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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur


      The Login Reward System has been given a total overhaul, and will now give players increasingly valuable rewards with each daily login.

      Logins are tracked cumulatively, and players will not be penalized for missing any number of logins.

      Players with a higher Mastery Rank will have increased chance to receive rare (or more valuable) rewards.

      Each level of Mastery Rank will provide a 5% increase to obtaining improved rewards.

      Login Rewards are randomly generated.

      The following unique weapon has been added to the Login Reward System:

    o    Azima: This unconventional machine pistol packs a deadly surprise. (Note: This weapon is a day 100 Login Reward Exclusive)

    all are posted above! Sortie will reset in 30 minutes ~ 

  2. Dear fellow Tenno.



    I'm Working on a Concept to give our fellow Tenno a more lively place to hang out (Bigger in comparison) and our beloved mother Lotus' a home!


    I'm thinking of a familiar place with an Hangar/Teleport. >Bifrost<












    I would like to swap our Relays with something more lively and vivid >Like the Asgard<


    This should have the rising high tower of Lotus, surrounded by the trusted Factions, The Simaris, Teshin's Conclave... (all that is within our current Relay) 



    The Dual Rooms, the Underwater Practice section and not to miss the ~Zen Yuen~ where we all can hang out and be ~Zen~. 


    Entering and passing the immense Lotus Sanctuary Doors should be welcoming with 10 Massive Emperor Golden Guardians.

    (or Simply our Proto and Prime Excalibur's). (five on each side)



    I came cross this interesting Image...

    CREDIT: Sean Bigham 





    The 'Bifrost': 

    An active port that only allows those with a 'permission' from Lotus. The Mighty (Giant) Lotus Gate Keeper should also be there interacting with the arriving Tenno.













    The Mighty (Giant) Lotus Gate Keeper


    Holding control over the gate.


    A Sentient Guardian that was Born or crafted To protect Lotus (Natah) 













    Overall Impression.





    Also, to battle the Server usage we can make everybody wear a Lotus serene outfit.....

    (The Lotus Outfit can be a Tenno-Gen winner outfit) 


    Please feel free to add your idea so that I can work this into my overall Concept.



     Please, no Salt is Allowed.

  3. Great to know that you're graduate of a pretty good College/University!


    Most of warframe players are pretty clever people that graduate off pretty good University/College's!


    I'm  University of Rotterdam graduate ^.^




    My boss graduated from Rutgers. He doesn't play warframe that I know of though...


    Try to check his screen saver see if you see WF stuff ^.^ 

    This game is all about science! Hope we can keep it like this!

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