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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. Well, if we're honest about this, both of us can say that Europe Region is dead. For this reason you see me mostly switching to Europe only when things tend to get out of hand. Also, when guiding I tend to answer to pm and not throw it in the chat. (Most guides use this method btw)

    Also remember that the GoTL are volunteers and they guide when they can.

    Rest assured that your help is very much appreciated, trust me. The same goes for one of the most active player on the Europe Region server; Fin... And all other guides out there! Sadly, not everyone can have the title GoTL, but everyone can help! 

    Keep an eye out for when the next recruitment opens ;)

  2. From what I read, I came to the following conclusion: 

    You are or you have been banned and feel that this is unfair. If this is the case, please contact support for no one else here can help or give any assistance regarding this. 

    You feel that the banning rules are not fair or even has a unproductive result. If this is the case, then I strongly suggest that you contact support or any admin for they can assist you in this.

    Like said above:

    "Basically don't worry about getting banned based on your IP unless you are doing stuff that is banworthy".


  3. I'd say yes, simply because I don't enjoy the PVP that much.... which will make me feel forced to play. (I try  Not to buy warframes any longer, but rather only grind for them)

    p.s. you mentioned Quests twice.

    p.s.p.s. Teshin is a PVP manager, so he train.... not Build/Impove the current warframes into any other "Better" frames. (Not that it's impossible)

  4. 4 minutes ago, siralextraffo said:

    You don't say!!


    Jokes aside, you're saying it's an issue many are having right now? Do you have an idea on how to solve it? Cause I find it weird to be able to post this one and not the contest...

    I've heard many experiencing issues with the forums. Some can't log in, others can't post threads and yet others are having other issues.... Sorry for not adding more info, multi tasking is not my strongest trait. 

  5. QkSee is promoted as an advanced image engine that helps to see images faster than they usually appear in a web browser. However, this program is ad-supported and sometimes deceptively installed with other free programs and updates. This kind of software helps to generate income from users’ clicks on ads. While QkSee is not malicious, its adware activities can compromise your privacy. This program is usually distributed with a download client for a popular freeware and is set for automatic installation. If you fail to disable QkSee, then ads will appear in your web browsers as soon as it will be installed. If you do not need this stuff, then you can easily remove QkSee adware and check for similar programs installed on your computer with freeware.

    QkSee addon and bundled adware presents potential threat to your security and privacy. Cyber criminals can use such programs for stealing your identity or infecting your computer with malicious programs. This guide will help you to uninstall QkSee from your computer and web browsers.

    QkSee is installed as a Windows application. It is also installed in your web browsers as extension, add-on, or browser helper object. These components are combined in a system that manages adware activities. You need to remove all of these components because automatic update can restore the whole system.

    1. YOU CAN easily uninstall QkSee application manually as any other Windows program if the uninstaller for QkSee is not missed or removed.
    2. YOU HAVE TO remove QkSee components installed in your Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer even if ads disappear after you uninstall QkSee application.

    Both of these steps are required if you want to remove QkSee completely, and you might need some additional effort for removing bundled adware programs in a similar way.

    Just found this on the Internet. 

    Good luck with it, Tenno!

  6. I think it's buggy, giving the fact that I also see others experiencing the same issue. 

    I suggest you don't interrupt it even though it might seem to be taking long or going to take a while ;)

    Good luck with it, Tenno! 

  7. 7 hours ago, tripletriple said:

     I want a warframe that summons comets from the sky to nuke the entire map with. I want a warframe that teleports and slices everyone to bits on the map and makes volcano's erupt on the map while doing it.



    Cryo Sleep wake:


  8. Which language is your mother tongue? Preferably you right in your mother tongue and not use the translation from Google.

    so I guess that you're looking for MODs and or weapons that were released in a event in the past, that are now obtainable by Baro? How long will take for you to get them? Or you're not happy with this fact they are obtained through Baro now? 

  9. 5 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:


    We're very close to releasing Sands of Inaros, but we will not be ready to deploy this week. We appreciate your patience - we know this is has been an abnormally long wait for an update. This update is also abnormally large in terms of size and content. The graphics updates alone will make the update over 4gb. You can find all the details of what we're improving here: 

    In addition to graphical improvements, this update has content for almost everyone - new event, new quest, new warframe, new weapons, new cosmetics, new sortie changes, new conclave changes, new spy missions, new sabotage missions, new tilesets, and more. We really hope you'll enjoy what we have coming, and thank you again for your patience. 

    Good April fools prank try...  ? >.>

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