipetron barrel isn't tradeable to

    This ^ (the above advice) also goes for you, Tenno.

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