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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. @Drew, Danielle




    Thank you guys!


    Great stream. I'm loving the stream every week more and more!


    <3 <3 <3




    See you online!






    @Danielle, what time was the funeral again? :P

  2. I'm not a woman myself, but it's Good to see players like yourself still enjoying video games....Good to have you in the Community :)

    Eh, 65 isn't bad. Most Game Developers that work under Nintendo are in their 60s as well, and of course, still play video games. LEL.


    Soooooo, are you saying that you are 65 Sane?




  3. Hello there, welcome to the game and forums!


    Farming Ash and Oberon can be a kind of stressful and weary... so incase you're planning on running behind them. Oberon is best 'farmed' on sorties that go down on Eximus stronghold. And Ash can be 'farmed' in LOR missions as the manics tend guarantee a show up there.....


    Good Luck Nate.


    See you online!

  4. 11 hour download of version 1.28 on Saturday and today another download? I spend more time dowmloading updates than i do playing the game. how long will this one take. Oh well back to GTA 5.


    I don't think that you're complaining, do you?


    I believe this update to have the New Skin. Hopefully also the Shadow Debt event! :D

  5. ¡Hola!


    La problema es que mucha gente ya preguntaron a que pongan una Subasta... Pero en una subasta uno paga el precio que una persona piense ser justo. En realidad, quien debe decir cual precio es justo para lo que quieres vender? 


    Al momento DE esta trabajando en una solución o en mejorar el comercio. Hasta ese momento debemos esperar, lamentablemente. 

  6. I understand his reasoning too, as he's explained it himself.  I just think it's not very nice.  He's said that he doesn't actually like the noggles for their own sake.  He's said that the only reason he's getting them is because they might not be available later and he has a compulsion to own things that might not be available later.  That's not really a problem though.  What's a problem is his apparent belief that he's entitled having his compulsion catered to, and that allowing others who might actually want to own those noggles for their own sake to get them later if they miss the current sale would somehow be wrong on DE's part.  Yeah, it's questionable to have these "limited time sales" that prey on a compulsion, but I really don't think it's any better to insist that everyone else be deprived just to keep from feeling bad about that compulsion.


    Basically, two wrongs don't make a right.

    You're correct on this! But believe me, real collectors don't think on 'should I or should not'. Or seek a reason why to. They just buy it for collecting sake....

    So if he's a real collector, he'll buy them all eventually.

  7. Hello there Neeken! Thanks for your awesome intro...! I wonder if you had something to drink today, but I finally read the full intro. Great personality I can see!

    But this, is, a REAL man talking to you! The man that counsels Vay Hek, the man that takes the Grineer Queens out for dinner!


    (Greetings from The Netherlands)

  8. So let me get this straight.  Your one and only reason for buying them is the potential for lording them over others who didn't happen to be able to buy them at the time for whatever reason... even though you can only put them on your ship and thus can't even actually show them off...  You don't actually like them at all... you just want that feeling of somehow being "better" than someone else by having been at the right place at the right time with money.  I mean, just so it's clear.  Your only enjoyment of these items would come from the deprivation of them from others...  That is what you're saying right?

    I can honestly understand his reasoning... It's not about being selfish or not, it's about the 'commercial tag' given to these items that is concerning him. I agree that the Time exclusive is a tricky term to use on items, for in the wording you also say that it's 'Time' exclusive. It's up to the buyer to figure out what this time is. It can also mean that after a year or two DE will completely remove them, who knows. Besides, soon other Tenno will be able to visit your Landing Craft, so you can show them off as much as you want.

    Ok, to you OP, I believe the answer that DE will give is, no. The same was for the skins bought with plat in market, all are purchasable now, unlimited until further notice.... Or until they'll need to make place for newer stuff. I suggest you buy it... *even if I do not, I know you will eventually. For collectors collect and not reason why not to. xD trust me, I kno what I'm talking about!

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