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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. 55 minutes ago, Magneu said:

    My bad, was speed-reading. Yeah, if scaling was normalized, then we could proceed with overall weapon balance, which would be great. However, in its current state, the Tonkor simply does too much damage with not enough downsides; check the other megathread on this. It lays out multiple arguments against the Tonkor that I believe are rather hard, if impossible to (logically) defeat.

    I would prefer scaling to be balanced, then the Tonkor be given a balance pass. The Tonkor in its current state is unnacceptable though, as it is objectively better than...well, everything, with the sole exception of low level missions (and that is not a valid arguments; a decked out player could sneeze and clear those missions).

    I must agree with both you and the person you're quoting, that's why I believe Tonkor needs a slight rework. Because with the current scaling, it would be fun yeah don't understand me wrong, but it takes to long to clear a high level mission, let alone when you need to do serious crowd controls. Especially when playing with some (what I call; 2015 Draco born Tenno who don't know how to build and be tactical) High MR but I don't know what I'm doing types.... 

    But just posting this last comment make me realize that this is actually the reason DE is balancing out what they are balancing out right now... The computer digits don't lie sadly. 

    Thanks for sharing the link you did and more! 

  2. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

    If Tonkor gains self damage the drop in usage would be tremendous. It has only 2 shots, abysmal accuracy, and the bouncy grenades are sure to down you. It's like fixing difficulty by making every enemy spongey. It fixes nothing.

    Staticor has nearly 100% status with radiation. Even if it doesn't outright kill them, they kill themselves.

    So you're saying that I should actually change the topic to Staticor? 

    I believe that this weapon is digging it's own grave honestly right now!

  3. 1 hour ago, Lijka said:


    Personally, I believe that drinking alcohol (even if it's only a beer) on a stream is somewhat unprofessional. However I can uderstand it and don't really mind it, since I don't want the Devstreams to turn into a boring monologue, you guys should have some fun too, but I believe there's a limit to everything.


    Maybe they should drink before the streams?? Some people tend to open up more (talk freely and such) when they've got a drink or two... I already had this as a 2016 resolution lol just because of this on a stream is somewhat unprofessional. imo

    But yeah they still doing their jobs and accomplishing a lot, so Fridays are Happy Hours...

  4. Ok, I believe that Tonkor doesn't need a balance. Maybe a slight rework but no Nerfing (Hate to use the word Nerf) balance. (Will Update with good rework suggestions)

    Don't hate me or hang me on this one, I've just been filtering through the Thread and came up with the Following what you fellow Tenno are suggesting:

    First Suggestion: 

    1. The Tonkor needs to be MR locked at at least 12
    2. The Tonkor needs to do Self Damage, It's too easey right now <-- But then, I'll suggest it have the grenades stick to the surface (two bounce max and then stick to the surface) instead of bouncing around (sorry for those who like to jump on them grenades). After thoroughly reading through the thread, I must agree, if I'm honest, that this option must be implemented, honest is honest.

    Stats-wise, I find (imo) that the Tonkor is a rather much needed weapon for the new players/ and some veterans like me >.>

    especially with the current Scaling <--- Until this is fixed, we need to keep Tonkor stats the way they are.


    Second Suggestion:

    I'd say remove crit/status from it, lower the MR requirement to 3 and make it a new player launcher that won't kill them while they learn to use launchers. (Build requirements would also have to be adjusted as well)

    It's already got several aspects that lend itself to being made for new players:

    1. Negligible self-damage (so new players don't kill themselves)
    2. Aim assist
    3. Doubled Max Ammo over other launchers
    4. Easy to fire (no charge time or manual detonation)

    I don´t see why not!



    Thanks to  TheBrsrkr for posting this chart!




    Explaining Myself:

    The people who play this game and run a 2 hours T4 Survivals, are not people who use these types of weapons as a power creep, but they use them/or others in a clever way. They build the build that was intended for the weapon. These people are mostly veterans, that's why you don't hear them complain about any weapon -- only when it's ridiculously powerful. I'm for the mentioned above rework simply for the sake of... players that haven't find which build belongs to which weapon and against who, as yet.  

    By creating the 250-1000 levels monsters (just that the scaling is also broken, it jumps from 250 to 1000 i.e.), DE is adding a tiny bit more difficulty to the game, so that instead of us jumping in and out of every mission, we linger a bit longer in them with players struggling to kill the enemies. So they're continually  adding more strategy to the game. But the Tonkor now doesn't help the new player base to make a smart build but rather teaches them to just bring a tank (Rhino) and a Launcher/Primary/Secondary that doesn't do any damage to oneself but kills everything... that's not good. These players will loose interest in the game pretty fast or will simply be spoiled badly, and that's not what DE wants I hope/guess. So by leaving the stats as it is, but adding the "consequences" -self damage- and bringing up the Mastery Rank, the players can still kill what they want/need to kill, only thinking in advance what the requirements and consequences are. <-- this will surely help them think before using the weapon, any weapon. See the veterans know how to play with the builds to achieve the required kills, but new players cannot do this yet.... but they should also not remain oblivious to this fact -every weapon has the potential to kill, just use the right one against the right enemy with the right build- I'm still learning when it comes to builds.. honestly! 

    I believe that we and also DE, should help new ones to Fly, just like a parent bird would it's chicks... but not carry them or pamper them all the time. Let's keep the challenge in-game. 

    Thanks for reading and sharing your Objective opinions.


    Please share what you feel and think. But Please keep it civil no need to offend eachother.....

  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)pristin3origin5 said:

    Im a member of a ghost clan and we needed only 100 waves to get the gold trophy decoration for our dojo. I completed over 300 waves myself so why did we only get the terracotta trophy? I tried to submit a support ticket but it would never go through.

    If you completed 300 Waves as the Best Wave then you'll get a Gold trophy all by yourself -->So you continued till the end of the 300 waves and survived it as well<--. I honestly don't believe you did complete a 300 waves best wave... maybe accumulative yeah, but not as your best wave. The Sum of all participating Members best Wave will accumulate and that must be more than the 100 waves required. 

    So Say your best wave was 50, and the other were 10 or 5 and so on... the computer would calculate your best wave + your clan member's best waves... That must make 100+ 

    If you did 100 x 10 waves and only once 50 waves, the 50 waves would count for you in your name... the rest would not count or accumulate.

  6. No! To many brethers in arms has passed away on the battle field without receiving their reward! So no, RNG praising for me, maybe after receiving some rewards again >.>

  7. 6 hours ago, ChatNinja said:

    If anything I'd just be happy if they made all augment mods exilus.

    But then we'll need a next Exilus Slot. :/

    Exilus Slots are pretty bad right now, so why we don't just make all Augments Exilus Mods? I don't think that anyone will be missing that 15% STR or that Handspring, especially when DE will decide to fix the CCfest Warframe has becomed at high levels, both for players and AI.

    I'd miss it, so we should get this what you're also suggesting as an extra!

  8. Awesome! See you there!

    Q: Is it possible to replace beacons (Gamma etc) drops with Nitain? 

    Also for the sake of the weary soul -"Where's Baro at, Has Baro spawned yet, Where's the Trader at" spam- , can you please add an in-game message that states Where Baro's at from his arrival until his departure time on the Regions Chats?

    Much appreciated!! You guys Rocking!   



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